
zxmpi_can you make it ring when certain numbers call. *ring* *ring* hello, crazy town00:09
daftykins"Linda Dong, an Apple designer, has confirmed on Twitter that the macOS pointer travels behind the notch, allowing users to essentially hide the mouse pointer from view."02:43
daftykinswow Apple, wow02:43
zxmpi_for $4.99 a month you can avail of a service that adds a voice that says 'the mouse is behind the notch... the mouse is behind the notch...' :-P06:04
m0nkey_Outch.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zfs-linux/+bug/190647611:05
lubotuLaunchpad bug 1906476 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Impish) "PANIC at zfs_znode.c:335:zfs_znode_sa_init() // VERIFY(0 == sa_handle_get_from_db(zfsvfs->z_os, db, zp, SA_HDL_SHARED, &zp->z_sa_hdl)) failed" [Undecided, Confirmed]11:05
diddledanizxmpi_: I want a voice that tells me "The Laser Pistol is Recarging" over and over again13:59
diddledaniI can't remember the name of the game that's from14:02
diddledaniit was galactix https://www.myabandonware.com/game/galactix-brd14:06
diddledanithis explains the game concept: https://www.mobygames.com/game/galactix_14:08
zxmpi_weird the way snippets of sound from games sticks in your head. from 'i am over burdened' of diablo ii to 'docking complete' of starglider in the 80s14:16
daftykinsdiddledani: help! D: wordpress is being evil16:30
daftykinspal reported her visual composer plugin isn't loading, which is odd... PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach()16:38
daftykinsyay restored a backup, seems to be this version 40 of Visual Composer ruining things18:46

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