
* enyc meows marcoagpinto 05:56
marcoagpintohey hey hey05:56
enycHrrm, I'm curious about OSX-like desktop-interfaces can suggest to others may transition from OSX.  There is Elementary-OS, how are ubuntu cinnamon, budgie, ...  puzzle =)06:15
lordievaderGood morning06:49
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ducassegood morning07:36
ducasseenyc: i thought cinnamon was ok, not tried the others. the thing about osx is that everything is tightly integrated and uniform, not true for linux desktops07:37
enycducasse: hrrm not entirely convinced myself tho tbh =)07:50
enycducasse: 'tightly integrated' 'uniform'  a bit abstract to me07:50
enycyou add all sorts of 3rd-party-software to OSX too, etc07:50
enycFOSS too07:50
enycyou can say  ubuntu package repository is better-integrated already07:51
ducasseall osx apps look the same, uses the same apis and os services etc is basically what i mean07:52
enycoh hrrm ... like integration of menu-bars and all that07:53
ducasseyeah, for example07:57
enychrrm, file browser and otherwise is adifferent I guess08:07
enyce.g. gnome and kde and so-on  calling different "select file" dialogs etc08:08
ducasseyeah, that's one example08:09
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ubottuPlease remember that our support channels are for technical support and not general chat. To countdown to !impish release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party. Thank you! :)11:18
Eickmeyerlotuspsychje: An error with the Ubuntu website is completelly outside of the scope of the #ubuntu-ops room, that is strictly IRC-related.17:12
lotuspsychjeEickmeyer: wasnt there like a team for web on irc too?17:13
Eickmeyerlotuspsychje: Perhaps internally at Canonical, #canonical-systadmin might be able to point you in the right direction. But, it's not their responsibility either as they deal with infrastructure.17:14
lotuspsychjeok tnx17:15
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
tomreynlotuspsychje: most ubuntu.com / canonical.com web pages have a "report a bug on this site" link on the bottom. and, most surprisingly (i'm not joking, this is like a first time experience for me) those actually work to report it at the right (or at least close enough to right place).18:33
lotuspsychjeoh tnx tomreyn 18:42
ravagetomreyn: i stepped out of that windows rescue mission an hour ago :D20:13
tomreynravage: silly me ;)20:14

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