
zxmpi_that's a lot of soldering?00:00
daftykinsmore hot air really after the reballing is done00:03
penguin42the reballing stuff is pretty neat00:10
daftykinssolder paste and stencils are pretty funky00:14
daftykinsi used to see Louis doing it all the time for macbook SMCs00:15
ballbrb, shavin'15:00
ballOh, I have to go...  being called.15:07
zxmpi_the long dark teatime of the soul calls us all :-)15:08
zxmpi_psion is still on orginal duracell batteries after 24 weeks. i must look into getting lithium insane long life jobbies and see if it can go a full year between changes :-D15:30
daftykinsi'm hoping mine will show up on youtube eventually15:37
zxmpi_fame at last :-P15:37
daftykinscould well be!15:38
* penguin42 wonders if you could run a Psion off ultra capacitors and a solar cell15:42
zxmpi_some of the esp32 sbc's could probably emulate one on a sniff of power of a solar cell15:44
zxmpi_something like the nano pico when it has a few more k will be emulating everything from palms, psions to ataris and amigas hopefully :-)16:10

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