
zztoplessafternoon all... Would anyone know how to 'find and replace' in a text editor (I prefer gedit) to add a character (":") in between every character?01:38
zztoplessI'm creating custom global shortcuts in KDE and you need to add a : between each character for the send input option.  Would be a big time saver01:40
=== Hash is now known as LordOfThePings
=== LordOfThePings is now known as EnchanterTim
IrcsomeBot<Halis> You can not find a empty charater, İ guess10:52
IrcsomeBot<Halis> But you could use a script or regex10:53
daftwasnt a new release comming today? I have a new laptop and it would be a blast to have wifi and bluetooth11:28
tomreynit still is11:28
daftis there a count down counter somewhere?11:29
ubottuNah, Ubuntu 21.10 is not released yet, but you are welcome to anticipate it in #ubuntu-release-party11:29
tomreynhere's your countdown https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/party?iso=20211014T235959&p0=136&msg=Latest%20possible%20scheduled%20release%20date%20for%20Ubuntu%2021.1011:34
TJ-I do appreciate how  people volunteer to find all the bugs for me, before I decide whether to install or not :)11:35
daftoh i cant make the release party. im sleeping then.11:36
daftbtw i have an upstream kernel installed to get wifi working. Can i upgrade with that kernel installed or should i remove it and use a cable for the upgrade11:39
=== CaffeinatedTech1 is now known as CaffeinatedTech
=== EnchanterTim is now known as LordOfThePings
=== LordOfThePings is now known as Hash
=== genii-core is now known as genii
BluesKajHi folks14:01
IrcsomeBot<Halis> Hi BluesKaj14:29
BluesKaj@Halis, Hi14:31
=== Iamthehuman is now known as Iamthehuman1
Guest84hello all17:34
tomreyndaft: it's released, in case you're not asleep, yet18:05
Guest55can anyone help with login password recovery or reset18:22
Guest55for the life of me I cannot remember my password to an older computer running Kubuntu and I need to recover some files on it.18:23
geniiIn the GRUB menu add an uppercase S to the end of the boot line18:32
geniiThis wiil make it boot in single-user (root) where you can then use the passwd command to change the user password for your normal account18:33
Guest55when I load the GRUB, it simply follows a procedure without allowing any input on my part18:34
geniiThere is usually a key to make it stop on the menu without autobooting, sometimes ESC. But I usually just use the up/down keyboard arrows. The idea is select the top entry, hit the e key to edit. Add the S to the end. I think it's the F10 key to boot it after this18:38
geniiIt's been a while since I needed to make temp changes to the boot parameters like this, but it's the basic procedure you need18:39
Guest55ok, Ill give that a try18:40
Guest55thanks for the help guys, i finally got it18:47
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