
IrcsomeBot<Veektony> I'm using plasma 5.23 (re @IrcsomeBot: <Fatal_Sushi> @Veektony same answer as we provided yesterday for another user with a Bluetooth headset, depending on your version of plasma and if your device provides the protocol for it. If it doesn't show, it's not supported by your devices.)06:02
IrcsomeBot<Veektony> How can i configure the cli to detect my Bluetooth mac address (re @Ullashmishra: Search this on Google.06:02
IrcsomeBot<Veektony> bluetooth battery level linux06:02
IrcsomeBot<Veektony> You will get some CLI tool and mey be gnome tools  for this06:02
IrcsomeBot<Veektony> CLI works perfectly)06:02
oerhekshcitool -i hci0 scan06:07
oerheksfrom https://simpleit.rocks/linux/shell/connect-to-bluetooth-from-cli/06:08
IrcsomeBot<Ullashmishra> see this (re @Veektony: How can i configure the cli to detect my Bluetooth mac address)06:09
IrcsomeBot<Ullashmishra> this one (re @IrcsomeBot: <oerheks> from https://simpleit.rocks/linux/shell/connect-to-bluetooth-from-cli/)06:09
IrcsomeBot<Veektony> Hold on let me give it a try (re @Ullashmishra: see this)06:09
IrcsomeBot<erfan_sta> fusuma is good you can easy run it. (re @Ullashmishra: in kubantu i want to use multi gesture touchpad is thair any way to use in my kubantu)06:56
IrcsomeBot<erfan_sta> fusuma and touchegg (re @Ullashmishra: in kubantu i want to use multi gesture touchpad is thair any way to use in my kubantu)06:58
IrcsomeBot<erfan_sta> fusuma or touchegg (re @Ullashmishra: in kubantu i want to use multi gesture touchpad is thair any way to use in my kubantu)06:58
IrcsomeBot<erfan_sta> fusuma and touchegg07:00
IrcsomeBot<erfan_sta> fusuma is easy to config07:00
IrcsomeBot<erfan_sta> But touchegg have animation (re @Ullashmishra: in kubantu i want to use multi gesture touchpad is thair any way to use in my kubantu)07:00
IrcsomeBot<Ullashmishra> any tutorial. Video or article (re @erfan_sta: fusuma and touchegg09:46
IrcsomeBot<Ullashmishra> fusuma is easy to config09:46
IrcsomeBot<Ullashmishra> But touchegg have animation)09:46
iomari891greetings, is there any kde app like gnome-pie or fly-pie?10:26
IrcsomeBot<iomari> XNST11:15
IrcsomeBot<iomari> OKAS11:16
IrcsomeBot<iomari> Greetings, How can I install gnome 4 on my kubuntu 21.10 installation? I want to be able to choose when I login?11:17
IrcsomeBot<Ullashmishra> You want gnome 4 desktop environment or something else (re @iomari: Greetings, How can I install gnome 4 on my kubuntu 21.10 installation? I want to be able to choose when I login?)11:22
IrcsomeBot<Ullashmishra> No idea (re @IrcsomeBot: <iomari891> greetings, is there any kde app like gnome-pie or fly-pie?)11:22
IrcsomeBot<iomari> gnome 411:22
IrcsomeBot<Ullashmishra> Gnome 4 what??? (re @iomari: gnome 4)11:23
IrcsomeBot<iomari> Greetings, How can I install gnome 4 on my kubuntu 21.10 installation? I want to be able to choose when I login?11:23
IrcsomeBot<Ullashmishra> Bro you want gnome 4 desktop environment you want gnome  operating system which is based on the ubantu what you want just clarify your words (re @iomari: Greetings, How can I install gnome 4 on my kubuntu 21.10 installation? I want to be able to choose when I login?)11:25
IrcsomeBot<iomari> I was looking for this command:11:32
IrcsomeBot<iomari> sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop11:32
IrcsomeBot<iomari> thanks anyway11:32
lkleehallo, wie kann ich anbox unter der aktuellen Version installieren?12:46
BluesKajHi folks13:00
IrcsomeBot<Halis> Hi BluesKaj13:09
BluesKaj@Halis, Hi13:14
=== genii-core is now known as genii
IrcsomeBot<erfan_sta> Google and youtube (re @Ullashmishra: any tutorial. Video or article)14:45
IrcsomeBot<Ullashmishra> Gestures is working but (re @erfan_sta: Google and youtube)14:58
IrcsomeBot<Ullashmishra> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/2b905072/file_48897.jpg14:59
IrcsomeBot<Ullashmishra> Can you please suggest me some configuration for KDE15:00
IrcsomeBot<erfan_sta> What do you need? (re @Ullashmishra: Can you please suggest me some configuration for KDE)15:11
IrcsomeBot<Ullashmishra> Problem is solved 👍 (re @erfan_sta: What do you need?)15:42
=== popey0 is now known as popey
IrcsomeBot<Ullashmishra> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/dd5c0827/file_48919.jpg18:21
IrcsomeBot<Ullashmishra> What i have to add hear : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/0df73380/file_48920.jpg18:21
StrukeHi everyone, it is my first time over here so I don't know how it works. I just wanted to report an issue about kubuntu, not asking for help as I already know how to solve it, but just in order to inform. It seems the repositories in the last Kubuntu version, 21.10, at least on the liveCD versión are not ok, so it fails to install a lot of20:37
Strukepackages by apt, Discover or whatever. It seems the file /etc/apt/sources.list is not ok on 21.10 version. I don't know whether this is a known issue, but if not I would like to let the kubuntu team knows in order to fix it if possible.20:37
tomreynStruke: hi there, the right way to report a problem would be to create a bug report. but, i must say, taking into account that these releases go through testing before they are released, it seems more likely that what you're reporting is an issue with your ISP or your local network20:43
tomreynyou're saying "It seems the file /etc/apt/sources.list is not ok on 21.10 version", but it's not clear how you identified this as a source of a problem, or what the actual problem (and error messages - those can help a lot) is.20:44
tomreynStruke: i'm just saying this to explain what info would be needed to reproduce the issue, not to suggest that what you're saying happened did not happen (not at all).20:45
StrukeHi tomreyn, thank you for your answer20:56
Strukethe problem is this, for example:20:57
Strukekubuntu@kubuntu:~$ sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras20:57
StrukeLeyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho20:57
StrukeCreando árbol de dependencias... Hecho20:57
StrukeLeyendo la información de estado... Hecho20:57
StrukeE: No se ha podido localizar el paquete ubuntu-restricted-extras20:57
Strukesorry it is in Spanish, but it says the package ubuntu-restricted-extras could not be found. If I fix the sources.list and sudo apt update then it works20:58
StrukeI tried the same in Xubuntu and it works perfectly without any issue20:58
TJ-Struke: Kubuntu chooses not to enable Multiverse; it is not a bug. See e.g. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu ""21:02
IrcsomeBot<erfan_sta> Keyboard shortcut for that action (re @Ullashmishra: )21:10
Guest90Hello guys. I'm having a small issue with firefox hide titlebar function. I can enable it fine in the customize toolbar menu, and the tabs occupy the title bar, but when I turn it off they go back to how they were21:56
Guest90Anyone have any idea on how to fix it?21:56

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