
guiverckgiii, you don't need to fully-test yet in my opinion (quick boot & check it looks okay to me is enough); it's mostly still a impish system with only some basic ubuntu base stuff changing (opinion based on this install box; I haven't setup jammy to download yet so don't have a manifest to compare with impish yet).00:41
kgiiiThe manifest difference wasn't much today. It was a bit more the day before, which seemed a bit unusual. I only keep the last two manifests so I can't do a diff. But, yeah, it wasn't a major change today. It's okay. I don't mind doing the full tests - I sometimes just do the minimal and check the stuff noted when I diff the two manifests.00:46
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lubot[telegram] <jafarabbas33> I was trying to connect to a wifi in 20.04 but it was not connecting, after trying out different techniques and stuff and using terminal to connect, I came to know I typed the wrong password. But it didn't tell me it was a wrong password, it just wasn't not connecting, not even showing that it is trying to connect. Can you guys please look into this matter in the next release?13:53
lubot[telegram] <teward001> I think that's an underlying Network Manager request that we can't 'fix' because Network Manager (nm-tray) handles all those bits. (re @jafarabbas33: I was trying to connect to a wifi in 20.04 but it was not connecting, after trying out different techniques and stuff and using terminal to connect, I came to know I typed the wrong password. But it didn't tell me it was a wrong password, it just wasn't not connecting, not even showing13:55
lubot[telegram] <teward001> I can forward it to Network Manager upstream and nm-tray upstream but I can't guarantee *any* movement by the upstream teams who develop those bits13:55
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lubot[telegram] <jafarabbas33> Please do that. Maybe they will. I am not that familiar with the development cycle. Thank you.13:56
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> It is somewhat related to this upstream issue https://github.com/palinek/nm-tray/issues/4813:57
ubot93Issue 48 in palinek/nm-tray "password length oustide IEEE standard is accepted, silently fails" [Open]13:57
lubot[telegram] <teward001> I will point out this though: upstream software developers like those for nm-tray are *not* bound to the Ubuntu / Lubuntu development cycles13:58
lubot[telegram] <teward001> so it's an 'at their leisure' type situation when they will (or if they will) fix certain issues13:58
lubot[telegram] <jafarabbas33> Okay no problem. I just wanted to point this problem out.14:05
kgiii@guivec, I did just that today. Just a quick test. Now my afternoon is gonna feel incomplete. 20:12
lubot[telegram] <guiverc> I sense a perfectionist kgiii22:42
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