
xu-irc13wthe 1st reason i change from windows to ubunto and xubuntu was the irc live help, its been more than 10 years, and i havent need to use windows at all, thanks for all the live support<3 <3  <3 11:21
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GridCloudtomreyn: thanks for the data on the nvme question, i'll report when i have tried installing :D13:43
xu-irc1whello :)15:40
xu-irc1wI see impish indri launched on ubuntu.com. How long( in hours) will it for xfce version to be launched? I'm eagerly waiting  :)15:49
krytarikAll flavors are released at the same time as Ubuntu main.15:50
bittinin a couple of hours i think15:50
krytarikUpdating the various websites and download links is another story though.  And checking ubuntu.com, that's not even true for Ubuntu main yet either.15:52
bittinkrytarik, its on the iso mirror however15:53
bittinUbuntu, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Unity that is pretty sure, Xubuntu, Lubuntu and Kubuntu will be up later tonight tho15:54
krytarikYou mean the main server.. while the mirrors is the thing the release team is waiting on..15:54
bittinah yeah15:55
bittinhttps://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ that is15:55
xu-irc1wThanks https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/21.10/release/xubuntu-21.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent16:08
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GuiTorishello, 'Xubuntu 21.10 is a regular release which was released in October 2021' where can it be downloaded?21:30
oerhekshttps://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/21.10/release/ most likely21:46
GuiToristhank you, I don't know why it's so hidden21:53
krytarikLack of people who know how to properly twiddle the various website bits for it really.21:55
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