
KGB-2totem signed tags ccdf8d3 Jeremy Bicha upstream/3.38.2 * Upstream version 3.38.2 * https://deb.li/3rBFx00:41
KGB-2totem upstream/latest 23041d4 Jeremy Bicha * pushed 11 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/4FNz00:42
KGB-2totem upstream/latest 39dcf81 Quentin PAGÈS po/oc.po * Update Occitan translation * https://deb.li/3MX1l00:42
KGB-2totem upstream/latest b8fa7be Bastien Nocera po/ LINGUAS br.po * po: Remove Breton translation * https://deb.li/IXXM00:42
KGB-2totem upstream/latest ed9a0ba Fabio Tomat po/fur.po * Update Friulian translation * https://deb.li/3mFdj00:42
KGB-2totem upstream/latest 175e1ec Bastien Nocera flatpak/org.gnome.Totem.Devel.json * flatpak: Fix default branch name for libgdata * https://deb.li/3U27400:42
KGB-2totem upstream/latest 887ac92 Ignacy Kuchciński src/totem-uri.c * main: Add MPL subtitles to the filechooser filters * https://deb.li/i7cVD00:43
KGB-2totem pristine-tar 7f9091c Jeremy Bicha totem_3.38.2.orig.tar.xz.delta totem_3.38.2.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for totem_3.38.2.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/3jBEs00:43
callmepkgood morning01:25
dufluMorning callmepk 02:15
callmepkhi duflu 02:15
didrocksgood morning05:49
callmepkhi didrocks 06:03
didrockshey callmepk 06:04
dufluHi didrocks 06:10
didrockshey duflu 06:12
jibelhi callmepk duflu didrocks 06:14
didrockssalut jibel 06:14
enycHrrm, I'm curious about OSX-like desktop-interfaces can suggest to others may transition from OSX.  There is Elementary-OS, how are ubuntu cinnamon, budgie, customizable, puzzle =)06:15
jibelthis is not nice https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zfs-linux/+bug/194680806:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1946808 in zfs-linux (Ubuntu) "zfs fails reverting to a previous snapshot on reboot when selected on grub" [High, Triaged]06:16
dufluHi jibel 06:17
dufluenyc, This channel isn't the best place to ask but there are many options on https://www.gnome-look.org/browse?cat=134&ord=rating 06:19
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:21
dufluHi oSoMoN 06:22
oSoMoNhi duflu 06:22
callmepkhi jibel oSoMoN 06:36
enycduflu: hrrm this raises questions how much  trouble there is/isnit' with  themes across different desktops now06:39
enycI rememebre a lot of trouble with gtuk themes incompatibiltiy, half working, ........06:39
oSoMoNhey callmepk 06:39
enycnot sure if cinnamon, gnome, budgie,  etc would work with06:39
enycand so-on06:39
seb128goood morning desktopers06:48
dufluMorning seb128 06:49
seb128hey duflu, how are you?06:50
dufluenyc, yes custom themes do bring their own custom bugs. If you want the most reliable one then try the vanilla GNOME theme: sudo apt install gnome-session06:51
dufluseb128, I'm OK. How are you going?06:51
seb128duflu, I'm alright, a bit tired as the baby got back to wake up one time in the night though ;-/06:53
enycduflu: hrrm what a nice muddle =)06:56
jpnurmigood morning06:57
dufluMorning jpnurmi 06:57
callmepkhi seb128 jpnurmi 06:57
dufluenyc, also ironically for you coming from OSX, macOS Big Sur seems to copy a little of the GNOME user interface06:58
didrockshey seb128 06:58
dufluWindows 11 seems to as well06:58
seb128hey jpnurmi callmepk didrocks, how are you?06:59
didrocksI’m good, thanks. You?06:59
enycduflu: a friend has a  4gb-ram macbook-2014  about to update 10.4 to big-sur....   am looking at options for them to try out on thinkpad or something as something more long-lasting value-for-money etc etc...06:59
seb128didrocks, I'm alright, just a bit tired06:59
ricotzgoood morning everyone :)07:01
enycduflu: and consider getting out of the  mac-os side of things heh07:01
didrockshey ricotz :)07:02
jpnurmihey duflu callmepk didrocks seb128 ricotz07:03
dufluenyc, for longevity I would recommend 20.04 right now: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases07:04
dufluHi ricotz 07:04
callmepkseb128 I am good, thanks07:05
enycduflu: well I'd be actually looking at situations for next summer or so but yes07:05
enycduflu: past experience tells me in this sort of circumstance would actually prefer 21.10 upgraded to 22.04LTS  -- certainly in this SPECIFIC situtaino if that was needed for an install now would do so,  as e.g. in this specific circumstance  updated Libreoffice and other packages would be highly-desirable,  have known issues with 20.04   07:06
didrocksmorning jpnurmi 07:08
dufluenyc, you'll be able to download the final release of 21.10 by the end of this week07:10
jibel_on impish live session sound is muted by default. IS it known?07:27
jibel_it breaks a11y test cases07:28
duflujibel_, sounds /unknown/07:28
seb128jibel_, I haven't seen it reported07:46
seb128we really need an audio stack maintainer :/07:46
jibelseb128, can you test nvidia + secureboot ?08:15
seb129jibel, unsure if my reply went through, I should be able with the laptop L_aney sent me yes08:25
* didrocks screenshots "129". Never seen that in 14 years :)08:29
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jibeldidrocks, do you want to cover the zfs test case ?08:37
didrockssure, we already know that reboot + revert doesn’t work though08:38
didrocksand no cking around…08:38
jibelyeah but that can be fixed with an sru08:39
jibelbut at least make sure installation is working fine08:39
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WimpyMorning desktoppers o/10:12
WimpyHow are you all doing? :)10:12
jibelGood morning Wimpy !10:12
jibeldoing well, and you?10:12
WimpyVery well thanks jibel. Good to hear from you :)10:13
WimpyDoing the virtual KubeCon thing this week.10:13
oSoMoNgood morning Wimpy!10:14
WimpyHello :)10:14
seb128hey Wimpy 10:17
seb128jibel, +1 on nvidia + secureb10:17
jibelgreat, thanks!10:20
jibelI think we're almost done for desktop10:20
jibelI cannot test vmware ATM10:21
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ricotzslyon, hi, please don't hijack https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vala/+bug/194596913:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1945969 in libunity (Ubuntu Impish) "FTBFS with valac 0.52.6 in impish" [High, Fix Committed]13:51
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slyonricotz: ugh.. I didn't really expect to need SRU paperwork for this bug, that's why I used it in my libunity upload that is now in the impish-unapproved queue for the release team. Turned out it might become a 0-day SRU, so I needed to hijack that bug. Sorry!14:19
ricotzslyon, I see, having the upload rejected to upload a fixed changelog might have been better14:28
seb128ricotz, just unsubscribe from the bug to avoid the noise :)14:29
ricotzseb128, ;)14:29
ricotzslyon, isn't the version supposed to be 7.1.4+19.04.20190319-5ubuntu1?14:32
ricotzwhile -6 would be mean it is a sync from debian14:35
slyonricotz: indeed. So it should be rejected from unapproved anyways.15:01
slyonseb128: Would you be able to sponsor this diff into Debian unstable instead? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CFqPcG5Njy/ Then we could just wait for the sync and avoid any release team distraction and noise on that 0-day SRU bug15:01
seb128slyon, yes, but sync isn't going to fix it in impish though, unsure if that's something we want?15:11
slyonseb128: that'd be great. Well it's an FTBFS fix, so probably really release critical. It would only become a 0-day SRU in impish anyways. So we could still SRU it to impish if needed (in the normal way)15:12
slyons/probably really release critical/not really release critical/15:13
seb128slyon, rejected from the impish queue and uploaded to Debian now15:22
slyonseb128: thanks a lot! I'll roll back ricotz' bug then :)15:24
ricotzslyon, seb128, +1, thanks :)15:26
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KGB-0gnome-shell-extension-freon pristine-tar 8862179 Matteo F. Vescovi gnome-shell-extension-freon_45+dfsg.orig.tar.xz.delta gnome-shell-extension-freon_45+dfsg.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for gnome-shell-extension-freon_45+dfsg.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/3BD7z21:38
KGB-0gnome-shell-extension-freon signed tags 3cf7410 Matteo F. Vescovi upstream/45+dfsg * Upstream version 45+dfsg * https://deb.li/3L8UI21:38

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