
talismanickDoes cloud-init require SystemD?08:03
talismanickCan I use it with runit?08:03
faathis run on BSD wystem without systemd08:17
=== toolz is now known as Daniel
smosertalismanick: there is probalby some integration to do, but shoudl work without systemd.14:18
minimaltalismanick: cloud-init works fine with other inits - I maintain cloud-init packages for Alpine Linux which uses OpenRC14:26
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
falcojrfaa: disable_network_activation is released, but it needs to go in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg or cloud.cfg.d/ . We may add some additional error handling there to make that a warning rather than an exception14:53
blackboxswfalcojr: opt-in hotplug config module +1 with the exception of I think this should be PER_INSTANCE, not PER_ALWAYS. We don't want to keep reconstituting the udev rules of some admin decided to "turn off" udev hotplug support by removing the cloud-init udev rule. https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/106922:05
ubottuPull 1069 in canonical/cloud-init "Add 'install hotplug' module (SC-476)" [Open]22:05

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