
=== pwnOrbitals1 is now known as pwnOrbitals
flingxnox: I'm having issues building shiftfs.c in 5.14.305:30
flingxnox: http://dpaste.com/DPPZAF3CL05:33
flingnot sure what is this about05:33
* fling going to check what is going on in focal05:57
flingxnox: I don't see 5.14 in focal hmm06:20
flingwhich branch is it in06:20
flingI'm using the wrong remote probably06:22
=== pwnOrbitals1 is now known as pwnOrbitals
juerghfling, there's no 5.14 in focal. 5.14 in unstable: https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/unstable13:30

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