
jrwrenlooks like everything went smoothly... now I have to decide if i want to build my own bind9 package or abandon the DNS server that I've used for over 20 years. :)00:29
cmaloneyWhich server have you run for the past 30 years?01:16
jrwreni didn't know what a server was in 199101:28
cmaloneyI meant DNS server02:55
cmaloneyand yes, 30 years ago I didn't run my own shit02:56
Scary_GuyI once talked to a lady who didn't know.  Had to call back and get a different person before I could properly report that my ISP's DNS servers were down.11:21
Scary_GuyI know it doesn't but I feel like it should stand for Bind Is Not DNS.  I guess I've been using UNIX too long :/13:02
Scary_GuyThough I suppose that's the fun of FOSS.  You either get super profesional sounding names or names like "GIMP"13:04
jrwrenyou aren't off there.13:06
jrwrenIt turns out so many things that I thought of as part of being a DNS server are bind-isms13:06
jrwrenalthough some are RFCs, things like zone transfers really aren't required of a DNS server, unless you want to interop with BIND13:07
jrwrenbut more likely if you are doing xfers you own and op all of the server involved which means you can implement it any which way you want.13:07
jrwrenI'd never considered that until just a few years ago13:07
jrwrenI just really want HTTPS RR support, but it isn't in BIND stable yet and I tried to apply the patch to stable and it doesn't build and I don't want to start diving through the code to make it work so...13:08
jrwrenif I'm feeling VERY ambitious, I'll move to coredns or powerdns13:08
MooncairnDoes anyone do filesystem snapshots before upgrading packages so that you can roll things back if there's a problem? If so, what's your method of doing that?17:23
cmaloneyI haven't attempted it18:19
MooncairnI may try nixos. I just got burned by a bad KDE Plasma upgrade in Debian unstable. No clue what's wrong, and reverting to the previous version of the dozens of packages involved is nearly impossible.18:35
greg-gIf you're LISPy, guix is cool too18:38
* greg-g hasn't used it, but has friends who develop it18:38
cmaloneyOof. That sucks re the upgrade18:44
jrwreni dunno about nixos day to day, but nixpkg is awesome.18:49
jrwrenbut really... the reason I never do filesystem snapshot to try to roll back before upgrading packages is because I learned to dig myself out of basically any kind of package mishaps that could happen.18:50
jrwrengetting to know apt & deb REALLY well was worth it18:50
Scary_Guy"unstable" well, there you go18:58
Scary_GuyI just use timeshift in Mint18:59
jrwreni used to float between debian stable and unstable. it was great... until it wasn't.19:00
Scary_Guyapt, deb, and dpkg19:00
jrwrenThis was the pre-ubuntu days IIRC19:00
Scary_GuyI'm actually on LMDE4.  It's half broken at this point though.  I'm going to move SSDs so just going to do a new install.19:01
jrwreni never reinstall. i only upgrade.19:02
jrwrencurrent system was originally installed in 2004ish, possibly earlier.19:02
Scary_GuyBut I'm also super weird and use things like mate, but with i3wm instead of marco for composition.19:02
Scary_GuyOh wow, that sounds like a nightmare.  You must really be an actual ninja then.19:03
jrwrenhrm... maybe not though... some files indicated maybe it was Aug 200819:03
jrwrenyup... this is me, with a debian/ubuntu system: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cegdR0GiJl419:04
jrwrenbut if you put me on fedora or centos, I'm kinda clueless ;)19:04
Scary_GuyI can manage well enough.  I ran CentOS for a minute on an IBM server I had a while ago.19:06
MooncairnOkay, so the good news is that a new user account allows me to log into the latest KDE Plasma w/o issues. That's also the bad news. :-/20:45
cmaloneySo you'll likely need to move your old config files 21:11
cmaloneyIf it's like gnome they're probably under .config21:11
MooncairnOk, I'm going go and start doing .config surgery and rehab.21:51
MooncairnOne environment variable. That was the problem.22:58

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