
=== genii is now known as genii-core
xu-irc7wThere are two apps confusing in settings, 1. Software Updater 2. Software & Updates05:14
xu-irc7wBoth are same or different ?05:14
xu-irc28wmy old Toshiba Laptop has 1.66GHz Core 2 duo processor and 1GB Ram can I install Xububtu07:58
xu-irc28wthank you07:59
PinkfishI really liked the Xfce Bluecurve theme, its no more there, i meant its not part of in-built themes anymore.12:47
nitioIn xubuntu i get this. Package 'synaptic' has no installation candidate anyone know a solution to this?14:56
nitionever mind i fixed the problem15:00
tomreynnitio: what was it?15:01
nitioHad to do sudo apt update.15:06
nitioand then sudo apt install synaptic was able to install.15:07
tomreynnitio: oh, right, always "apt update" before you "apt install <something>"15:14
pikapikatomreyn, was synaptic added only recently?15:20
tomreynpikapika: that seems unlikely to me.15:21
tomreynpikapika: i assume, however, that the repository providing apt wa sonly recently added to nitio's apt configuration15:21
tomreyns/providing apt/providing synaptic/15:22
pikapikaWhat does that message mean? When a package isn't available apt tells me "Unable to locate package" I don't think I have seen that message before15:22
pikapikaapparently the full error message implies that this means the package is part of some dependency but deson't exist inside the repo15:24
pikapikaoh so I guess that person must have uncommented/added a new item to sources.list 15:24
pikapikabut hadn't performed an apt update after that15:25
pikapikaas stated in an askubntu page15:25
tomreynpikapika: i assume that the "universe" repository was not enabled.15:47
pikapikaIs that commented out by default15:47
xu-irc29wHi! I have an up-to-date Xubuntu 20.04.3 system running on physical hardware for a year. It is on kernel 5.4.0-89. Today I downloaded a fresh ISO of Xubuntu 20.04 and installed on VM, it is on kernel 5.13 by default. Why is that?15:50
xu-irc29wThe better question to ask may be why do I keep receiving updates in 5.4 instead of getting pushed to the mainline kernel?15:59
docJust an FYI, there's no one seeding the torrent17:24
docI'm trying to use it and no peers17:24
pikapikadoc, which isp17:28
pikapikadoc, which iso17:28
docpikapika: ^17:29
coconutdoc, tried to add webseed to tracker list of torrent?18:16
doccoconut: I'm not following the question. I'm using transmission and tried the "request more peers" option or whatever it's called, with no change.18:17
coconuttransmission does not allow to add webseeds(which is basicly some sort of http download i believe)18:33
coconutdoc, and i got 14MB/s on ktorrent without webseed already18:33
* doc shrugs18:34
docall I know is I downloaded the torrent from xubuntu.com and got nada18:34
coconuthmm, transmission is slower for me too on this torrent, i don't know why either.... but KTorrent does it FAST.18:35
dreamongood evening.. I have a qr-code scanner. that works fine on Windows. Linux it shows no spezial keys like öäü.. Pressing STRG+ALT+F2 and scanning here. It shows all special keys correct. but in xfce not. 21:14
pikapikaWhat font does it use/21:46
pikapikaThere are certain fonts necessary for proper utf-8 support21:46
pikapikaNot all fonts have all the characters21:47
dreamonpikapika, its not a font issue.. scanner is sending ALT+dec.code of special keys. and Linux xorg dont read it like that21:48
dreamonbut in Terminal STRG+ALT+F2 it works perfect.21:49
pikapikaYeah but I don't know if the app is using the correct fonts (for example noto supports utf-8, but some others might not)21:49
pikapikaIt could be what you are saying too of course21:49
pikapikaHow is the scanner connected? usb?21:49
dreamonxev shows hex dump.. there I can see whats coming from device. 21:50

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