
=== thopiekar is now known as Guest5923
=== thopiekar_ is now known as thopiekar
=== birdy is now known as birdybird
user|52Hello everyone, I have a laptop Asus VivoBook09:35
user|52i'm new to Linux09:35
user|52I have a driver question how to install?09:35
IrcsomeBot<bongwitcher> what driver tho?09:41
Fatal_Sushi@bongwitcher they're gone09:44
Fatal_Sushiyou guys should switch over to IRC instead of using telegram...09:45
IrcsomeBot<Ullashmishra> in kubantu i want to use multi gesture touchpad is thair any way to use in my kubantu11:04
IrcsomeBot<m_babayiii> 4J31 (re @join_captcha_bot: )11:49
IrcsomeBot<m_babayiii> 4X7X (re @join_captcha_bot: )11:49
BluesKajHi folks12:39
=== jmanu is now known as w0lfheart
gvHow to disable updates checking on internet connection in kubuntu?16:52
gvHow to disable update-manager or update-notifier from automatically checking for updates on internet connection in Kubuntu?17:12
=== andreas is now known as andreas_
IrcsomeBot<Veektony> is there any way i could determine my airpods battery percent on KDE bluetooth menu?17:18
IrcsomeBot<Ullashmishra> Search this on Google.17:29
IrcsomeBot<Ullashmishra> bluetooth battery level linux17:29
IrcsomeBot<Ullashmishra> You will get some CLI tool and mey be gnome tools  for this17:29
IrcsomeBot<Ullashmishra> CLI works perfectly (re @Veektony: is there any way i could determine my airpods battery percent on KDE bluetooth menu?)17:29
IrcsomeBot<Veektony> thanks17:30
Fatal_Sushi@Veektony same answer as we provided yesterday for another user with a Bluetooth headset, depending on your version of plasma and if your device provides the protocol for it. If it doesn't show, it's not supported by your devices.17:31
=== kennet is now known as godkernel
IrcsomeBot<jpkhawam> Hello, quick question22:02
IrcsomeBot<jpkhawam> If I install a file that builds via dkms from the terminal, in my case,22:02
IrcsomeBot<jpkhawam> sudo apt install rtl8821ce-dkms22:02
IrcsomeBot<jpkhawam>  (my wifi card), if I22:02
IrcsomeBot<jpkhawam> sudo apt remove rtl8821ce-dkms22:02
IrcsomeBot<jpkhawam> , will it also unbuild it? Or do I have to do extra steps to remove it fully?22:02
IrcsomeBot<Juane> Anyone knows how to???? (re @Juane: Do you know how may i fix it?!)23:30

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