
diddledanimessin' https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/GhD3nTdu/image.png19:21
diddledaniIBM mainframe19:23
daftykinso rly19:24
diddledaniMVS is an OS from ancient times19:24
diddledani"First released in 1974"19:25
diddledaniref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MVS19:25
* daftykins wields a chocolate orange20:02
m0nkey_diddledani: I remember using RFE on a real IBM Z series mainframe.21:11
m0nkey_diddledani: let me guess, you watched the L1Techs video with Tron Guy?21:45
diddledaniI fancied seeing what it was like21:45
diddledaniit's confusing21:46
zxmpi_i keep looking at the pipdp and have to keep telling myself no :-) https://obsolescence.wixsite.com/obsolescence/pidp-1121:46
m0nkey_My first IT helpdesk job, I had to manage users on IBM Mainframe using RACF21:46
zxmpi_of course being from 1975 it's just modern rubbish :-P21:47
m0nkey_mainframes are a total different kind of animal21:49
zxmpi_if you're going to learn cobol properly... :-P21:49
m0nkey_2hrs left of my on-call21:50
m0nkey_and I can sleep tonight21:50
m0nkey_Since Friday evening, I've had about 7, maybe 8 hours sleep.21:50
diddledanieven DOS is weird before version 3 - that's about when it became sensible and recognisable by modern standards21:51
zxmpi_when i started dos 3.3 was the business. new AND shiny21:53
zxmpi_ms dos AND ibm dos. ibm dos had way better manuals21:53
m0nkey_earliest version of DOS I ever used was PC-DOS 2.021:56
m0nkey_And that was running in the 90s when I worked at my local Safeway. The computers upstairs ran PC-DOS 2.0 and all the checkouts running it too.21:57
m0nkey_And these things were never powered off for the entire time they were in use.21:57
diddledanithose handsets for shop-n-go ran DOS, too21:57
zxmpi_yeah i did see some really old shit. cp/m on a few dozen systems21:57
diddledanithey were netbooted21:58
zxmpi_oooh cpm netbook. systems with 64k of ram. first machine would boot off 5mb hard drive. and then 1 by 1 the rest would take their turn to load os and apps from disk over network21:59
zxmpi_about 5-10 minutes for system to fully boot 6 machines22:00
daftykinsm0nkey_: what's kept you up?22:02
m0nkey_daftykins: I'm on-call this weekend.22:02
daftykinssurely you still sleep Saturday night!22:03
m0nkey_If I recall, the Safeway I worked at use old school 10Base5 vampire taps22:03
m0nkey_daftykins: I wish. gotta keep them source control systems maintained, even over the weekends.22:04
zxmpi_the batteries in my psion have died. they lasted 25+ weeks. i request a moment of silence for their valiant effort :-)22:26
m0nkey_thats getting close to nokia battery life territory 22:29
zxmpi_slightly more than 4 aa batteries a year, it's a real burden :-P22:30
zxmpi_gonna see if i can find lithium aa batteries to bung in next time :-D22:30
m0nkey_with lithium you should be able to overclock it lol22:31

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