
=== genii-core is now known as genii
=== popey0 is now known as popey
semhey, would it be desirable to have #ubuntu-studio forward to #ubuntustudio?22:56
semI asked in libera and they told me to ask here, specifically to ask the people in /msg chanserv info #ubuntu, which are sarnold and hggdh and Unit193 (hopefully the ping is ok)22:57
sarnoldoh yeah that sounds like a good idea22:59
semI'll defer to you for knowing how to do it, but it looks like you use the "f" mode, and you have to be an op of both channels23:00
Montresor+isf #ubuntustudio mlock, yeah.23:03
sarnoldoh I hadn't figured +i, I'd guessed that +s would be nice though :)  hehe23:07
semI parted to make sure it would be clear for whoever can set it up23:09
=== sarnold_ is now known as ubuntuirccouncil

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