
dngrayI've been having a look at cloud-init, specifically being able to serve metadata from a http url06:48
dngrayhttps://christine.website/blog/cloud-init-2021-06-04 mentions:06:48
dngray  <qemu:arg value="type=1,serial=ds=nocloud-net;h=mayhem;s="/>06:48
dngrayam i able to use a domain? like does it have to be a hard-coded IP address?06:49
dngraywhat if the server i want to specify has multiple sites hosted on the same IP address... then i might want something like http://somesite.example.com06:49
dngray[m]1looking at https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/datasources/nocloud.html06:52
dngray[m]1it should be able to do DNS lookups, DHCP server serves up a nameserver06:54
dngray_anyone around?13:55
faahello, i'm try update cloud-init port FreeBSD to 21.3 and have errors https://pastebin.com/kczjfeqz activators and ssh-authkey-fingerprints, this require dependency or config change? try add disable_network_activation but not work, or release not contain this switch?14:10
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