[01:23] [telegram] @arunpyasi @RikMills @philipz [01:23] [telegram] How many and which members are part of the Ubuntu DDE, Kubuntu and Xubuntu teams? [01:49] [telegram] I started a list today, where you can edit it and put the names of the team members of each flavor and remix. The goal of this list is that it can gather a first data regarding the development of the flavors and Remixes. You can edit it and send it back here updated if you want: [01:50] [telegram] https://matterbridge.thomas-ward.net/9ad5172b/Ubuntu_FlavoursRemixes_Teams_List.txt === paulw2 is now known as Guest9648 === PaulW2U is now known as paulw2 === paulw2 is now known as PaulW2U