
callmepkgood morning02:23
=== brlin_ is now known as brlin
dufluMorning callmepk 02:32
callmepkhi duflu 02:36
didrockshey everyone!05:48
dufluHi didrocks 06:12
didrockshey duflu 06:15
callmepkhi didrocks 06:41
didrockshey callmepk 06:47
jpnurmigood morning06:52
didrockshey hey jpnurmi 06:54
jpnurmihey didrocks06:56
jibelgood morning folks07:01
didrockssalut jibel 07:03
callmepkhi jpnurmi jibel 07:03
jpnurmihey jibel callmepk07:04
dufluHi jpnurmi 07:15
jpnurmihey duflu07:15
seb128goood morning desktopers!07:28
callmepkhi seb128 07:28
* enyc meows seb128 07:30
didrockssalut seb128 07:50
jpnurmihey seb12808:03
dufluHi seb128 08:16
ricotzhello everyone, callmepk didrocks jpnurmi jibel duflu seb12808:17
callmepkhi ricotz 08:20
didrockshey ricotz 08:29
dufluHi ricotz 09:55
oSoMoNgood afternoon desktoppers11:43
seb128oSoMoN, hey, how are you? had a fun morning? ;-)11:56
seb128jibel, should be an easy one to review and merge if you could check, https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/qa-jenkins-jobs/+git/qa-jenkins-jobs/+merge/41066011:57
oSoMoNHey seb128. Yes, I had a fun morning at school, and I'm glad to be back at the computer :)11:58
jibelseb128, sure, will do11:59
seb128jibel, thanks!11:59
seb128oSoMoN, thx for the firefox channel opening!12:02
seb128we should be set to have daily iso builds going again now :-)12:02
fossfreedom_Hi all. Some ubuntu budgie users are reporting that in their updates the deb firefox on a new install is autoupgraded to the snap. Kind of unexpected. Any ideas why? I thought the transition was only for the GNOME variant.14:55
oSoMoNfossfreedom_, is this on new installs from a budgie ISO ?15:38
oSoMoNlet me test that in a VM15:47
oSoMoNfossfreedom_, I just installed budgie from the 21.10 ISO, and firefox is installed as a deb, not a snap16:14
oSoMoNI'll need more information to look into that, can you get someone who experienced the issue to file a bug (against the firefox source package) with as many details as possible?16:15
fossfreedom_I will try to reproduce. Someone just link us to a YouTube video as well showing the issue 6mins in https://youtu.be/NBTws4KoPtg16:20
ubottuBug 6 in Launchpad itself "'next 10 entries' at bottom of page" [Medium, Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/616:20
oSoMoNfossfreedom_, ok, I can see it now, update-manager is offering the snap upgrade, that's indeed unexpected, as far as I can tell16:37
oSoMoNok, I'm starting to see what's going on, update-manager pokes at /usr/share/ubuntu-release-upgrader/deb2snap.json, I wasn't aware of that16:53
=== Mekaneck is now known as Fatal_Sushi

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