
guiverc@hook, I've booted impish/21.10 on thinkpads without issue; there is/was a known issue with ZFS (wasn't known at release time I believe but shortly after) with fix released.  I'd ensure your ISO was valid & write to media was perfect00:09
guivercIf you're asking about the Canary installer (still built on impish, 21.10 has been released so it's mostly a support issue now; not quality - but canary build is still impish); it's not the ISO boot that's a concern, just the new installer.00:11
ItzSwirlzJAMMY! Cinnamon 4.8.6 curse is broken. I'll queue a buil01:12
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <hook> I'm always getting this error no matter where I run.. Be it Lenovo ThinkPad, Lenovo Thinkcenter.I don't understand why ? : https://matterbridge.thomas-ward.net/7078b9d8/file_97.jpg01:28
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <hook> I tried using different media but yet no luck..01:29
guiverc@hook, Ubuntu 21.10 has been released; so I'd suggest using a support group and not this QA channel.  If you validated the ISO then it's the write to media that is most at fault in my experience; check you used an appropriate method with up-to-date software02:08
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <guiverc> https://t.me/ubuntusupport is a support room  ; not intended for QA testers (be it jammy or what will be 22.04, *focal* or what will be 20.04.4  on release etc) (re @hook: )02:10
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <hook> My Checksum didn't match with the original iso...07:39
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <hook> How can I correct this without downloading the entire iso again (re @ubuntu_bridge_Bot: (irc) <guiverc> @hook, I've booted impish/21.10 on thinkpads without issue; there is/was a known issue with ZFS (wasn't known at release time I believe but shortly after) with fix released.  I'd ensure your ISO was valid & write to media was perfect)07:39
guiverc@hook, I use `zsync` to update an ISO & download only differences (at the start of the now jammy cycle; I'll start with an impish ISO)07:55
guivercps: if I want to download a flavor I don't have, i'll pick another ISO that I think is closest (different release; or same release but different flavor) then use `zsync` to again update to ISO I want via download of differences07:57
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <hook> I tried utorrent and it worked for me.... Thank you everyone now my Checksum matched with the original...08:53
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <hook> utorrent fix my iso...08:53
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <hook> I'll go and install my Ubuntu 21.10 again... Thank everyone08:53
ItzSwirlzUCR Jammy build needs time for the packages to queue in Launchpad, going to test a jammy build on live session on my gamingn rig whos calling dibs, first to call gets it17:35
lotuspsychjefirst impression is great ItzSwirlz 17:35
ItzSwirlzI was just trying to be energetic/lively :D17:39
ItzSwirlzI don't know what spin to pick, so yeah. I don't have an extra HDD lying around sadly.. yet.17:40
* ItzSwirlz looks over birthday gift money, realizes he needs to do thank you cards and should start investing in a hdd17:40
lotuspsychjei got a spare laptop to early test here17:41
ItzSwirlzcool! lapzilla sadly as i mentioned earlier is sadly a 32-bit and max ram is 1 GB, so most it'll do is 16.04 lubuntu 17:41
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <ItzSwirlz> https://matterbridge.thomas-ward.net/51f73a6a/file_98.jpg19:53
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <ItzSwirlz> ehm… Bluetooth?19:53
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <ItzSwirlz> Anddd triggered a crash, good job me :D19:56

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