
tarzeaui was wondering if there's interest in the packages: bambootracker, cheesecutter, hivelytrcker, klystrack, schism, goattracker, komposter, pt2-clone, sfxr-qt (audio)12:46
tarzeauor for video: shotcut, flowblade, olive-editor? graphics: grafx2, lazpaint12:47
tarzeauphoto: hdrmerge, photoflow, 3d: mm3d, meshlab12:47
Eickmeyertarzeau: most of those are already in the repositories. Just search.13:04
Eickmeyertarzeau: And I'm the only one doing packaging (other than the Debian Multimedia team), and I'm only one person. The goal for 22.04 is to reduce the ISO size, not add more to it. We hit a technical limit causing it to fail to build durind the Impish cycle.13:05
Eickmeyertarzeau: So, I'd ask people in the Debian Multimedia team (I see snd hanging out here) if there's any interest, because my time is limited.13:05
tarzeauEickmeyer: i know they are, since i'm the maintainer :) 13:39
tarzeaui'm part of the debian multimedia team13:39
tarzeaui read about the iso size, and was especially listing these small packages, that are mostly < 5 mb each (including deps that probably already are available)13:40
tarzeauanother question would be i packaged all google web fonts, using equivs: http://bootes.ethz.ch/fonts/deb/ also installable with the `fnt` tool/package that's stuck in debian new queue for 6+ months (it is listed there with less time due to a 2nd upload though)13:41
tarzeauit should be in ubuntu before 22.04 release, and only adds like 5 kb (allowing 1900+ fonts be installable easily)13:41
tarzeauis there some git/salsa page for it, one can check out the project and build an iso themselves?18:24
Eickmeyertarzeau: The seed is at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntustudio/+ref/jammy21:00
EickmeyerIt's a germinate seed, it's automatically built.21:00

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