
=== tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn
xu-irc79whey everyone. Just looking for help with compiz and 3d cubes.15:18
xu-irc79wplease help15:19
GridCloudcompiz still works?15:19
GridCloudi though it was deprecated like a decade ago15:20
xu-irc79woh ok15:21
xu-irc79wthat's what I've been reading15:22
xu-irc79wthanks for responding GridCloud15:22
GridCloudthat website seems pretty straight forward15:24
xu-irc79wshould i install kwin?15:24
GridCloudno, that's for kde15:25
xu-irc79woh ok15:25
GridCloudyou have to replace xfwm4 with compiz by alt-f2 compiz --replace15:25
GridCloudthen install the compiz settings manager and run it15:26
GridCloudto enable the cube15:26
GridCloudthat's what the website says15:26
GridCloudif that doesn't work i don't know more15:26
xu-irc79wI have done that Grid. thanks anyway15:26
=== genii-core is now known as genii

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