
Mekaneckwaveform: looks like 21.10 on the Pi isn't such a great release yet, freezing randomly it seems. You experience such issues?13:20
ograMekaneck, did you upgrade from a pre-release ? i thnk config.txt got reverted to fkms from kms ... 13:28
ogra(if you installed from a pre-release you might still have kms)13:29
Mekaneckno, clean install13:29
ograi'd check config.txt anyway ...13:29
ogra(and try going to fkms if kms is set)13:30
Mekaneckwill check later, thanks13:31
Mekaneckfreezes happen on wayland and xorg by the way, forgot to mention that13:32
ograand that indeed very much points to the graphics driver 🙂13:35
Mekaneckouch... roger that13:38

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