
IrcsomeBot<Veektony> i'm having this error after upgradinf from kubuntu 21.04 to 21.10. how do i fix it? : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/d88351f6/Screenshot_20211017_015855.png01:16
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valorie@veektony it looks as if you didn't do a full-upgrade before you tried do-release-upgrade?02:00
valorieIMO you might still be able to fix the install by full-upgrade, do-release-upgrade, and dpkg-reconfigure a few times02:01
valorieor even more than a few times02:01
valoriemight be easier to do a re-install02:01
valorieit sort of depends on how stubborn you are02:02
valorie<--- very stubborn02:02
IrcsomeBot<Veektony> I've tried to restore my backup02:08
=== Hash is now known as HelloNewman
user|13I was trying to upgrade from 21.4 to 21.10, and I had some errors, and the upgrader advised I report them08:39
user|13Should I send an email or type them out here?08:39
IrcsomeBot<GhostMcT> Is there any way to clear clipboard automatically?10:56
IrcsomeBot<Halis> If you are using Xorg (which is still the default), there should be plenty of solutions (just search for it in your favorite search engine) (re @GhostMcT: Is there any way to clear clipboard automatically?)12:41
IrcsomeBot<Halis> Someone know, how to open this PDF with a open source PDF-Viewer? : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/ba034946/file_48454.jpg12:41
mparilloI have not tried it myself, but google sends me to: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/265845/pdf-reader-that-supports-xfa-forms-while-adobe-reader-for-linux-is-not-supporte#34212812:48
IrcsomeBot<Halis> Firefox Supports it since very recent version!12:48
mparilloExcellent, because I think when I read Master PDF Editor for Linux has a free and a commercial version, that only means that the free version is a no-cost version.12:49
mparilloI have a local tax jurisdiction that has fill-in tax forms that I could fill in, and print on Linux, but when I tried to save it, my entries would not save.12:50
IrcsomeBot<Halis> Yes, these files were really a pain in the ***. I ususally used a VM with Windows+Adobe for that12:51
IrcsomeBot<Halis> Adobe really sucks trying EEE strategy of Microsoft there12:51
IrcsomeBot<blinkengine> Best video editor for Linux?12:51
IrcsomeBot<Halis> If you do not encounter bugs: kdenlive12:59
IrcsomeBot<Halis> If you need something more reliable: blender12:59
BluesKajHi folks13:20
IrcsomeBot<blinkengine> I've got 4gigs of ram and intel i3 , will that even run , I haven't notice any lags or slowdown on kubuntu whatsoever (re @Halis: If you do not encounter bugs: kdenlive13:26
IrcsomeBot<blinkengine> If you need something more reliable: blender)13:26
IrcsomeBot<blinkengine> I've got 4gigs of ram and intel i3 , will that even run , I haven't noticed any lags or slowdown on kubuntu whatsoever (re @Halis: If you do not encounter bugs: kdenlive13:27
IrcsomeBot<blinkengine> If you need something more reliable: blender)13:27
IrcsomeBot<Halis> kdenlive should run. However the more complex you edit the video, the more laggy it can get. However they have a support group, where you can ask for more help: @kdenlive (re @blinkengine: I've got 4gigs of ram and intel i3 , will that even run , I haven't noticed any lags or slowdown on kubuntu whatsoever)13:32
IrcsomeBot<Halis> For example you can reduce the resolution of the preview to increase performance13:33
IrcsomeBot<blinkengine> Thanks , I was thinking about openshot as well but it looked very basic , I'll give kdenlive and shotcut a go later tomorrow (re @Halis: kdenlive should run. However the more complex you edit the video, the more laggy it can get. However they have a support group, where you can ask for more help: @kdenlive)13:34
IrcsomeBot<Halis> Just make sure, you are using their appimage or another way to get the latest version of kdenlive (re @blinkengine: Thanks , I was thinking about openshot as well but it looked very basic , I'll give kdenlive and shotcut a go later tomorrow)13:44
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=== HelloNewman is now known as Hash
mybalzitchthis new kubuntu release sure is acting weird. it decided firefox wasn't installed anymore, then any time I tried to open a url highlighted by konsole it'd download it via kioexec, even though the default browser changed to chrome. so I reinstalled firefox (even though it was installed) then I installed the firefox deb instead of the snap, and now the system let me set firefox as the default web15:55
mybalzitchbrowser, but when I click on links in konsole they open in builder15:56
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mybalzitchfixed. needed to tweak a bunch of xdg-mime stuff16:02
david__Got a wierd question. I installed ubuntu, then installed kubuntu desktop on top of it and loved it. I would like to remove gnome, would this break my system?16:25
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> Try shotcut. (re @blinkengine: Best video editor for Linux?)16:27
IrcsomeBot<blinkengine> It sure would , it did break mine , so I had to do all over again but this time I installed kubuntu iso (re @IrcsomeBot: <david__> Got a wierd question. I installed ubuntu, then installed kubuntu desktop on top of it and loved it. I would like to remove gnome, would this break my system?)16:29
mybalzitchok so, since this update KDE seems to want to open http://*.jpg urls in gwenview/okular, instead of firefox. How do I get firefox to handle all http urls17:27
IrcsomeBot<Halis> I guess, within Firefox. There are many settings how to handle different files18:47
mparilloI agree, start with FF first, but for a KDE browser, I would see if you can change the System Settings > Applications > File Associations.19:06
valorie@blinkengine - removing gnome stuff will not break your system19:40
valoriepossibly easier to just do a backup and install kubuntu afresh19:40
IrcsomeBot<Halis> If someone also has problems with wayland in virt-manager that everything is blurry: virt-viewer works fine with wayland21:06
IrcsomeBot<Halis> If someone has also problems with wayland in virt-manager that everything is blurry: virt-viewer works fine with wayland21:07
mybalzitchNo, its the kioexec handler, happens for all links clicked within konsole21:56
mybalzitchfirefox works just fine for clicking links within itself21:56
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