
=== sdfgsdfgs is now known as sdfgsdfg
lotuspsychjegood morning02:01
TJ-warning: in #ubuntu Kolusion is the abusive user from recent days that has had to be banned from #networking and #linux 10:15
lotuspsychjekk tnx TJ- 10:43
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
lotuspsychjefirst bug is a fact! bug #194780011:26
ubottuBug 1947800 in apport (Ubuntu Jammy) "/usr/share/apport/whoopsie-upload-all:zlib.error:/usr/share/apport/whoopsie-upload-all@196:collect_info:process_report:add_gdb_info:gdb_command:write:read:readinto:read" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194780011:26
tomreynerrors.ubuntu.com is receiving multiple reports per minute on this.11:39
tomreynall of which are about: 2.20.11-0ubuntu70Ubuntu 21.10amd6411:40
lotuspsychjedmesg needs a sudo here now11:45
TJ-I seem to recall that's a Debian thing as well11:56
lotuspsychjedmesg: lezen van kernelbuffer is mislukt: Actie is niet toegestaan11:57
lotuspsychjei was reading article before they would tighten dmesg security more11:59
TJ-lotuspsychje: re apport: any clues in "journalctl -u apport.service" 12:02
lotuspsychjeno, but i had this earlier; [24624.050234] tracker-miner-f[2493]: segfault at 8 ip 00007f3fb48f5b97 sp 00007ffed74b9e90 error 4 in libtracker-sparql-3.0.so.0.102.0[7f3fb48e5000+6c000]12:03
lotuspsychjethen got the bug report window12:03
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
=== rfm_ is now known as rfm

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