
=== genii is now known as genii-core
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rbasakI'm changing all the git-ubuntu repo ownerships now. The importer service is disabled while I do this.11:40
=== doko_ is now known as doko
rbasakgit-ubuntu repo ownership moves complete. I'm bringing up the service now (slowly, to manually verify it's working as expected before I let it loose again)13:34
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=== genii-core is now known as genii
bdmurrayslyon: so are the netplan.io tasks in bug 1938299 invalid or won't fix now?15:03
ubottuBug 1938299 in google-guest-agent (Ubuntu Impish) "Unable to SSH Into Instance when deploying Impish 21.10" [Medium, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193829915:03
slyonbdmurray: yeah, it's a won't fix for now, as we need systemd > v249 to enable that feature in netplan15:07
slyonI'll update the bug report15:07
bdmurrayslyon: thanks, we've a card about it too that I guess can go on the backlog15:11
slyonbdmurray: done.15:18
xnoxslyon:  is that code path been made conditional on like networkd version? d/p/0002-Revert-cli-apply-reload-reconfigure-networkd-instead.patch such that one can do netplan backports without patching between the two code paths15:51
xnoxand yet it will use networkctl in JJ, but stop/start/restart in prior releases.15:51
slyonxnox: yeah.. for now we just reverted that patch on series that do not fully support it. And we should be able to re-enable it in JJ (after the systemd merge). Conditional switching, depending on networkd version would be nice, maybe we can do that with the next backport.15:56
xnoxslyon:  looking at the networkd fixes.... it's unlikely that we will sru them to focal. and yet we do sru new netplans to focal.15:59
slyonACK. so we can either keep d/p/0002-Revert-cli-apply-reload-reconfigure-networkd-instead.patch for focal or implement the dynamic code path switching as you suggested.16:01
rbasakgit-ubuntu is back to normal with the new repository owner16:17
vorlonLocutusOfBorg, doko: either of you care to respond to https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/where-is-flang/24512/1 ?17:30
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
Eickmeyertseliot: Is there a reason why we are not rebuilding all initramfs in the nvidia .postinst maintscripts? It's causing a problem if there's a kernel update *and* an nvidia driver update in the same update (race condition).18:55
EickmeyerRather, the problem is occuring without the initramfs updating for all installed kernels.18:56
Eickmeyertseliot: I suggest "update-initramfs -u -k all"18:57
Unit193tsimonq2: Ping.18:57
mwhudsonrbasak: it's great to see the progress on the importer!20:26
mwhudsonginggs: that's a lot of ~pythoneers build failures!20:43
=== genii is now known as genii-core

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