[00:25] my read thru is complete Bashing-om, no comments, looks good [00:26] guiverc: Wow .. Wonders never cease to amaze me :P [08:14] feed Planet had 12 updates, showing the latest 7 [08:14] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Lubuntu Blog: Lubuntu 21.10 (Impish Indri) Released! @ https://lubuntu.me/impish-released/ [08:14] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu 21.10 (Impish Indri) released @ https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2021/10/14/ubuntu-21-10-impish-indri-released/ [08:14] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu-MM: Ubuntu 21.10 Release Date and Features @ https://ubuntu-mm.net/event/ubuntu-21-10-release-date-and-features/ [08:14] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu-MM: Ubuntu 21.10 Install Demo @ https://ubuntu-mm.net/featured/ubuntu-21-10-install-demo/ [08:15] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Xubuntu: Xubuntu 21.10 released! @ https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-21-10-released/ [08:15] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Kubuntu General News: Kubuntu 21.10 Impish Indri Released @ https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-21-10-impish-indri-released/ [08:15] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Blog: The State of Robotics – September 2021 @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/the-state-of-robotics-september-2021 [08:45] hi guiverc ! I picked up uRT#36978 [08:45] I think the bug was due to the expired lets encrypt root CA! [08:46] I've update ca-certificates for the crawler, do you still see issues? [08:47] thanks tcuthbert ... i'll let you know when I see existing posts arrive in my liferea (or uwn 704 I'll post early tomorrow morning) [08:48] okay! do you mind if I close the RT out? you can always reply to have it re-opened. [08:48] yep. 3 new posts in lifrea 'ubuntu fridge' for me ! [08:48] yep close it up & thanks [08:48] \o/ [08:49] hold on, ignore my looks good - that was 'fridge'... I need them to appear in planet.. will let you know [08:50] looks good anyway... no errors in my planet.ubuntu.com like there were [08:50] guiverc: cool! so still okay to close out? [08:51] yep close out, I'll ping you if issues (or once I see what I want to see) [08:51] yep. they're there :) so thanks tcuthbert [08:52] guiverc: no worries! it was a head scratcher that's for sure! [08:56] you got there. appreciated. [09:56] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Blog: “Industrial Pi” Use Cases with Ubuntu and AMD @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/industrial-pi-use-cases-with-ubuntu-and-amd [19:28] UWN; Pulling "WIP" -log checked and no further edits are known. Time to push 20:00 UTC :D [19:58] krytarik: sarnold has a request to run a notice in UWN of the ZFS crash issue - the fix is in today, His concern "I'm afraid that if folks use released media they'll brick their filesystems." // Can we make something up and include in this issue ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zfs-linux/+bug/1906476 . [20:00] krytarik: Also aware that release is now delayed from my target time :( [20:01] Sure, if you want to write something up for it, and then I think it's best added to the release compound, maybe with bold intro text like "Attention:" or something.. [20:02] krytarik: Great .. i do not understand the "release compound: reference, however. [20:03] I mean the big release summary with lots and lots of additional links.. [20:04] krytarik: Hokay - sounds good to me. [20:09] I see it's also listed in the release notes, and given the brevity of it maybe we could just quote the whole thing.. [20:10] krytarik: good thought! [21:00] krytarik: guiverc: UWN ZFS panic mitigation notice added (General Community News) - what I did suffice ? [21:02] Bashing-om, I don't see a close quote ('"') [21:03] sorry it's there... [21:03] yep looks good... I'll return after I've fed some birds [21:03] guiverc: In your opinion - does this do the job - rushed as I am . [21:07] yep it's good. [21:07] guiverc: Thanks :D [21:26] UWN: ubuntu-news@lists is away - doing the Forum post next. [21:27] get Bashing-om a beer, he is doing such a great job, despite corona.. [21:31] concur - doing a great job Bashing-om [21:32] He he ^^ I do what I can as I can - takes all of us :P [21:32] okay to push UWN 705 to fridge etc Bashing-om [21:32] UWN: Forum post done - Re-directs next. [21:40] UWN 705 tweeted [21:40] okay to push 705 to fridge Bashing-om ? [21:42] guiverc: Yup push to the fridge - no issues are known :D [21:42] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2021/10/18/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-705/ [21:44] Fridge - Spot checks as good all over :D [21:45] guiverc: We clear now to wipe Gdoc ? [21:45] yep scrub away [21:47] UWN 705 pushed to fb, telegram ... [21:47] UWN: cleansing the evidence :) [21:58] UWN: We do 706 :P [22:11] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 705 @ https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2021/10/18/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-705/