
guivercthe last two UWN (703, 704) & impish indri fridge notice haven't propagated to planet.ubuntu ; anyone got clues as to cause and/or fix required?01:22
Bashing-om^ :(01:31
guivercthere is an 'internet server error' for fridge on planet.ubuntu..   (and for many of the feeds listed when hovering over links to sources - they'll open in new page though; i think it's a planet issue)02:32
madhensguiverc do you need me to put in an IS ticket?04:29
guivercthanks madhens, not at present... I considered raising one myself & may do so04:30
guiverci've sent email to rt@ubuntu.com re: fridge not getting to planet06:05
guiverc36978 ^06:05
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