
xu-irc46wgood morning00:35
xu-irc46wi installed xubunto on second hard drive pc wont boot , unless i press f11 during boot , ok so i uninstalled xbunto now i get some screen abouit grub ?00:36
xu-irc46wis there a book i can get some where ? all the help online is old 00:37
xu-irc46woh great my win setting have changed?00:39
xu-irc90wok every time i hit enter page moves wtf00:39
xu-irc90wis there any one to help like linux software claims so far this is third linux ive tryed no good so far00:40
xu-irc90wi in stalled xbunto on other drive pc wont boot unless i press f11 during boot ?00:41
xu-irc90wthat was no good so i uninstalled xbunto now i get aboot screen looks like dos , some stuff about grub00:42
xu-irc90w5 42 am going to look for coffee 00:43
xu-irc90whello any one there?00:45
xu-irc90wdamn screen moves every time i hit enter wtf00:46
xu-irc90wi need help please00:46
tomreynxu-irc90w: sometimes it takes some patience to find someone to asnwer your questions00:46
xu-irc90wdamn first person whos said some thing 00:46
tomreynif you need a better irc client than the webchat, you could install hexchat00:46
xu-irc90wive waited hours on other sites 00:47
xu-irc90wnow if stupid page would stop moving 00:47
xu-irc90wi dont know what hex chat is ok 00:47
xu-irc90wim disabled learning disabled autism , im trying to not use win 7 any more but people have made it very difficult 00:48
xu-irc90wnot easy to switch 00:48
xu-irc90wlike is there a book ?00:48
tomreynthis web chat you're using connects to an IRC network, which is a chat protocol. there are much better ways to use IRC, heyxchat is one of several softwares you could install that would enable that.00:48
xu-irc90wim not changeing win 7 with more software 00:49
xu-irc90wi tryed to install xbunto and it wont boot unless i press f11 ever after uninstalling it 00:49
xu-irc90wnow when i boot i get ados like screen about grub ?00:50
tomreyni'm not going to discuss windows or windows vs linux, but generally, you should definitely not run an end of support life operating system connected to the internet.00:50
xu-irc90wha ha thats what i said 00:50
xu-irc90wguess your no help00:50
tomreynit's not clear what you mean by "uninstalling xubuntu", since there's no such thing00:50
xu-irc90wevery freaking time :(00:51
xu-irc90wif i dont say the word exactly right its im a bad person , but when i dont understand yall its all ha 00:51
tomreynwhat do you mean?00:51
tomreyni don't think you're a bad person, why would i?00:52
xu-irc90wit wont boot into win unless i press f11 during start like after i press power button i go to keyboard and press f11 get option for lots of stuff like grub uiefi grub stuff and win 700:53
xu-irc90wso that was no good so i format the other drive now it boots into some thing that looks like dos with some words about grub 00:54
tomreynyou seem to have a computer which supports both uefi and legacy bios boot (also known as "CSM"). F11 seems to show the boot (override) menu on this computer.00:54
tomreynsome of the options presented there will be for uefi booting, others for bios booting00:54
tomreyngrb is the boot loader used by most linux distributions, including (x)ubuntu00:55
xu-irc90wok how do i make it not do that and just boot back into win7 like before?00:55
xu-irc90wother linux stuff that did not work out i just format the drive and reboot nothing changed untill xubunto00:56
tomreynif you changed bios configurations before you installed xubuntu, then undo them, and windows should be able to boot the same way as it did previously00:56
xu-irc90wi did not change bios setting00:56
xu-irc90wso xbunto broke my machine and no body will take resonability 00:57
xu-irc90wmaybe come up with a boot manager atleast if your going to push crap software that dont work right00:57
tomreynyou know, i'm volunteering my spare time to answer some of your questions, you should not treat me that way.00:58
xu-irc90wgreat no help and now i got to spend hours looking up how to fix my computer00:58
xu-irc90wtreating what way ?00:59
tomreynif this is a repeating scene, maybe there is a constant in the whole thing you should look at more closely00:59
xu-irc90wim just typing 00:59
xu-irc90wim disabled and linux is not easy at all every thing is a struggle00:59
tomreynsorry to hear that00:59
tomreyni think ubuntu may be easier in terms of scessibility features01:00
xu-irc90wgreat my pc is broke and no help :(01:00
xu-irc90wubunto i couldnt get to work like i coundnt get linux other stuff to work , its so confussing not easy at all01:01
tomreyni'm tired, maybe we can give this another try in some 10 or so hours01:01
xu-irc90won a fixed income cant afford anew pc 01:01
xu-irc90wwhen this one dies im done with the inter net 01:01
xu-irc90wyour were of no help 01:02
xu-irc90wis there some who can help01:02
tomreynokay, i'm retreating said offer, have a nice life.01:02
xu-irc90wi cant tell but i think you were rude to me 01:03
xu-irc90wok any one else of any help or is it just like every time i need help its crickets some comunity 01:03
xu-irc90wgoddamn liars all of the nurotypicals have made this world nuthing but hell fuck you all01:05
xu-irc90wthats for fucking my computer up and not oferany help 01:05
xu-irc90wfuck all the nurotypicals 01:05
xu-irc44wcan i get real help not bull shit like last time linux fucked my pc 01:31
xu-irc44wnow i have to boot and press f1101:32
xu-irc44wlinux fucked my pc i need real help01:32
W7i am trying to install pip on xubuntu 21.10 using apt because it is missing and i get this error https://pastebin.com/yMBhWGcq01:55
tomreynif you prefer downloading from the web you should disable (comment out) the "cdrom" lines in /etc/apt/sources.list01:57
W7thanks I fixed it02:00
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xu-irc43wnew to xubuntu15:59
xu-irc43wwhenever i open fonts from applications menu, system becomes unresponsive15:59
xu-irc43wanyone here facing this same issue ?15:59
xu-irc43wis there a open bug on this  ?16:15
Mekaneckxu-irc43w: try searching launchpad for bug reports16:21
xu-irc43wi dont have launchpad accounts16:25
xu-irc43wis there any open urls to find bug reports16:25
xu-irc43wgot it https://bugs.launchpad.net16:26
GridCloudsomething like this xu-irc43w ? https://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=1465916:28
GridCloudthis person seemed to have a faulty drive tho16:28
GridCloudwhat application is the one failing xu-irc43w ?16:29
xu-irc43wone that in Accessories16:47
GridCloudxu-irc43w: have you tried loggin in as guest and see if the problem persists?16:52
xu-irc43wi haven't tried that16:52
xu-irc43wBut tried with multiple times with same account, still issue persist16:53
xu-irc43wThis is fresh os16:54
sophiei tried it just now on 20.04. it certainly works my computer for a moment. takes a while to come up and uses some ram17:00
sophiecould it be it needs more resources than you have17:01
sophiein fact. i just minimised the fonts application to type here, and now it wont come back up. does seem to be an issue there17:01
sophiealso could try turning off compositing in window manager tweaks. having that on has given me weird issues like this, and the system seems stabler with it off17:02
xu-irc43wLooks like a prebuilt issue17:06
xu-irc43wTurning off compositor, helps17:56
xu-irc43wAfter turning off compositor in settings, now able to open fonts app.17:56
xu-irc43wsophie you are right, turning off compositor fonts app opens without issues.17:57
sophie:) glad it's sorted!17:57
xu-irc43wGridCloud its issues with compositor17:57
xu-irc43wsophie yeah, thanks.17:58
GridCloudwhat release are you using?17:59
xu-irc43w5.11.0-38-generic #42~20.04.1-Ubuntu18:00
GridCloudquestion, do you have a .fonts folder in your ~/ directory?18:01
xu-irc43wlet me have a quick look, wait pls18:02
GridCloudthough if composition helped the problem is probably with rendering some font under composition 18:02
xu-irc43wGridCloud nope .fonts folder is not there18:03
GridCloudinteresting so it's not a custom font 18:03
xu-irc43wis this really needed ? command: fc-cache -f -v18:07
GridCloudi don't know what that does18:08
xu-irc43wrebuilding the font information18:08
xu-irc43wjust got from here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts18:09
GridCloudoh i think that just rebuilds the cache list of fonts 18:10
GridCloudso it would display the font name on drop down lists when you install a new font18:10
GridCloudtry re-enabling composition and see if the crash happens on some of those drop down lists? like in libreoffice? 18:12
GridCloudor when you choose a font on the xfce4-terminal? 18:12
GridCloudyou could also try to launch gnome-font-viewer from a terminal and see the crash report?18:14
xu-irc43wok wait18:14
xu-irc43wcrap, now it opening without issue, turned on compositor, now fonts app opens without issue18:16
xu-irc43w?!!! confused18:16
GridCloudyes good old magic18:17
xu-irc43wBut !! what i have done ? what could be the issue here18:17
GridCloudno idea18:17
GridCloudmaybe a font wasn't rendering properly, maybe re enabling it reseted soemthing that was being stubborn, maybe the gods smile at you18:18
tomreynxu-irc43w: the kernel version you posted seems to suggest you're on xubuntu 21.04 "hirsute" - note that 21.10 is released and you have 2 months left to upgrade.18:24
tomreyn*3 months18:24
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xu-irc43wtomreyn oh i installed this xubuntu today, the link provided in LTS is this, will check and upgrade to next LTS.18:28
tomreynxu-irc43w: i was just guessing based on your kernel version - but the version i mentioned is not an LTS release18:29
tomreynxu-irc43w: lsb_release -ds   will print what you have18:29
tomreynthere is also /etc/os-release18:29
tomreyni'm sorry, i missed the "20.04.1-Ubuntu" part. apparently you're using a 20.04 HWE kernel image18:30
xu-irc43wVERSION="20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa)"18:32
xu-irc43wPRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS"18:32
tomreyn!paste | xu-irc43w 18:32
ubottuxu-irc43w: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:32
tomreynxu-irc43w: so if you're on 20.04 LTS (and don't want to move away from an LTS release) then you shouldn't upgrade, yet18:33
tomreynbecause there is no newer LTS release, yet - that will be 22.04 in 04/2022 (thus the version name).18:33
tomreynxu-irc43w: if you wanted to get a better idea of what went wrong with the fonts, you could read your system logs: journalctl -b18:41
tomreyn(but this is where almost everything logs to, so it's pretty crammy)18:42
xu-irc43wwhere this logs stays in ?18:43
xu-irc43wis this '/var/log/syslog' ?18:47
xu-irc43wtomreyn here is the log with regard to fonts app crashing will this help ? https://pastebin.com/2wV70rmX18:54
tomreynxu-irc43w: these logs are stored in a database (which gets automatically shorted regularly to not take too much disk space) in /var/log/journal18:58
tomreynxu-irc43w: it does tell us that the font viewer really crashed, i.e. the program got closed because it programmatically failed18:59
xu-irc43wtomreyn Thanks for the help19:26
tomreynxu-irc43w: you're welcome 19:27
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W7is there a way to make autonomous updates on xubuntu update to xubuntu not ubuntu because my laptop is not able to run ubuntu and it is causing me trouble22:14
krytarikW7: Regardless of what exactly you mean by "update", it won't transform the install to Ubuntu to begin with.22:21
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