
=== gnrp is now known as TheThoughtPolice
=== TheThoughtPolice is now known as ThoughtPolice
=== ThoughtPolice is now known as TheThoughtPolice
Fernando-BassoIs it possible to disable Super from opening the applications menu? Or set it to something else?11:04
Fernando-BassoI am okay with it, except that I set many of my own shortcuts to super+<something>, like super+h to open the home directory in thunar, super+f to open firefox dev edition, etc.11:05
Fernando-BassoAfter 21.10 which binds super to the applications menu, I'm unable to set the aforementioned shortcuts.11:05
KBarYes, it is. Let me check11:06
Fernando-BassoWhen the "Command Shortcut" popup opens, I press and hold super, but it ignores any further key presses, meaning I can't set super+h for instance.11:06
KBarSettings Manager > Keyboard > Application Shortcuts > remove the respective entry11:07
KBarAnd then you can bind to custom commands.11:07
KBarVia adding new entries.11:07
Fernando-BassoI cannot find it there.11:07
KBarAre you using vanilla Xubuntu?11:08
Fernando-BassoI had gone there before asking. Sorry I should have said that.11:08
Fernando-BassoYep. Upgraded it a few days ago.11:08
KBarTry it through Settings Editor then.11:08
* Fernando-Basso uploaded an image: (12KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/mLxlcJlnuTOfytdVQtmUmtSJ/image.png >11:09
Fernando-BassoThe closest I can find.11:09
KBarGtk front-end for xfconf-query.11:09
KBarSorry, I won't open that link.11:10
KBarTry this: xfce4-screenshooter -wi11:10
KBarIt will grab the active window and automatically upload it to Imgur.11:10
KBarPaste the link here.11:10
KBarI have all my shortcuts bound to Super+Key and I removed the Applications Menu entry through Settings Manager as I said. On Xubuntu 20.0411:12
KBarCheck Settings Editor > xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts11:13
KBarand look there11:13
KBaralternatively use this11:14
KBarxfconf-query -c xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts -l | grep Super11:15
KBarfind one which is set to <Super>11:15
KBarand unset it11:16
KBarmeaning set its value to 'empty_string'11:16
Fernando-BassoI pasted it on matrix. Although the link says "download", it just opens the image in the browser preview.11:22
Fernando-BassoAnyway, I have no shortcut with only Super anywhere. I cannot find. Not from any GUIs. Not from the command line.11:22
Fernando-BassoI guess it is related to upgrading. Perhaps I'll resort to moving away my ~/.config/xfce4 directory.11:23
Fernando-BassoThanks for all the help, KBar .11:24
KBarmaybe 4.16 changed its location. tried right-clicking on the whisker menu logo itself?11:46
KBarmaybe the shortcut setting has been moved to Properties11:47
KBarfix to a similar problem: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/585799/xfce-how-to-unbind-super-keyboard-shortcut-from-whiskermenu11:53
=== TheThoughtPolice is now known as gnrp
=== gnrp is now known as TheThoughtPolice
ballHalp! I tried moving some folders slightly that were on my desktop.  They vanished.  They're not in the trashcan and they don't show up in "ls" output when I'm in the desktop directory.18:59
ballAnyone know where they went?!19:00
ballOh I found them.19:01
ballIt put them in Home.19:01
naiveknifethats a happy end if you ask me19:01
ballPretty clumsy UI.  I was nowhere near the home folder when I moved the folders19:03
ballThat's probably an Xfce thing rather than Xubuntu, specifically.19:03
naiveknifeno idea what could have went wrong19:05
ballMe neither.  Perhaps there's something I can tune in settings to reduce the exclusion zone around a folder.19:06

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