
Iamthehuman1After the upgrade to 21.10 I'm also experiencing that the laptop runs real hot. In htop I'm seeing the kwin_x11 constantly wanting >=50% of 800%10:14
Iamthehuman1I got 150GB just for root partitions so install clean and migrate is not a lot of work, expecially since I documented it for me. Should actually make it 180GB as the 50GB just doesn't cut it10:16
OvenWerksIamthehuman1: I am interested to know if that is running on top of xorg or wayland15:24
Iamthehuman1OvenWerks: Xorg15:29
Iamthehuman1Too bad I bought a lifetime license to Baqpaq (an advanced backup solution for /home by the same guy who did Timeshift) only a day after the upgrade. If I had had that in time I could rollback also the ~/.config and such15:32
OvenWerksIamthehuman1: maybe try changing some of the setting in plasma15:33
OvenWerksyeah I know. I was just looking for them ;)15:34
OvenWerksI am thinking Display and Monitor->Compositor would be the place to start15:36
OvenWerksbut I am not sure that allows less "animation"15:37
OvenWerksAlso Workspace Behaviour->General Behaviour->Animation Speed15:39
OvenWerksAlso Workspace Behaviour->Desktop Effects->Appearance15:40
OvenWerksBlurs and fading take CPU/GPU15:41
Iamthehuman1Ok, took all the fades and blurs off15:43
OvenWerksIamthehuman1: also maybe ask in #kubuntu about settings to allow plasma, etc. to take less power15:43
OvenWerksThe reality is that I don't know that much about this, just that plasma4 was really bad with power use and plasma5 much better15:44
Iamthehuman1this seems to have had a positive effect, now its asking only for 15-20% of 800%15:44
Iamthehuman1Yes... temps just dropped below 60C15:45
OvenWerksIamthehuman1: in general, desktop computers have continued to have more processing power (GPUs too) but laptops have been stuck in i3 land forever15:47
OvenWerksThe i5 and i7 made for laptops are two core, just like the i315:47
OvenWerksThe reason is all down to cooling15:48
OvenWerksThe thinner the laptop, the worse it gets15:48
OvenWerksThis is also the reason Apple has gone ARM based with their M115:48
OvenWerksI think Intel has a lot of work to do in this area... AMD too. I think that the linux kernel probably needs work as well15:51
Iamthehuman1I heard that the developement of Xorg has kinda been put on the backburner in favor of Wayland. I did try Wayland on KDE neon, otherwise ok, but no graphical VirtualBoxen would start, so back to X15:52
OvenWerksYeah Wayland has made some choices that purposely breaks things people are used to doing, calling them a security leak.15:53
OvenWerksThis is lead by redhat (whatever they are called these days) who's main customers are very interested in security over anything else and generally have almost no graphics uses.15:55
Iamthehuman1OvenWerks: After the upgrade JACK stopped working, I didn't notice this till I stopped and tried to restart Studio Controls. I heard here that there have been some edge cases, where the update script of autojack (?) will not work correctly. Here is the output when I try to start Studio Controls from shell https://paste.debian.net/1216417/. If this system cannot be rescued it is not a big problem, as I can just install clean and 'mv * ../15:57
Iamthehuman1newhome' and then manually pick only selected configs from the old system15:58
OvenWerksThe desktop computer is very quickly going back to it's roots of being a business oriented device rather than entertainment. Entertainment is in many ways being taken over by ARM based android and iOS15:58
OvenWerksIamthehuman1: if you run convert-studio-controls on the commanfline can you paste the whole output?16:00
Iamthehuman1.. should I take a Timeshift snapshot first?16:00
OvenWerksyou can but it should have been run several times by now anyway...16:01
Iamthehuman1nah.. there was one run at 1AM last night... running it now16:01
OvenWerksI am concerned that the paste above does not show it's run before the above16:02
Iamthehuman1OvenWerks: here is the output https://paste.debian.net/1216418/16:02
OvenWerksYou have a device that exceeds my experience it seems.16:05
OvenWerkscan you past the output of ls -l /proc/asound/*16:05
OvenWerksActually that is clumsy :P16:06
OvenWerkspasting the the contents of /proc/asound/cards would do just as well16:07
Iamthehuman1OvenWerks: just one card currently, not at home where I have more cards https://paste.debian.net/1216419/16:10
Iamthehuman1Is there anything else I could provide to shed light on my system's situation? ... I have a sauna to catch right about now16:11
OvenWerksYou have tyhe same problem with just that? If you are busy don't worry, It seems you have a USB audio device that has a name that is less than 4 charactors long16:13
OvenWerksYou could paste ~/.config/autojack/autojack.json16:14
OvenWerks(of the system with the problem) but I think I see the problem in any case16:15
Iamthehuman1OvenWerks: Here is the contents of autojack.json  https://paste.debian.net/1216422/ .. now I need to hit the sauna or the fire will die out. Thanks for your software and help!16:17
Eickmeyer[m]Iamahuman4: So, for the laptop being hot, I've noticed that without tlp that seems to happen. Install tlp and you should see some improvements in both power usage and cooling.17:51
Iamthehuman1Thanks Eickmeyer[m]. After turning the fades and blurs off as Len suggested, the CPU utilisation went to nice idling levels and temperatures are down to ~ 50C, but I will now look into this tlp17:58
Iamthehuman1mmmmm, archwiki https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/TLP17:59
Eickmeyer[m]Iamahuman4: The Ubuntu package automatically installs a systemd service for you and enables it on boot, so there's 0 configuration to do.18:00
Iamthehuman1ok, thanks, installed18:02
OvenWerksIamthehuman1: definately to do with short USB device names.20:23
Iamthehuman1Ok. Thank you for that information. This system was originally installed as 21.04. Is there something that can be done about the short USB device names?20:25
OvenWerksIamthehuman1: fix studio-controls...20:32
OvenWerksIamthehuman1: you also have at least one device that has no name at all. I think it gets one device twice too. (the one with no name) which it looks like is a midi device?20:37
Iamthehuman1got a couple of midi controllers back home20:38
Iamthehuman1I need to investigate this when I am back home. So which file I should edit to try to get Studio Controls up? ~/.config/autojack/autojack.json ?20:40
OvenWerkseasiest thing is to unplug any USB device with less than 4 char length and create a new config file. (mv ~/.config/autojack ~/.config/autoback or something like that)20:45
OvenWerksthen run convert-studio-controls to cerate a new one.20:46
OvenWerksIt should not give any errors.20:46
Iamthehuman1ok, copied instructions to intrawiki. But I'm going to do this when I am back home with 3 displays and all the devices20:47
OvenWerksyou can add devices you know about following any usb device that is in there... adding a USB<next number> and putting the actual device name in raw.20:47
OvenWerksbus and id can both be "none"20:48
OvenWerksI should exclude midi only devices from the database too.20:49
OvenWerksI am guessing that I need to treat no name devices better too. I was just using their card number as a name as that will allow things to work. But I think BUS and ID will need to be added.20:55
Iamthehuman1Thanks OvenWerks. I will try with this information when I'm back home. Right now ALSA is up so I'm good for the rest of this vacation, just no klingityklangity sounds from anything JACK :P21:08
pancho_masako_27Sup people21:38
SeanCortright[m]Hi, I'm wondering how to uninstall ubuntustudio from linux mint.23:41
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)23:41
Eickmeyer[m]Sean Cortright: Not supported, sorry.23:41

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