[01:53] good morning [01:57] Hi callmepk [01:57] hi duflu [05:22] Heh. I've been wondering if my USB-C cable used for DisplayPort was bad. And now the kernel starts logging "Maybe the USB cable is bad?" === panzeroceania_ is now known as panzeroceania [06:05] hi all [06:11] good morning desktoppers [06:11] hi jibel oSoMoN [06:40] good morning [06:44] salut didrocks callmepk oSoMoN [06:49] salut jibel [06:58] Salut jibel, oSoMoN, didrocks [06:59] hey duflu [07:06] good morning [07:06] hi didrocks jpnurmi === fossfreedom__ is now known as fossfreedom_ [07:09] Morning jpnurmi [07:10] hey callmepk, jpnurmi [07:22] hey callmepk duflu didrocks [08:19] gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel tags 4f34d87 Jonathan Carter upstream/43_git20210906-b7213be * https://deb.li/3Pgqy === WrathOfAchilles is now known as IchabodCrane [13:14] gnome-shell-extension-impatience tags 3b60079 Jonathan Carter upstream/0.4.5+git20210930-db933e8 * https://deb.li/3trTG [14:19] hey seb128 [14:19] kenvandine, hey, how are you? [14:19] good, and you ? [14:22] kenvandine, I'm great thanks! [15:22] hi, on impish with gnome-session and adwaita-dark theme, some bits of the UI still look like yaru-themed. specifically stuff like volume sliders background (aubergine) and desktop switcher background (ubuntu orange) rather than the default gnome blue. is this a known issue? [15:22] or, am I missing some theme package? [17:56] ack: that is from the shell theme, not the gtk theme [19:49] kenvandine, how do you change that?