
=== j2bv17 is now known as j2bv16
noarbbefore doing `do-release-upgrade`, it's usually recommeded to do a `apt update; apt upgrade`... is there any additional benefit to dist-upgrade or full-upgrade as well?00:10
rfmnoarb, ubuntu rarely if ever does an update that removes packages, so dist- or full- wouldn't do anything beyond retular update00:22
yukiupthank you for ubuntu 21.10!00:37
sdfgsdfgshey is it possible to change to the old Unity shell on ubuntu 20 or 21 (the desktop ? with cmd+1 or cmd+2 shortcuts and docker style simple things like on OSX)01:06
yukiupfind what you want https://distrowatch.com/01:10
Bashing-om!unity | sdfgsdfgs01:11
ubottusdfgsdfgs: Unity is a graphical shell for the GNOME desktop environment. Ubuntu used it by default from 11.04 to 17.04. For more information, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity01:11
guivercsdfgsdfgs, ubuntu-unity-desktop is available for year.month releases (not snapped for Ubuntu Core 20 etc though)01:12
Bashing-omdez_: Ubuntu support question ?01:37
dez_Anybody here?!01:44
ailaGHi. I'm fairly new to linux on desktop, and I've managed to cause Ubuntu to not recognize my touchpad, even though if I run an image from a usb drive it does. KDE's settings say "No touchpad found". Help? I've apt installed everything I found, somehow that didn't work :)02:14
sdfgsdfgsso it was working before ?02:14
ailaGYeah it was02:16
ailaGIt was working, then I found that after it woke up from sleep it stopped working. modprobe psmouse stuff got it back, minus my settings. So I started messing with it and seem to have made it worse.02:17
ailaGBTW I do have experience with using Linux on servers so I can run commands and stuff02:18
ailaGsdfgsdfgs ?02:22
=== Hash is now known as HelloNewman
Endermen1094why was there not a opsion to install ubuntu on a duel boot system03:11
guivercEndermen1094, there is; http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/428/builds/238228/testcases/1301/results shows a testcase for impish final03:13
guivercyou didn't provide release details - but it's there for Ubuntu Desktop & flavors (it's called "Installed Alongside" if using a ISO with `calamares` so differences can apply for specific release/iso etc)03:13
guivercs/Installed Alongside/Install Alongside/ ^03:14
Endermen1094 i used the  OS: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS x86_6403:19
Endermen1094 03:19
Endermen1094also it didn't give a promnt to manige space from my existing install (Gentoo) for it and ubuntu03:22
donofrioturns out snapd was killing my do-release-upgrade03:23
guivercEndermen1094, the ISO you download dictates what installer you use; Ubuntu 20.04.3 Desktop's default ISO uses `ubiquity`, Ubuntu 20.04.3 Server's default installer is `subiquity` etc... how it appears depends on what 20.04.3 ISO you opted to download & install  (ubiquity & calamares have it) but you can always pre-prepare your disk yourself (gparted; gnome-disks, kde partition manager etc) then manually use whatever you've prepared (what I tend04:02
guivercto do)04:02
smkHello I m new to Ubuntu, I am facing an issue with my laptop after installing Ubuntu, can someone help04:03
smkMy laptop heats up too much while using Ubuntu and when i switch back to windows my laptop doesn't heat up04:04
sdfgsdfgsmaybe ubuntu community will be best to answer this question, it does involve you !04:05
sdfgsdfgsWhat is the best way to share an external monitor between 2 different servers, a linux and osx04:06
donofriohelp, why does this message happen when I try to startxfce4? https://dpaste.org/GtSb04:06
sdfgsdfgsthere has to be a better way than vnc and ssh xforwarding stuff04:06
Bashing-omsdfgsdfgs: See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto .04:19
noelhallo help me04:40
lotuspsychjeask a question first noel04:41
noelno no, its done thx04:41
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)04:42
noelwhat time is there?..04:44
lotuspsychjenoel: come to #ubuntu-discuss we can chitchat04:45
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aslanI need to download chrome and vivaldi via the terminal07:43
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lotuspsychjeaslan: the chrome version of ubuntu is chromium browser, sudo snap install chromium07:48
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repzHi there, i am having an issue upgrading from 20.04 to 21.10, openmpi-bin does not want to end its installation but i am not sure of what to do about it. "update-alternatives: error: /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/mpi corrupt: slave link same as main link /usr/bin/mpicc"08:18
tomreynrepz: this is about the update-alternatives mechanism, a set of symbolic links in /etc/alternatives which can be used to pick a preferences out of a set of choices, e.g. your preferred compiler version or text editor.08:23
tomreynthese choices are provided by (debian=.deb) packages. this openmpi-bin seems to be buggy in that it provides the same choice twice (if i'm interpreting this correctly).08:24
repzyes i get that but i am not familiar with mpicc/openmpi and i'm not sure how to get rid of this issue (any apt operation is locked for now)08:24
repzhmm ok08:25
tomreyncan you show    update-alternatives --list mpi | nc termbin.com 999908:26
tomreynlooks like debian has a matching bug report (through it's old, might be something similar) slave link same as main link08:27
repzkeep getting the same message08:27
tomreyn- "slave link same as main link"08:27
ubottuDebian bug 896189 in openmpi-bin "update-alternatives: error: /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/mpi corrupt: slave link same as main link /usr/bin/mpicc" [Serious, Open]08:27
repzyes i found it but not the fix08:27
tomreynwere you saying that running    update-alternatives --list mpi    gives you the same error message?08:29
tomreyn(and nothing else?)08:29
repzyes nothing else08:29
tomreynand    ls -l /etc/alternatives/mpi* | nc termbin.com 9999    ?08:31
tomreynand what about     update-alternatives --display mpi | nc termbin.com 999908:32
tomreynrepz: this is a bit cruel but i think it will let you proceed and not break anything:   sudo rm -f /etc/aternatives/mpi* /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/mpi*08:33
repzalready tried08:34
repzwithout luck08:34
repzhttps://termbin.com/qg6q https://termbin.com/vuq4m08:34
tomreynhmm, try to   sudo dpkg -P openmpi-bin && sudo update-alternatives --remove-all mpi ; sudo rm -f /etc/aternatives/mpi* /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/mpi*; sudo apt update && sudo apt install openmpi-bin08:39
repzseems to do the job08:40
repzthanks a lot08:41
repz(i was about to swith to manjaro)08:41
tomreyngood. it might return after you   sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt full-upgrade08:42
tomreynbut i assume not08:42
repzI wonder what did I missed, maybe a repository updates but i am just out of the `do-release-upgrade`08:42
tomreynit's either a packaging bug, or you messed up your package system by installing software from incompatible sources08:43
repznever messed with mpi08:43
tomreyntry this: apt list --installed | grep ',local\]$' | nc termbin.com 999908:43
tomreynand show   apt policy08:44
repzthis local grep does not catch anything08:44
tomreynok, the first would have shown packages without upgrade path08:44
tomreynthe second shows where packages may be installed from now08:45
repzhttps://termbin.com/xw90 (i think i adopted thi termbin, wasnt aware of it)08:45
tomreynokay, that's clean as can be, only official sources. so i guess it's really a packaging bug in the openmpi-bin package08:46
tomreynthose are rare but can occur, usually just in packages in the "universe" (community maintained) section08:47
repzyes thanks a lot for your time08:48
tomreynnote that hirsute only has another 3 months of support, you probably want to upgrade to impish (21.10)08:48
repzyes i am aware of that, that was the original plan but the release upgrade crashed in the middle bc of openmpi-bin. I usually stick to LTS, I installed this laptop since 18.04 release but i need newer releases of some packages (i even copmile some), that's why i wanted to upgrade to std / switch to manjaro/arch08:53
tomreynrepz: understandable- there are some ppa's which provide backports. but that could obviously get you into the same trouble.08:54
repzyes i am not a fan of it, i used ubuntu to have something 'stable' but i find myself struggling more with updates and custom setup :D08:56
tomreynthat's pretty inevitable when you do programming - you may need to build packages / dependencies on your own08:59
tomreynat least in some cases09:00
repzzsh / awesomewm is not programing but yes :D09:00
tomreynwell, building custom software then ;)09:01
repzyes, i dived too much into customisation09:01
tomreyni don't think you'll ever run into such problems if you can limit yourself to main + restricted apt sources. but that's pretty difficult.09:03
repzyes just bad luck, i'm on the road to 21.10, i'll see09:04
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Donald_Hello, My Ubuntu desktop just freezes, is there any way that I can find the root cause?09:22
Donald_The magic key was not working, I had to reboot my laptop by holding power button.09:23
eggrollthe answer may be in the logs(next question answer=i dont know but i think you could look at dmesg tail -50 or something like that{this is where you ask someone else about how to enterpret and search for pid etc )09:24
tomreynDonald_: which ubuntu release, which magic key did you try? did it freeze before? if not, what may have changed since it started doing so?09:25
tomreynlogs from before the system stopped responding should be available at    journalctl -b -1 -e    if you only rebooted once since (otherwise decrease "-1" further)09:26
eggrollty tomreyn09:26
Donald_I am on Ubuntu20.04 LTS, I have tried "Alt + PrintSrc/SysRq + reisub".09:26
tomreynit's AltGr, not just Alt09:27
ubottuIn an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key09:27
tomreynoh, i guess i'm wrong there, this must be specific to my localized keyboard09:28
tomreyneggroll: you can safely test sysrq by switching to a tty...09:29
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 3-6, use the keystroke Ctrl + Alt + F3-F6 respectively. Ctrl-Alt-F2 or Ctrl-Alt-F1 will get you back to your graphical login (Ctrl-Alt-F7 on 16.04). To change TTY resolution, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution09:29
Donald_It was freezing when I was using Google Chrome.09:29
tomreyn... and then pressing Alt-Sysrq-h which will print help to screen09:29
tomreynhow much RAM does this system have?09:30
tomreynvmstat -s | head -n109:31
Donald_32 GB09:31
Donald_journalctl -b -1 -e, this only show some yellow text(warning?), no errors(red) found.09:31
tomreynhmm, 32GB RAM is plenty, unless you were running anything that's a major memory hog.09:32
tomreynif nothing was logged at the time, then the system probably didn't make it to log it before it froze.09:32
Donald_Yeah, that ram is enough for me.09:34
Donald_You can check the screenshot there.09:34
TJ-worth noting Ubuntu defaults to disabling many of the magic sysrq functions09:35
tomreynDonald_: you're running SAR there, maybe it can hint on what happened.09:35
tomreynDonald_: other than that, if this system willfreeze repeatedly, you should probably run a memtest overnight and maybe prepare for some kernel debugging09:37
tomreyni think current ubuntu releases only allow for U (emergency unmount) and B (reboot) of the 'reisub' sequence09:39
tomreynthat's for security reasons, settings can be changed in /etc/sysctl.d/10-magic-sysrq.conf09:41
Donald_noted, I will run a memtest.09:42
tomreyn!memtest | Donald_09:44
tomreyn!testing | Donald_09:44
ubottuDonald_: To test your hardware, you can use the packages memtest86+ (for memory, can be started from the !GRUB boot menu), smartmontools (for hard drives), cpuburn (which MIGHT damage your processor if cooling is not adequate!). Additionally, lm-sensors can be useful to monitor temperatures and fan speeds - See also !benchmark09:44
tomreynmemtest86+ is an installable package. for newer systems, if you prefer uefi booting, you need to prepare a usb stick with the free version from memtest86.com instead09:45
tomreyn(you can also place that efi executable on your efi system partition)09:46
tomreynhigh temperatures could also cause the system to shutdown (but usually not just freeze then)09:47
Donald_@tomreyn, noted, thanks, very helpful.10:04
yxhuvudHi, I have a question. How do I enable pipewire for audio on 21.10? The howtos I found suggest using some example files from the pipewire dir, but those examples doesn't seem to be packaged so they fail at that step.10:10
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RomanSteamravage, tomreyn, Mekaneck, I actually solved my problem with Steam recently10:59
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RomanSteamThere's a bug in Ubuntu installer10:59
RomanSteamWhen I choose "install proprietary ... for graphics, media, Wi-Fi etc", it installs nvidia driver, but it doesn't work fine, and when trying to switch to another one, system crashes and lots of bugs appear11:00
RomanSteamIf I choose not to install them, and then install them manually, by switching in the "additional drivers" menu, it works flawlessly. And steam runs successfully. Even with nvidia.11:01
RomanSteamThere's something wrong with the installation process of Ubuntu. Some months ago I also discovered that it is extremely necessary to disconnect from the Internet during the installation11:03
RomanSteamOtherwise it'll not install properly and random bugs'll appear.11:04
jsmoothI'm trying ot use Docker via Laravel Sail, but it says bind failed becuase port 3306 is in use. Im trying ot figure out command to tell me which service is using it11:31
EriC^^jsmooth: sudo lsof -i :330611:34
jsmoothHere's the output...not sure how to use it https://gist.github.com/longcurve/6237adacb894073f99d8187e30c5a99a11:36
ograjsmooth, you typoed ... try again πŸ™‚ (missing the colon before the port number)11:37
ograjsmooth, also it is an i not a small L11:37
jsmoothBasically same output I updated the gist11:38
ograstill no colon ... better just copy/paste the command from EriC^^'s line directly11:39
jsmoothdocker-pr 4067 root    4u  IPv4  45779      0t0  TCP *:mysql (LISTEN)11:43
ograthere you go11:43
jsmoothI think it's saying docker-prune is hte service11:43
ograps ax|grep 406711:45
ograthat will giv you the full command11:45
jsmoothOh.it's docker-proxy11:45
jsmoothNo idea what to do11:45
ograi dont touch docker with a ten foot pole so i cant tell you either πŸ™‚ perhaps ask in some docker channel11:46
ogra<- lxd user if it comes to containers ...11:46
jsmoothI have no idea what lxd is11:46
ograubuntus default container technology11:47
cantthinkofanickAnybody else seeing graphics issues after upgrading to 21.10? Gnome or "Ubuntu" on Wayland hangs for a while, then shows a corrupted screen with a "working" mouse. Gnome or "Ubuntu" on X11 gets a reddish tint (very visible on white backgrounds).11:50
tomreynRomanSteam: it's probably just a matter of version you'd install. the installer will install the package versions it comes with (be sure to always use the latest installer), package updates are only installed after it first booted, and partially only applied after second boot.11:53
tomreyncantthinkofanick: is there anything on your system logs on it? which graphics driver are you using?11:54
jsmooth#docker has no answer, but stopping and starting docker service didn't solve it11:55
cantthinkofanickI see some stuff regarding amdgpu that might be related but I'm really unsure. When Gnome on Wayland freezes I see a lot of "kernel: [96292.285192] [drm:amdgpu_cs_ioctl [amdgpu]] *ERROR* Failed to initialize parser -125!" in the syslog.11:56
cantthinkofanicktomreyn: I'm using an AMD card, of course.11:57
tomreyncantthinkofanick: which one?   lspci -knnd ::0300 | nc termbin.com 999911:57
tomreyncantthinkofanick: and which kernel?  cat /proc/{version*,cmdline} | nc termbin.com 999911:58
tomreyncantthinkofanick: and which mainboard?    journalctl -b | grep DMI:11:58
cantthinkofanicktomreyn: Dumping some info here:11:58
cantthinkofanick06:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Navi 14 [Radeon RX 5500/5500M / Pro 5500M] [1002:7340] (rev c5)11:58
cantthinkofanickOh, sorry, now I get it. :) Links coming in.11:59
cantthinkofanicktomreyn: https://termbin.com/ksux12:00
RomanSteamtomreyn, anyway, I'm using the latest installer12:00
cantthinkofanicktomreyn, motherboard: ASUS System Product Name/ROG STRIX B550-A GAMING, BIOS 1401 12/03/202012:00
tomreyncantthinkofanick: did you have kernel oopses?    journalctl -b | fgrep 'cut here' | wc -l12:01
cantthinkofanicktomreyn, nope, the reply there was zero.12:01
cantthinkofanick(I have rebooted the system since, though, so if that gets cleared it might not show.)12:01
tomreyncantthinkofanick: did you have kernel oopses during the previous kernel uptime?    journalctl -b -1 | fgrep 'cut here' | wc -l12:02
tomreyncantthinkofanick: you may want a newer AGESA for this graphics card, get a bios update. your current bios version is version 1401, build date 12/03/202012:03
tomreyncantthinkofanick: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=205089 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1870971 discuss the error you quoted initially - i have not read it, yet12:04
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 205089 in Drivers "amdgpu : drm:amdgpu_cs_ioctl : Failed to initialize parser -125" [Normal, Resolved: Code_fix]12:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1870971 in linux (Ubuntu) "[amdgpu] (X)ubuntu 20.04 boots to black screen on Lenovo Ideapad L340-17API when in battery mode" [Undecided, Confirmed]12:04
cantthinkofanicktomreyn, none there either - but the system doesn't crash per se, it just doesn't show graphics properly. Even with the Wayland picture completely corrupted I can use a text terminal on a different TTY completely fine. Yes, updating firmwares and bios may be a good way forward.12:04
tomreyncantthinkofanick: did this corruption occur by the time you were playing a game?12:05
cantthinkofanicktomreyn, no this was directly after an upgrade from 21.04 to 21.10. The GUI misbehaved on first login.12:06
tomreyncantthinkofanick: the kernel.org report suggests an amdgpu firmware upgrade. but i'd still do the bios, too12:06
cantthinkofanicktomreyn, yep, thanks a lot for the tip, I'll try and see what happens.12:07
tomreyncantthinkofanick: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git/log/amdgpu/picasso_sdma.bin is the git log for the amdgpu firmware file. you can download the latest at https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git/plain/amdgpu/picasso_sdma.bin?id=d7b50e61669dc137924337d03d09b8986eb752a3 and place that in /lib/firmware/amdgpu/ as picasso_sdma.bin (after moving the old one out of the12:11
tomreynway/deleting it)12:11
tomreynfile sha1sum is f0aa630a93f5f6c2e262a010f6b497b39b093b9112:11
tomreynthis is not a safe way to handle updates, of course.12:12
tomreyncantthinkofanick: just in case you haven't spotted it, yet: bios version 2423 (release date 2021/08/17) is current https://rog.asus.com/motherboards/rog-strix/rog-strix-b550-a-gaming-model/helpdesk_bios12:14
cantthinkofanicktomreyn, thanks, yes, I just downloaded it (and Freedos to try and run the installer). Thanks for the link to the AMD firmware I was more unsure of that one. :)12:16
tomreyncantthinkofanick: you can just place the contents of the (extracted) zip file on a fat32 formatted first partition on a usb stick, then load it from the within the existing bios.12:17
jsmoothI just cannot find how to get whatever to stop using port 330612:17
tomreynjsmooth: is the default port for mysql servers (mysql community edition, mariaddb server, percona server etc.)12:18
tomreyn*this (3306) is12:19
jsmoothFar as I can tell, mysql and mariadb servers are not running12:19
tomreynas you previously seemed to have found out, it is docker-proxy what's hogging the port.12:20
tomreyni also don't work much with docker, but i can search the web: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39130263/docker-proxy-using-port-when-no-containers-are-running12:21
cantthinkofanicktomreyn, Things have sure gotten a bit easier since the late nineties. :)12:23
tomreyneasier? not sure, more complex for sure.12:23
=== Guest5636 is now known as eggroll
stefanociao a tutti12:24
eggrollin terms of partitions what do i need for a dual install debian based os and ubuntu (separate home partitions for each) many thanks in advance12:25
tomreyneggroll: 2 or more partitions12:25
tomreynunless you use lvm, then you *might* get away with one.12:26
tomreynbut i'd try to have them share only the ESP really, otherwise you may run into problems due to one using a newer and the other using an older version of some software12:27
tomreynyou should have only the newer OS manage grub, and disable it on the older.12:28
tomreynan alternative, sometimes better, approach to having two OS installations available in a multi-boot setup is to use virtualization for one of them12:30
lusyho un problema12:31
eggrollso my os partitions can be ext4 and other partition with the boot info is like 500MB but what type and which flags are needed guessing boot but what else12:31
tomreyn!it | lusy, stefano12:31
ubottulusy, stefano: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi Β« /join #ubuntu-it Β» senza virgolette)12:31
tomreyneggroll: i think the only flag which really matters on an all linux system is the ESP / EFI flag (if it's a UEFI booting system)12:33
tomreyneggroll: whichubuntu release are you installing, and how?12:33
eggrollthe latest ubuntu stable and parrot os12:34
eggrollwhich is debian based12:34
tomreynthe latest stable ubuntu release would be 21.10, since two days or so12:35
eggrollnot sure how much i should allow for each OS12:35
eggrolllol reading that a minute ago12:35
eggrolllets say the one prior for now12:36
tomreynthat'll have 3 more months of support - i'd rather go with the latest if you're installing fresh12:36
tomreyn(or lts)12:36
eggroll i fresh install  like i change my jocks, thanks all the same for the warning my important shit is on other drives12:37
eggrollfair point but12:39
tomreyni'd do 1 GB for /boot nowadays (if separate), 10 GB *minimum* for the rest (better 20 or 25 if a desktop)12:39
eggrollthanks man, yeah is a desktop with a few programs and much gui de etc12:41
beuysHello! When I do "apt update && apt upgrade", I often get new packages. Does Ubuntu not inform the user when there are new updates?12:42
tomreynbeuys: i think that on both current desktop and server releases, updates would be installed automatically by default - but you can choose otherwise.12:44
tomreynin fact, on desktops it may just present a graphical update prompt12:45
beuystomreyn: I am using the Desktop. So maybe manual updates are not really supported and Ubuntu expects you to use the automatic approach.12:45
beuystomreyn: I get such a prompt sometimes. But very rarely.12:46
beuystomreyn: But when I check manually, there often are updates available.12:46
tomreynbeuys: check your settings: software-properties-gtk --open-tab=212:47
tomreynnavigate tot he "updates" tab, if it's not already there12:47
beuysAha. Yes, it says "Download and install automatically".12:48
beuysI am changing it to "display immediately"12:49
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tomreynalso make sure that (at least) the first two checkboxes are checked12:49
beuysId don't see checkboxes.12:50
pantalaimonHi, I'm having trouble with the usrmerge package when upgrading to Ubuntu 21.10: It aborts with > Both /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 and /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 exist.12:50
tomreynbeuys: well, i'm guessing what you're seeing since i don't even know which ubuntu release you'Re running12:51
beuystomreyn: I think 20.0412:51
tomreynlsb_release -ds12:51
beuysUbuntu 20.04.3 LTS12:52
tomreynpantalaimon: check what file type they are, what which one is older12:52
tomreynpantalaimon: ls -l /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.612:52
beuysCan I check if hardware acceleration works correctly? I tried to start Chromium, but it is insanely slow.12:53
tomreynbeuys: okay, on 20.04 you don't need to check any boxes - i'm still on 18.0412:55
ioriapantalaimon, can we see the full error ?12:55
beuystomreyn: Ok, thanks!12:55
tomreynbeuys: if you paste this into the url bar of chromium, it should tell the HW acceleration status chrome://gpu/12:56
tomreynnote that chromium is a snap (thus running in a sandbox) on 20.04 LTS12:57
beuystomreyn: Yeah, I know about the snap approach. Installing it again and then will test the url ...12:58
beuystomreyn: Hmm... that is a lot of output.12:59
beuysLooks like some stuff is accelerated some stuff is not.13:00
tomreynthere's not just 1|013:00
beuysRasterization: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled13:00
beuysVideo Decode: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled13:00
beuysIs there a similar url for Firefox?13:00
pantalaimontomreyn: ioria: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xWrYctcNPW/13:02
ioriapantalaimon, apt-cache policy usrmerge13:03
beuysHmm.. there is about:support. But it has no easy answer :)13:03
pantalaimon  Installed: 25ubuntu113:04
pantalaimon  Candidate: 25ubuntu113:04
pantalaimon  Version table:13:04
pantalaimon *** 25ubuntu1 50013:04
pantalaimon        500 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu impish/main amd64 Packages13:04
tomreyn!paste | pantalaimon13:04
ubottupantalaimon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:04
lusyI have the damaged hd, with ubuntu I can recover files such as excel, word13:04
ograpantalaimon, is that when doing do-release-upgrade ? or do you try upgrading in any other way (which you should not)13:05
tomreynbeuys: about:support in firefox, scroll down to Graphics13:05
beuystomreyn: Yeah, I see it. Seems to support HW acceleration on most aspects.13:05
pantalaimonogra: this is during do-release-upgrade13:05
tomreynlusy: this appears to be a statement. do you have an ubuntu support question?13:05
ograpantalaimon, from 20.04 to 20.10 ?13:05
ogra21.04 to 21.1013:06
ioriapantalaimon, 21.10 has libc6 2.3413:06
pantalaimonogra: 21.04 -> 21.1013:06
beuysAnybody here using Chromium on Ubuntu 20.04? It seems impossible slow to me.13:06
ioriapantalaimon, but you have libc-2.33.13:06
ograbeuys, daily ... and happily ...13:06
beuysogra: Via Snap?13:06
tomreynbeuys: what exactly is slow? how much RAM does this system have, how much available?13:06
pantalaimonioria: I know, the upgrade did not finish13:06
ograbeuys, indeed13:06
ioriapantalaimon, ho, so it's a failed distro upgarde13:07
pantalaimonioria: yes13:07
beuystomreyn: Funny, it got fast now. Strange. Maybe something blocked it from the CPU or it did something in the background.13:07
ioriapantalaimon, and the process stopped ?13:08
lusyi wanted to know if i can recover word and excel files from my hd which is damaged13:08
tomreynbeuys: looks like you found a way to prevent answering the questions13:08
ioriapantalaimon, or it's still running someway ?13:08
pantalaimonioria: yes it won't install any new packages until the usrmerge script is successufll13:09
pantalaimondropped me back to the shell13:09
tomreynlusy: testdisk and photorec13:09
ioriapantalaimon, you need to purge usrmerge13:09
ioriapantalaimon,  sudo apt purge usrmerge13:09
tomreynlusy: the best approach is to first create an image of the full disk, or the parts that you need to recover data from, using ddrescue. you must store this image on a separate storage, though, not on the same disk.13:10
lusyI tried but failed13:10
ioriapantalaimon,  if it fails, we need to manually purge it13:11
pantalaimonioria: thank you, it's gone13:11
tomreynlusy: then create a copy of the image and work on that only, keeping the good image unmodified.13:11
ioriapantalaimon,  ok13:11
pantalaimon/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 still points to libc-2.33.so though13:11
pantalaimonand I have a distinct /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.613:11
ioriapantalaimon,  that's weird, because the first thing to get updated is libc613:12
tomreynlusy: how is the disk broken? physically? how do you know? and how did recovering data using testdisk and/or photorec fail? which tool did you use, which error messages were there?13:12
ioriapantalaimon,  run  'do-release-upgrade -c'13:13
pantalaimonChecking for a new Ubuntu release13:14
pantalaimonNo new release found.13:14
ioriapantalaimon,  cat /etc/issue13:14
pantalaimonUbuntu 21.1013:14
ioriai knew it13:14
ioriapantalaimon,  apt-cache policy apt  libc6  | nc termbin.com 999913:15
ioriapantalaimon,  it's ok13:16
ioriapantalaimon,  sudo apt update13:16
pantalaimonAll packages are up to date.13:16
ograparadigm, dpkg -S  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.613:17
ioriapantalaimon,  apt -s install usrmerge | nc termbin.com 999913:17
lusytomreyn: thank you, it's hard for me to do what you say13:17
pantalaimonioria: https://termbin.com/2m6n13:18
ograerr sorry paradigm, that was for pantalaimon13:18
ioriapantalaimon,  sudo apt autopurge13:18
tomreynlusy: you're welcome. it's difficult to help without more details, though.13:18
tomreynand yes, data recovery is difficult13:19
pantalaimonioria: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.13:19
ograpantalaimon, dpkg -S  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.613:19
pantalaimonogra: dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.613:19
ograso your package system does not even know what file that is, where it comes from13:20
ioriait's a sym link13:20
BluesKajHi folks13:20
ioriapantalaimon,  let's try to install it again;  sudo apt install usrmerge13:21
pantalaimonI guess without usrmerge /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 will still be used13:21
pantalaimonI'm just surprised, wasn't usrmerge introduced a few releases ago?13:21
ograpantalaimon, well, usrmerge sould have moved everything from /usr/lib to /lib around the 20.04 timeframe13:22
pantalaimonioria: still Both /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 and /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 exist.13:22
* pantalaimon nods13:22
ioriapantalaimon,  can you install the pkg or stiil get errpors ?13:22
ograerr the other way around indeed13:22
ografrom lib to usr/lib13:22
pantalaimonioria: still the same error, Both /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 and /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 exist.13:22
ioriapantalaimon,  ok, cd /var/lib/dpkg/info13:23
ioriapantalaimon,  done ?13:23
pantalaimonioria: just cd?13:24
ioriapantalaimon,  yes13:24
pantalaimonI'm in that directory now13:24
ioriapantalaimon,  sudo rm usrmerge.*13:25
pantalaimonI'll do sudo mv usrmerge.* /tmp/ just to be sure ^^13:25
ioriapantalaimon,  ok;  sudo apt-get -f install13:25
pantalaimonit completed oO13:26
ioriapantalaimon,  ok;  dpkg -l usrmerge | nc termbin.com 999913:26
ioriapantalaimon,  it's ok; well done13:27
pantalaimonthank you!13:27
ioriano problem ; afk13:27
paradigmogra: no worries13:32
calimero200sa vient de moi ou les autre rΓ©seaux sons dead??13:37
ogra!fr | calimero20013:38
ubottucalimero200: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:38
donofrioanyone here use ubuntu on wsl2, I'm unable to get x to connect to VcXsrv even after adding VcXsrv to the firewall rules ;(13:50
donofrioI just get https://dpaste.org/GtSb13:52
TRSHey Gang, which Distro has squid v5.2 (latest) included? I'm using ubuntu and 4.13 is all is will offer in apt. Thanks for the help.13:56
pantalaimonTRS: it's in Debian unstable, so likely it will trickle into the next version of Ubuntu13:58
TRSpantalaimon: Thx.14:08
TRSpantalaimon: Do you happen to know if there are any pre packaged vAppliances for a squid proxy for download?14:09
nikolamWhy Firefox from Snap in the first run tries to "import" my firefox profile that I am not using with it.. it says "Importing existing firefox profiles from /home/username/.mozilla/firefox"14:49
nikolamIt is doing it without even asking if it is allowed14:49
nikolamAm I allowed to actually control where my profile data resides and what app is using it without default actions done without asking for permission..14:50
nikolamIs data now copied..?14:50
ravageYou have root on your system. So you are allowed to control everything. I assume the import will copy data yes.14:53
ravageAs the whole concept of snaps to keep things separated14:54
oerheksnikolam, not copied, just used. if you really want a clean profile, rename/remove ~/.mozilla ?14:54
oerheksit is a feature, not a bug14:54
ravageAre you sure it places the live dir outside the snap?14:55
ravageI have actually not tried it. Will face that with 22.04 I guess14:56
nikolamWhere it wants to copy my data?15:02
nikolamCopy it into Snap storage?15:02
nikolamit is all not very transparent15:02
nikolamMake access right so that snap can access it15:03
nikolamReally no info what it is actually trying to do with my FF data15:03
ducasseravage: it can't place it inside the snap, that's read only15:03
nikolamSo what it is importing, like the list of the profiles? I have different profiles for different browsers15:04
nikolamMaybe I should just uninstall Ubuntu provided Firefox snap and never use it.15:04
oerheksnikolam, suddely you don't trust firefox?15:05
nikolamI don't think if someone would send bug report about Firefox in snap, that would be handled by Ubuntu anyway, since it's not Ubuntu compiled Firefox or something?15:06
nikolamI don't like snaps in general. They are Ubuntu-only and push uncompiled binaries from unknown source outside Ubuntu as I understand.15:06
nikolamI would rather get Firefox elsewhere.15:06
nikolamWhy would I use it if I can't send bugs for it to distro I use15:07
kostkonnikolam, they are not Ubuntu only though15:07
srvwhy dont you use APT if is you have problems with snap to install firefox just advise but i really dont know the problem15:07
nikolamBut binaries. Pushed to most used distro. As default browser.15:07
nikolamsrv, That is great, except for the thing that Ubunut seems to be pushing to not to maintain Firefox in Ubuntu anymore in the future, that could just prolong the issue15:08
oerheks...  seems to be pushing to not to maintain Firefox in Ubuntu anymore .. the opposite, we do.15:09
oerheksbetter, we share linux wide, but if you don't like snaps, use flatpak/compile from source?15:09
ravagealso im pretty sure the .deb version still exists in 20.04 right?15:10
TJ-Bug #194384015:11
ubottuBug 1943840 in ubuntu-settings (Ubuntu Impish) "[FFe] Update the ubuntu-desktop-minimal seed to use the firefox snap" [Undecided, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194384015:11
nikolamoerheks, but who does provide binaries inside snap and who compiles them?15:13
oerheksravage, yes https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox15:14
oerheksnikolam, the firefox team, ofcourse, and the source is available, tht is why firefox is included in many linux distros15:14
oerheksbut snap is safe, better security due to sandboxing, and update mechanism15:15
nikolamIt exists but by default during 21.04 -> 21.10 is uninstalled and snap is installed .. or it were first update action after update. Then it tries to "migrate" user data without asking and "Not sure" what it means by that15:15
nikolamoerheks, Who compiled it.15:15
ravagemozilla is in charge of the snap15:16
oerheksnikolam, time to check out launchpad for the maintainer info15:16
oerheksi just wonder why you suddenly care?15:17
nikolamBut if mainteiner does not compiles it, it just maintains binary blob15:17
nikolambecause binary blob distribution is not what Linux distros usually do.15:18
oerhekssure the maintainer compiles/tests it.15:18
nikolamAnd maintainer is outside Ubuntu?15:18
Mekaneckpretty sure the ubuntu guys test it too15:19
ravagea maintainer is just one person or a team that manages a package15:19
ravagewhen they compile something for ubuntu it is inside ubuntu15:19
nikolamBut not compile it , as I understand snap with Firefox is just binary distribution made by someone in between Ubuntu and Mozilla.15:19
ravageyou can ask to be a maintainer at any time15:19
ravagethe snap is compiled and managed by Mozilla15:20
oerheksyes, on the pavement of 110 Southwark Street :-D15:20
nikolamIf it is not compiled by Ubuntu buys, then, it is not Ubuntu package.15:20
nikolamravage, ok, then Ubunut does not ship Firefox anymore. Ok great. Won't use it anymore.15:20
oerheksyou understand wrong.. but i leave you with it, no answer will satify you.15:20
ogranikolam, snap packages have per-app home dirs, your profile will go to ~/snap/iirefox/current/.mozilla i guess ... if yu want to modify profiles, do it there15:20
ravagewhatever :D15:21
Mekanecknikolam: have a look at Help -> About Firefox15:21
nikolamogra, yes and Ubuntu does not provide it itself, but somone else and push it as binary blob in snap. I got it, thanks.15:21
Mekaneckin firefox that is15:21
ravageim not the biggest fan of the idea too. but as we are way over the topic here maybe #ubuntu-discuss ?15:21
Mekaneckwhat does it state nikolam?15:21
ogranikolam, the firefox snap is maintained hand in hand between ubuntu devs and mozilla devs ... the mozilla devs prefer bugs in https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi#h=dupes%7CFirefox15:22
ubottuPlease do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt15:22
geomarcinanybody can help me with bluetooth dogle15:22
Mekaneckravage: agreed15:22
Mekanecknikolam: take the discussion to #ubuntu-discuss please15:22
ogranikolam, for details read https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/feature-freeze-exception-seeding-the-official-firefox-snap-in-ubuntu-desktop/2421015:22
nikolamNo no, thank you all, I understood it, who maintains what. I got it. Future bug reports directly to Mozilla. I got it, thanks for the links.15:24
oerheksgeomarcin, ask, wait and see?15:24
srvnikolam even firefox-esr is for debian i thin you can even install it on ubuntu you can try but thats is up to you15:24
oerhekswhat ubuntu version, what usb dongel specs?15:24
nikolamsrv, I would rather download binary distribution form Firefox site. Thanks.15:24
geomarcinis Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)15:25
geomarcinkubuntu 21.1015:26
ogranikolam, why not just use the deb from the ubuntu archive if you dont like the snap ? it is still there and maintained (as the discourse topic tells you), just not installed by default15:26
Mekaneckogra: the deb will disappear with the next release ;)15:27
MekaneckFF will become snap only15:27
ogramerpnderp, yes ... but thats not today πŸ™‚15:27
ravagealso.. we left that topic already :)15:27
nikolamogra, That is great idea, but I would be "The only one having problem" then because migration to snap is automatic from 21.10.15:27
ograyeah, me shuts up15:27
nikolamyes, let's drop the topic, whe got answers.15:27
ograoherwise -> #ubuntu-discus πŸ™‚15:28
oerheksgeomarcin, what ID nr does 'lsusb' in terminal  show?15:28
geomarcinus 003 Device 005: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)15:28
oerheksoh, that silicon device nr is a troublemaker .. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1208296/bluetooth-adapter-configuration-issue-id-0a12000115:30
geomarcinhmm  i will try but i think time to find another device for use bt here15:32
TJ-CSR is one of the best devices out there *if it is a genuine CSR chipset* and not a fake15:32
oerheksTJ-, indeed, i just finished this discussion; https://gist.github.com/nevack/6b36b82d715dc025163d9e9124840a0715:33
geomarcinoh no not helped here time to look for anothe device15:37
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oerheksmy last url github seems to have a fix, but i am still reading elsewere for more..15:38
whoeverhi i have a question about eclipse IDE , i set up a simple hello world but when i try to run it iget launcher error16:58
Mekaneckwhoever: better to ask them for support i guess17:18
rfmwhoeverr: I googled "eclipse launcher error" and got quite a few likely-looking hits, there appear to be several possible causes.17:22
rfmwhoever, you probably ought to look through them yourself to see if you have one that matches17:22
rfmwhoever, but https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7070968/eclipse-executable-launcher-error-unable-to-locate-companion-shared-library  looks likely,being a failure on the first use after installing.17:23
darkwolfhola hola hoooola17:28
Mekaneckdarkwolf: if you have a ubuntu support question just ask, casual talk is in #ubuntu-offtopic17:32
darkwolfque dice este?? estos droides jajaja17:32
ravage!es | darkwolf17:32
ubottudarkwolf: En la mayorΓ­a de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sΓ³lo en inglΓ©s. Si busca ayuda en espaΓ±ol entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:32
darkwolfok thank you a mistake sorry17:33
ldshHi, I did update to 21.10 and Conky doesn't seem to start on startup any-more. It's still on the list of "Startup Application Preferences", and I tried adding some delay, but no conky showing up. If I start manually, it works fine. Do you know where I can look for the log of what is happening at startup?17:33
GrandPa-GI have a client that set up a Ubuntu server for me to access remotely. They have limited technical skills so I have to tell them what to do, but I don't know this first step.17:36
lotuspsychjeldsh: did you try the wayland vs the xorg test?17:36
ldshlotuspsychje, Yes, I tried Wayland Gnome, X11 Gnome and Wayland Ubuntu17:36
GrandPa-GThey set it up with phasephrase login. What do I tell them to do to allow me to login (using Putty). As a second choice, what do I tell them to do to just set my userid with a regular password ssh connect?17:37
lotuspsychjeldsh: you can try dmesg, journal logs to see more of what could be happening17:38
ldshlotuspsychje, I see some elements in syslog: "systemd-xdg-autostart-generator[3082]: Exec binary 'conky-p5' does not exist: No such file or directory"17:46
ldshI'll investigate this. Thanks!17:46
repzHi, I have an issue with sudo, everytime i call it, it return `unable to resolve <laptop_hostname>  despite my /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname being well configured.17:47
lotuspsychjeldsh: can this help you? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpConky17:49
ldshlotuspsychje, I'm following their default way for autostart on Ubuntu, and it was working all fine this morning before I update.17:51
ldshI'm testing something, rebooting17:54
tomreynGrandPa-G: the easiest for the two sides will be that you set it up yourself on a VM or spare computer and use this to guide them through the process.17:55
GrandPa-Gtomreyn, that is not possible for me to set up the vm. that is not my question17:56
tomreynGrandPa-G: you can actuall yhave them install an ssh key from you stored on launchpad for you to be able to authenticate securely.17:56
tomreynGrandPa-G: i'm not suggesting that you set up the server hosted at the client, but that you set up another one on your end so that you can guide them17:57
GrandPa-Gtomreyn, what do I tell them to just allow a regular password me for now. Then I can add the key aftwards and they can set it back17:57
tomreynyou tell them to install with a regular user (suggest a username) and a secure (password generated generated) password, and to transfer the password to you on a secure channel, or at least a separate channel.17:58
tomreyn*password generator generated17:58
lotuspsychjeldsh: there seems to be a wayland bug on conky, but not sure its your issue yet bug #194718517:59
ubottuBug 1947185 in conky (Ubuntu) "GNOME on Wayland does not initially display conky output" [Undecided, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194718517:59
tomreynGrandPa-G: you also want to ask them to set up an ssh server (i don't think this happens unless you explicitly select it)17:59
Auprivavewhere is the interfaces file located in Ubuntu?18:00
tomreynAuprivave: are you asking how to configure networking on ubuntu?18:00
GrandPa-Gtomreyn, they can log in through ssh but somehow they set up the key.18:01
AuprivaveI cant see the hotspot from my android phone18:01
Auprivavetomreyn: hi Tom. yes. from Ubuntu 21.1018:01
GrandPa-Gtomreyn, they set up a userid for me, but it keeps asking for a passphrase18:01
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AuprivaveGrandPa-G: i might have same issue with my ubuntu 21.04 server18:02
tomreynGrandPa-G: did they set a password for the user? are they able to login and get a shell?18:02
=== brutex_ is now known as brutex
AuprivaveTom will solve everything for us18:02
ldshlotuspsychje, Seems like they suggest to start conky twice and killing it inbetween quite strange18:03
GrandPa-Gtomreyn, that I don't know, will have to ask.18:03
tomreynAuprivave: are you asking about ubuntu 21.10 now, or 21.04, and desktop or server?18:03
Auprivavetomreyn: hotspot does not show up when running ubuntu 21.1018:03
tomreynGrandPa-G: in fact i don't think oyu can install without setting a password at all, so they must have set one.18:04
Auprivaveserver is another issue. not critical though. It just asks for a password even though im using ssh.18:04
tomreynAuprivave: so you've installed ubuntu 21.10 desktop, and you're trying to connect to your android hosted wireless hotspot, but it does not show in the list of access points?18:05
GrandPa-Gtomreyn, so if I have them nuke my userid, then just do a sudo adduser username, it should be asking for a plain password, correct - no passphrase?18:05
Auprivavetomreyn: exactly. it worked with 21.04, but not 21.1018:05
ldshlotuspsychje, Could be linked, however, strange that it didn't worked when I tried with x11. My test right now was to use "killall conky" in command line which seems to have found something (if I do a second time, it tels no process found)18:06
Auprivaveoh. focal is 20.04 :D18:06
lotuspsychjeldsh: i dont seem to find much on your exact error online neither, so not sure at this stage18:09
ldshOk, I4l try different ways with reboot to check. I'll tell if I found something18:10
lotuspsychjegood luck ldsh18:10
tomreynGrandPa-G: password and passphrase are effectively the same thing, just passphrase is used to refer to more complex / longer / multi word password18:10
Auprivavei find the Redis-server package puzzling. Solved the Allocmem dependensie, but when trying to install redis-server_6.0.16 there is a missing dependensy: redis-tools (= 5:6.0.16-1~bpo11+1)18:10
Auprivavei cant locate redis-tools (= 5:6.0.16-1~bpo11+1)18:10
Auprivaveredis-server in Ubuntu repo is ancient. Maitainers seems to have left it for dead. It just seems very strange. Why is there there no updated package for such a widely used database?18:12
tomreynGrandPa-G:    sudo adduser mysupportuser && sudo add mysupportuser sudo && sudo apt install openssh-server     should be enough18:13
tomreynGrandPa-G: don#t make them nuke the existing user, you can do that for them later18:13
GrandPa-Gtomreyn, what password will mysupportuser have?18:14
AuprivaveGrandPa-G: you set the passwd afterwards18:14
tomreynGrandPa-G: the one they will be setting when prompted18:14
tomreynAuprivave: does ubuntu 21.10 list other wireless entworks, though?18:14
GrandPa-Gtomreyn, of course, silly me. I will tell them and see what happens, thanks18:15
Auprivavetomreyn: it does indeed. thats the strange part.18:15
ldshlotuspsychje, My bad, now it works with X11 and not wayland, seems to be same as in the bug #1947185 Seems I did something wrong when I tried with x11 previously.18:15
ubottuBug 1947185 in conky (Ubuntu) "GNOME on Wayland does not initially display conky output" [Undecided, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194718518:15
ldshThanks for the help!18:15
tomreynGrandPa-G: you're welcome. if this fails somehow, i'd ask them to install again, make sure they set up a new user during installation, note down the password they are setting there, and install openssh-server (sshd)18:16
tomreynAuprivave: do other computers still see the hotspot? have you restarted the hotspot since?18:16
Auprivavetomreyn:  will test with 21.04 on my RPi to make absolutely sure.18:17
tomreynAuprivave: if it's still listed there, then chances are that the desktop does not / no longer support the (outdated?) wireless protocol the android hotspot provides. or that its driver does not support this protocol (maybe you need a restricted driver for this)18:19
tomreynAuprivave: those version numbers do not seem to exist on ubuntu18:32
Auprivavetomreyn: thanks. okay. Redis is pretty hopeless when it comes to maintaining.18:33
tomreyn21.04 and 21.10 have redis-server version 6.0.15-118:33
Auprivavetomreyn: cheacked wifi on my pi and my mac. they work. so issue is only with ubuntu 21.10 on my thinkpad here.18:34
tomreynwhich wireless chipset does it have? which driver is loaded? lspci -knn | grep -EA3 '(Network|Ethernet) controller' | nc termbin.com 999918:34
Auprivavetomreyn: weird. I get redis-serer 5.* when intalling on 21.04 and 21.10. I will check up on that. could be a repo issue.18:34
tomreynthe ubuntu package version is "5:6.0.15-1", which will be based on upstream version 6.0.1518:35
Auprivavemuch loved Broadcom on thinkpad x26018:35
tomreynthat's a company18:36
Auprivaveits the Broadcom BCM435618:37
Auprivavebrcmfmac driver in use18:37
ogratypically using the brcmfmac driver18:37
tomreynabout "server is another issue. not critical though. It just asks for a password even though im using ssh." - using ssh doesn't mean that you're not going to authenticate with a password18:37
ogra(it is also not a PCI but SDIO device, lspci will likely not retun anything for it)18:38
tomreynhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/739676/broadcom-bcm4356-driver looks like lspci output18:38
ograerr, i thought you talk about the Pi18:39
tomreynoh, no, this is about a desktop computer18:39
ograah, sorry18:39
tomreynthe pi was just meant to be used to cross check whether the AP is available18:39
tomreynno worries18:39
tomreyni would not really know why the wireless client can't see the AP, though18:41
Auprivavepubkeyauthentification set to yes on the server. What setting in sshd_config did i miss?18:41
ograbrcmfmac pretty much lives from its firmware files ... check dmesg for firmware load issues18:42
Auprivavei will try to purge the kernel driver like they guy recommends trying.18:42
tomreyndon't do that if it's your only way to get online18:43
Auprivavedownloaded the firmware.deb18:43
Auprivavegot a cable as well. and hopefully the firmware deb package will be a safe way back in18:43
Auprivavelove purging stuff. makes me feel very powerfull18:44
ograuntil you purged too mch πŸ˜‰18:45
tomreynssh/sshd: public key authentication is on by default on servers. you should ensure that a public key is configured at the right place on the server and that the ssh client tries to authenticate using the corresponiding private key. keep an eye on the servers' system logs while trying to authenticate18:45
Auprivaveaah.. right. better check the logs. using Mosh and openssh.18:46
tomreynpermissions on both sides' key material also must not be too loose (nor too restrictive)18:46
Auprivavetomreyn: it could be the permissions18:46
tomreynthat, or solar flares. or something else.18:53
Auprivaveoh boy :D how the f did i do this: d????????? ? ? ? ?            ? .18:57
Auprivaved????????? ? ? ? ?            ? ..18:57
tomreynfile system inconsistency18:57
tomreynunmount, run fsck18:58
Auprivavedrwxr-xr-x 30 thor thor 4096 Oct 17 19:59 ..18:59
Auprivave-rw-------  1 thor thor  108 Apr 30 21:47 authorized_keys18:59
Auprivave-r--------  1 thor thor  108 Apr 30 21:43 cicciolina.pub18:59
Auprivavethis is no good? right?19:00
Auprivavei set password auth to no in the sshd config. So okay,like you said, it defaults to password if there is an issue19:00
tomreyn!paste | Auprivave19:01
ubottuAuprivave: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:01
Auprivavetomreyn: sorry. something i overlooked. Mosh askes for password, while regular ssh configname wont give me access now19:02
tomreyn"regular ssh configname"?19:03
tomreyni don't know what you're meaning to say19:03
Auprivavessh (name from ssh config) gives Connection refused.19:04
Auprivavepassword auth is set to no, but i can still log in with Mosh and password. wow!19:05
tomreynconnection refused would be a tcp level disconnect.19:05
Auprivavethat explains. Mosh sneaks in via UDP19:06
Auprivaveso im almost locked out of the server now19:06
Auprivavetomreyn: thanks. will look at it tomorrow. Interesting that Mosh can give a backdoor like that. Have a good one :)19:09
tomreynyou, too19:09
linsuxubuntu usb cannot boot on old ide notebook19:32
iorialinsux, really ? how did you do the stick ?19:33
iorialinsux, what happens when you start it ?19:34
linsuxno display19:34
linsuxi tried ubuntu iso, server live iso and ubuntu-mate iso19:34
iorialinsux, what version ?19:34
linsuxall the same19:34
linsuxlatest lts19:34
ogra64 bit ?19:35
iorialinsux, what's the laptop specs ? ram in particular19:35
ogra(i mean, is the hardware 64bit πŸ™‚ )19:35
linsuxyah it's 64bit hardware, 4g ram19:35
linsuxit's core 2 duo t9400 something19:36
linsuxit's old19:36
iorialinsux, it should work19:36
linsuxso i want to install mate19:36
iorialinsux, no display at all or you get to the main manu at least ?19:37
linsuxno display at all with fan spinning19:37
iorialinsux, dd again ad sync19:37
linsuxfedora 64bit and debian 11 64bit no problem19:38
bodomHi there! I have some trouble getting an USB3 card to run in ubuntu. I have the same card working in the same PC with a different linux (system rescue cd)20:08
alkisgbodom: which card?20:14
bodomalkisg: 02:00.0 USB controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VL805 USB 3.0 Host Controller (rev 01) (prog-if 30 [XHCI])20:15
alkisgWhat's the usb id?20:17
bodomhow can i see it?20:17
alkisgRun: lsusb20:18
bodomBus 009 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub20:18
alkisgSo the problem is that your motherboard usb ports are not functioning?20:19
alkisgThat's an internal usb hub of your board, right?20:20
bodomNope, the MB USB1/2 ports are functioning. This is a PCI-Express internal USB3.0 card and it is not functioning20:20
alkisgOK if it's a pci card, we need the output of this instead: lspci -nn -k | nc termbin.com 999920:21
bodomtomreyn: not this one, probably a chinese clone20:22
oerheksHow do you tell it is not working?20:22
bodomalkisg: https://termbin.com/udfb20:24
bodomoerheks: i plug stuff in and nothing happens20:24
alkisg02:00.0 USB controller [0c03]: VIA Technologies, Inc. VL805 USB 3.0 Host Controller [1106:3483] (rev 01)20:25
alkisgSubsystem: VIA Technologies, Inc. VL805 USB 3.0 Host Controller [1106:3483]20:25
alkisgKernel driver in use: xhci_hcd20:25
alkisgWhich means a driver is properly loaded20:25
alkisgRun: dmesg -w20:25
alkisgThen insert a device, then check for errors20:25
cbreakbodom: does nothing happen in dmesg either?20:26
cbreakor journalctl?20:26
bodomalkisg, cbreak: tried two different divices which i am sure they are working. Dmesg is silent while i plug or unplug them20:28
alkisgHmm, that's odd. What about: udevadm monitor20:28
bodomalkisg: nothing there too20:30
Ronalds_Mazitis_how do You code/compile using GLSL20:30
Ronalds_Mazitis_I am on 21.0420:30
Ronalds_Mazitis_banned on ##programming :D20:30
Ronalds_Mazitis_(sorry again)20:31
alkisgbodom: I would try an ubuntu version with a kernel similar to the one where it's working. Which kernel does your rescue cd use?20:32
bodomalkisg: 5.10.70, while i have 5.4.0 here on ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Can i upgrade just the kernel?20:34
alkisgbodom: sure, sudo apt install linux-generic-hwe20:34
alkisgIt will get you 5.1120:34
alkisgsudo apt install linux-generic-hwe-20.0420:35
bodomalkisg: thanks, i'm trying that20:35
tomreynsearching the web about this seems to suggest it's a firmware issue, fixed by a windows-only firmware upgrade.20:38
tomreyniommu=soft works around it20:39
bodomtomreyn: thanks, getting windows to upgrade it is too complicated, easiest to just get a new card :) Will the iommu=soft workaround slow i/o down?20:42
cbreakRonalds_Mazitis_: OpenGL has functions to compile and link shaders. Use them.20:43
Ronalds_Mazitis_cbreak so it is c?20:43
cbreakGLSL? No.20:43
cbreakGLSL is GLSL. It's a programming language that is not C.20:43
Ronalds_Mazitis_oh ok20:45
cbreakRonalds_Mazitis_: https://www.shadertoy.com20:47
Ronalds_Mazitis_wait so20:47
Ronalds_Mazitis_but I need some sort of compiler and extension to compile how to20:48
Ronalds_Mazitis_I believe opengl is installed in my ubuntu20:48
tomreynbodom: iommu=soft tells the kernel to use a software IOMMU (software bounce buffering (SWIOTLB)) rather than to rely on the hardware provided. it's most likely slower than the hardware implementation20:49
Ronalds_Mazitis_I want to compile on ubuntu not in that site20:51
Ronalds_Mazitis_google gives me answers in c20:52
Ronalds_Mazitis_that include opengl libraries20:52
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oerheks!info glslang-tools20:54
ubottuglslang-tools (11.1.0-4, impish): OpenGL and OpenGL ES shader front end and validator -- tools. In component universe, is optional. Built by glslang. Size 1,949 kB / 7,157 kB20:54
oerheksdunno how to use that one20:54
noarbdoes chrome use a different certicate store than update-ca-certificates uses? Should chrome running a system with an installed root certificate accept TLS connections, or does the certificate have to be manually installed into chrome, as well?20:58
Ronalds_Mazitis_Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/b9895734f79d67229d20d83b56360e8d/pasted.txt20:58
Ronalds_Mazitis_I have dependecies installed something is wrong with triangle code20:59
tomreynnoarb: there's no chrome in ubuntu21:00
cbreakRonalds_Mazitis_: glsl is compiled on the system where you run the program21:08
bodomalkisg, tomreyn: looks like the hew kernel fixed it21:08
cbreakas part of the GPU Driver / OpenGL runtime, there will be a GLSL compiler21:08
cbreakjust call the OpenGL API21:08
Ronalds_Mazitis_dude I know cbreak21:08
cbreakyeah? You fail at linking to OpenGL21:09
cbreakbut that's unrelated to GLSL21:09
cbreakit's basic OpenGL21:09
cbreakand glut it seems...21:10
cbreakjust link to the libraries for it21:10
cbreakcmake can help with that.21:10
cbreakor just hard code it, for a toy that's enough21:10
Ronalds_Mazitis_oh yeah I forgot I have to make makefile21:14
noarbI'm trying to just use curl and wget because I didn't know there wasn't a chrome or chromium package in ubuntu. I've installed a root certificate onto my machine, but when I try to connect via https it is untrusted. I have a Root I -> TLS CA II -> End user cert. If i just trust the TLS CA II it does work, though. Do I need to distribute the signed intermediate cert from the server in order to trust21:53
noarbconnections from the root cert? Or is the root alone not enough, does the bundle need to be trusted?21:53
leftyfbnoarb: chrome is not available from the official ubuntu repo's, but chromium does have a snap and google chrome is available to install via a .deb package from google.com/chrome21:54
cbreakyou can use firefox too if you want a gui21:55
cbreakor links or lynx if you don't21:55
tomreynnoarb: root CA certificates should be installed on clients, intermediates and server certificates on servers21:55
cbreakif you want to check server side SSL configuration, try https://www.ssllabs.com/21:56
noarbI am using the .deb from google.com/chrome, but I'm having some trouble with certs. I installed to the system, but I think chrome uses a different keystore21:56
noarbtomreyn: should only the root be installed on the clients? Then does the server distribute its own key, and also the intermediate that signed it (which is signed by the trusted root)?21:57
tomreynnoarb: right21:57
cbreaknormally it gives you the whole chain21:57
tomreynhmm no, root CA certificate isn't usually part of the distributed chain21:57
cbreakIt would give you every certificate up to the root21:59
srvi thouhgt firefox come pre install on ubuntu on the iso either way yo install it on a hard ware = pc otr in a vm i thight the only place where you have to install it was on windows on their wsl2 when installing ubuntu  but i dont know now21:59
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tomreyncbreak / noarb: https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/65332/ssl-root-certificate-optional22:03
cbreaktomreyn: yes. But you still have to send every certificate up to the root22:04
cbreakotherwise, how would anyone verify that all the certificates in the chain up to the root are valid?22:04
tomreyncbreak: clients have the root certificate, receive all the other certificates from the servers they are connecting to, then build the full chain from that (via signatures)22:06
cbreakyes, as I said.22:06
cbreakyou need to send up the whole chain up to the root.22:06
cbreakthat way, clients can use the public key of the root to verify the first certificate in the chain, the one pointing to the first intermediate CA22:07
cbreakthen continue until they reach the leaf22:07
srvanyway i think fire fox is an internet browser that is almost dead ppl use more and more chrome or chrmium22:18
leftyfb!ot | srv22:19
ubottusrv: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:19
oerheksi doubt that, srv22:19
leftyfbsrv: I'm pretty sure firefox still gets installed by default with all supported versions of ubuntu22:21
cbreaksrv: https://backlinko.com/browser-market-share, chromium isn't even on the list22:48
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donofrioanyone here use ubuntu on wsl2, I'm unable to get x to connect to VcXsrv even after adding VcXsrv to the firewall rules ;(22:57
donofrioI just get https://dpaste.org/GtSb22:57
leftyfb!wsl | donofrio22:57
ubottudonofrio: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide22:57
calwigWindows 10 is Trash22:59
donofrioleftyfb, there are seven people in that empty channel, one of them is me.23:01
oerheksstartxfce4 on wsl2 ???23:01
leftyfbcalwig: let’s not23:02
donofriobeen using gui ubuntu inside of w10 for last four years... https://www.tinyurl.com/donofrioworkremmina2020 and now that I converted and upgraded my install to 20.04 inside wsl2 it doesn't connect to x server23:02
leftyfbdonofrio: feel free to contact Microsoft then23:03
donofrioleftyfb, is is ok to be mute on conversation that you do not know about...I'm talking to the other 1024 people here..23:03
leftyfbdonofrio: wsl is not supported here. Neither is the custom X server that Microsoft is running to get GUI to work.23:04
donofrioseems like others like the idea at least....oerheks thought it was interesting...23:06
leftyfbSure, doesn’t mean it’s supported here23:07
leftyfbdonofrio: https://sourceforge.net/projects/vcxsrv/ feel free to go there for support23:07
cbreakan X server doesn't connect to things, it is connected to23:07
cbreakwhat connects to an X server is an X client, which is part of an application23:08
cbreakalthough I think ubuntu's again in the process of switching to wayland, for the second time23:08
donofriocbreak, I can pivot to wayland too just would like to know the steps to get it working with xfce23:09
ogracbreak, already happened (21.10 is wayland)23:10
donofrioogra, so if I do do-release-upgrade -d from my state currently what would I use for wayland client?23:11
oerheksthe only headache was a clipboard that is wayland compatible ..23:11
ogradonofrio, that is not how wayland works23:11
donofrioogra, ah I am open to learn23:11
ograwayland is a protocol, not an app23:11
donofrioso is X I thought?23:12
ograyou have a wayland compositor that drives yur desktop ... and app clients that talk to it23:12
ograin case of Ubuntu gnome-shell is the compositor23:12
donofriook does a wayland app client exist in w10 (that you know of?)23:12
donofrioI know it23:13
donofriois built in to w1123:13
ograi have not used windows since XP (and even that only in VMs), no idea23:13
donofrioogra, fair, just had to ask23:13
donofrioI only use it because moost companies these days are windows desktop shops and linux servers23:14
ograi guess your best bet is to follow leftyfb's suggestion and ask at https://sourceforge.net/projects/vcxsrv/23:14
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donofrioogra, that is not any type of path they do x protocol not wayland23:25
ograyou said you are using 20.04 +23:26
ograthat uses Xorg23:26
testingbutidccis there an early access for ubuntu 22.0423:26
calwigyes there is, you first have to install Windows 11, then youc an preview Ubuntu 22.0423:27
ogratestingbutidcc, isos shoudl show up on cdimage.ubuntu.com next week or the week after23:29
ograthe toolchain has been bootstrapped last week and the initial basic set of packages is building AFAIK23:29
leftyfbcalwig: please stop23:31
leftyfb!ubuntu+1 | testingbutidcc23:31
ubottutestingbutidcc: Jammy Jellyfish is the codename for Ubuntu 22.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.23:31
calwigbut its fun bashing Windows23:31
leftyfbcalwig: this is a support channel. It's offtopic here23:32
calwigI know23:32
srvwhy tso agresis i think ppl that install ubuntu on there pc or dual boot are no supirior to ppl that probably want to continue use windows as their main machine but at the same time uses ubuntu either way on vm or throught wsl223:33
srvwhy calwig is so agresisve23:33
oerhekslets not do this, srv23:33
leftyfb!ot | srv23:33
ubottusrv: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:33
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