
webchat95Hi, I upgraded from Focal to Jammy. The volume icon disappeared and the indicators look messy, with some strange empty spaces: https://imgur.com/7z0E7sT.png04:45
webchat95Pretty nice default background on the login screen 👍️04:45
webchat95May the missing sound icon be related with the fact Xubuntu 22.04 uses pipewire instead of pulseaudio?04:50
MontresorI'm on Debian unstable with xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin and pipewire, granted I have the PA plugin. :305:00
webchat95Hmm... I wasn't using the plugin, it was an indicator, I think05:07
webchat95Because the plugin icon gets huge05:07
MontresorHuh, shouldn't because xfce4-pa-plugin has been default for a while now, -indicator-plugin shouldn't really be used for much these days.  Also wow, that's an early jump to Jammy!  They've got an OpenSSL 3.0 transition, Php 8.1, and Ruby 3.0 staged to go.05:09
MontresorWow, OK.  Ctrl+right click and see what options you have?05:09
webchat95Properties, about, move, remove, panel. Inside the properties, there are options about keyboard shortcuts, show notifications on volume change, audio mixer program, and setting about controlling media players05:12
MontresorSounds a bit like -pa-plugin to me, yeah.  Could try about.  Anywho, odd a bit.  Maybe the square options would work, but I don't use a virt panel either soo. :305:13
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