
rowbotsi used iptables-save. It gave some rules like this https://pastebin.com/HahdzRmV how do I replicate these if I clear iptables with the iptables command?01:00
sarnoldrowbots: I think there's an iptables-restore command that's supposed to run at boot01:07
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MrMobius_i installed ubuntu server and got a terminal as expected. i connected over ssh and one day installed firefox since i needed it to click on a confirmation link. now when i use the machine itself (ie not ssh) it boots to a weird GUI that is not a full desktop03:09
MrMobius_ram usage went up by about 700mb. how can i disable this and get back to terminal only?03:09
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yukiupwell there is apt remove *03:11
MrMobiuswhat do i remove though? all i did was install firefox and it apparently pulled down a bunch of other shit and thinks i want to use it in desktop mode now03:12
oerheksfirefox on a server, it needs a DE,  sudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target #  is your fix03:13
oerheksgoogle what DE means..03:14
oerheksyou might want to do research on graphical.target and  multi-user.target too03:15
timothypI have two default Ubuntu 21.04 installs, with standard options during install on two different machines. And neither of them can upgrade to 21.10 because /boot is to small03:30
timothypeven after cleaning old kernels like so:03:30
timothypsudo apt-get purge $(dpkg -l linux-{image,headers}-"[0-9]*" | awk '/ii/{print $2}' | grep -ve "$(uname -r | sed -r 's/-[a-z]+//')")03:31
timothypDoes anybody have any suggestions how to get enough space for the upgrade?03:31
oerhekssounds like you need to add more diskspace?03:32
oerheksand/or check /var/log/ for unusual big logs03:33
timothypit only complains about not enough space in /boot03:34
timothypwhich is strange because the size is the one suggested by the ubuntu installer03:34
oerheksstandard ubuntu will install as one partition and a swapFILE, not a partition anymore03:34
timothyp       457M  176M  247M  42% /boot03:34
oerhekssize by the installer, that depends on your free space.. 20 Gb is way low03:35
oerheks... 457?03:35
timothypfor the boot03:35
timothypthis is what ubuntu 19.04 made03:35
timothyphave been upgrading since then I suppose03:35
oerheksas of 18.04 it is 1 partition, standard03:36
timothypwow have I been on ubuntu that long03:36
timothyp it's possible ... haven't used windows in years maybe lost track of time03:36
timothypah no no03:37
timothypI have encryption enabled (always) so03:37
timothypthe boot is separate03:37
oerheksif there is no free space before /boot, i would do a fresh install.. too much work03:38
supremekaiHello! I made a mistake and I've chosen nvidia-460 driver for my Ubuntu 20.04 install. The computer boots up and I'm able to insert the password, however, after that (when the OS is supposed to start) the screen gets black. How can I get into the "safety mode" (or similar) of Ubuntu 20.04? I used the ESC key and I got into a "grub>" command line but when I insert failsafeX it says the command is unknown :\04:03
Bashing-omsupremekai: From the grub boot menu select a recovery kernel.04:06
supremekaiHow can I do so?04:06
supremekaiCan't we use the recovery mode at ubuntu 20.04?04:06
supremekaican I use a bootable pendrive somehow to access the recovery mode?04:11
supremekai'cause I'm having issues with grub> I only have the command line (no options to load the kernel in recovery mode)04:11
Bashing-omsupremekai: Reboot the system and as soon as the bios splash screen clears spam the escape key to get grub's boot menu. ( if a EFI system).04:14
supremekaiit's a UEFI, I did that and I get the grub command line only :\ like "grub>_"04:15
supremekaiI don't have that usual option selector04:15
Bashing-omsupremekai: Out then of my skill set - like this there is more at fault than just the Nvidia driver :(04:18
supremekaiBashing-om, thanks for the help :) I'll try to figure this thing out04:21
Bashing-omsupremekai: The desktop installer's grub has a boot option "install from 1st hard drive" - mught see here what results.04:24
Bashing-omsupremekai: Ouch ! that option is "Boot from first hard dtive" *04:25
supremekaiBashing-om, I'm not very familiar with grub :\ I've seen some guides and videos about it and I can always find some options to select but in my case it goes directly to the grub command line04:27
supremekaiis there a way to load the kernel manually?04:27
supremekaiI'm disabling Secure Boot 'cause it was causing some issues when trying to do anything command wise at the grub> command line04:28
supremekaiI tried to use failsafeX04:28
supremekailike: grub> failsafeX04:28
supremekaibut it says the command is unknown :\ I'm using ubuntu 20.04, but I'm not sure if there is some sort of a key, other than ESC, to get into the boot options namely for safe/recovery mode04:28
Bashing-omsupremekai: Yes - one can,04:29
supremekaiBashing-om, I deactivated secure boot and now I have access to some options :P but I'm unsure about which one to use: Ubuntu with Linux (safe mode); Ubuntu with Linux 5.11.0-37-generic (safe mode); Ubuntu with Linux 5.8.0-63-generic (safe mode)04:31
supremekaiWhy so much options here?04:31
Bashing-omsupremekai: Do you KNOW which drive is the target and KNOW which partition "root" is ? or do we have to do a long discovery process ?04:31
supremekaiguess a long discovery process Bashing-om :P04:31
supremekaiI was able now to boot and get into those options04:31
supremekaiso, theoretically I may be able to access safe mode04:31
Bashing-omsupremekai: For each kernel installed there is a boot option.04:32
supremekaiI'm unsure which one should I get into: 5.11.0-38, 5.11.0-37 or 5.8.0-6304:32
rwinnershouldn't matter too much which kernel...04:32
supremekaihow come rwinner ? I would choose 5.11.0-38 just for being the supposedly latest one, right?04:33
supremekaiOr do we have all those kernels running at ubuntu 20.04?04:33
Bashing-omsupremekai: Only one kernel is running , you have the option of which one to boot.04:34
rwinnerI have 5.11.0-38 on my box04:34
supremekaihow can I find out which one is running?04:34
supremekaiAny command at grub available for such?04:34
supremekaiidk why do I have all those kernels for 20.0404:35
Bashing-omsupremekai: terminal command ' uname -r ' will relate the booted kernel.04:35
supremekaity Bashing-om :D04:36
supremekaiyup, at the terminal it works04:36
Bashing-omsupremekai: Vut, will not have  "booted" kernel until you boot one !04:36
rwinnerIt keeps old kernels in case something goes wrong...04:36
supremekaibut at grub it doesn't seem to :P04:36
supremekaiBashing-om, true :P04:36
rwinnerI forgot all the old grub commands so can't help you there... :)04:37
supremekairwinner, thnks!! :) it must be the latest one (5.11.0-38) I guess.. Logically thinking it would be the latest04:37
supremekairwinner, yup :P screw the grub lulz04:37
supremekaiI have now access to the several options with safe mode04:37
Bashing-omsupremekai: Grub is very minimal - only has available what is truely needed to get a kerenl booted; and then the operating system takes control.04:38
supremekaiBashing-om, thnks :) I never came across grub04:38
supremekaiBut I mean.. I guess Ubuntu runs on a certain kernel right? Why would the older ones are available in the machine?04:38
Bashing-omsupremekai: All in the learning curve - was a time none of us had encountered grub either :P04:39
supremekaiI have this computer with Ubuntu 20.04 for like 2 - 3 months, are those kernel updates so frequent?04:39
supremekaiBashing-om, no doubt :P I found it and I dismissed it, damn grub04:39
Bashing-omsupremekai: Linu\xs does not dictate how you use your machine - or what you can do with it - there is always a backup kernel in the event of problems. The system leaves what to do with old kernels up to you as to what you want to do. You remove them when it seems proper, for your use case.04:42
supremekaiBashing-om, right on :) I was used to wind00z, but I guess nowadays it is more useful to get a distro like Ubuntu or so, 'cause it's UI/UX is similar to windows without windows' problems04:44
Bashing-om!info linux-generic-hwe-20.04 focal04:44
ubottulinux-generic-hwe-20.04 (, focal): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta-hwe-5.11. Size 2 kB / 19 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.)04:44
Bashing-omsupremekai: Can not relate to Windows any longer - left was back in XP service pack 2 - never looked back since.04:46
rwinnerBashing-om: back then, linux was a contact sport...brutal.04:47
supremekaiBashing-om, wow! Old timer04:47
supremekaithat time I tried freebsd04:47
supremekaiat that time (windows xp time) I tried freebsd but it was too much command-line04:48
Bashing-omrwinner: I came onto ubuntu from slackware server - ubuntu was a breath of fresh air :D04:48
supremekaiI find that Windows XP was the best windows so far as far as bugs and user independency was concerned04:48
rwinnerhad to write your own xconfig files... lol.04:48
Bashing-omsupremekai: You booted into the install at this time ? ready to see what results with attempting to purge the Nvidia driver ?04:50
supremekaiBashing-om, yup :) I'm taking this opportunity to clean, do dpkg and such..04:53
supremekaiI'll root after doing so and follow this: https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/ubuntu-20-04-boots-to-black-screen/18439004:53
supremekaiI'm just trying to find out which one is the nvidia driver I should use :P 'cause the one that is in this example (460) was the one that screwed the syss04:53
Bashing-omsupremekai: The system will tell you what it recomemmend, terminal command 'sudo ubuntu-drivers list ' to install what it thinks best ' sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstal ' .04:57
supremekaithnks ! :D04:59
supremekaiI will follow your tip Bashing-om ! :)04:59
Bashing-omsupremekai: sudo apt purge nvidia-* --- is the 1st step here .05:00
Bashing-omsupremekai: In your case ' sudo apt --purge autoremove nvidia-* ' might be the better course.05:02
supremekaithnks! :)05:03
supremekaiI was thinking about it05:03
supremekaiI was about to install 46005:03
supremekaibut I was about.. wait.. what about the one already installed?! :P05:03
Bashing-omsupremekai: correction '  sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' (left off that final 'l' )05:03
supremekaiafter purging I do the "sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall" right?05:05
Bashing-omsupremekai: Yep - and reboot then to see the effect.05:06
supremekaiDo i need to do the steps at the resolution link I sent? Like sudo apt install nvidia-prime, sudo prime-select nvidia, sudo apt install nvidia-driver-460, sudo modprobe nvidia, sudo nvidia-smi -pm 1, etc.?05:06
Bashing-omsupremekai: Nope - the system will take care of all that :)05:07
supremekaiCouldn't connect to zsys daemon: connection error: desc = "trransport: error while dialing dial unix /run/rsysd.sock: connect: connection refused"05:07
Bashing-omsupremekai: No internet connection - check: ' ping -c3 ubuntu.com '.05:08
supremekai3 transmitted 3 received05:10
supremekaiseems ok05:10
supremekaistrange :|05:10
supremekaiwell, let's go :P05:10
supremekainow I'll autoinstall05:10
Bashing-omsupremekai: '05:10
Bashing-omsupremekai: ' sudo apt update ' runs ?05:10
supremekaiBashing-om, it is running the ' sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' so I guess it is connected to the internet right?05:12
supremekaiOr the sudo apt update is not kind of a test for internet connect? (I mean, do u want to test something else with that?)05:12
supremekaiit is running sudo apt update :)05:13
Bashing-omsupremekai: No idea presently about "Couldn't connect to zsys daemon" :( while here may as well run to ' sudo apt upgrade ' to get the system up2date .05:14
supremekaiBashing-om, yup :) I did it and it said everything was updated05:21
supremekaibut man... I got back to it and after the password input I got the black screen again...05:21
supremekaiI was about to throw this laptop out of the window but... then I had an idea! I connected the HDMI to another screen and it is working05:22
supremekaithis is strange05:22
supremekaithe laptop screen works till the login05:22
supremekaiafter the login the HDMI screen is on05:22
Bashing-omsupremekai: Great! .. and you have also ran ' the autoinstall command ? ready now to reboot and see the effect ?05:22
Bashing-omsupremekai: K, reboot then as we see what you have :D05:23
supremekaiI did it already but the laptop screen after login keeps black05:23
supremekaiI got an HDMI connected to an external screen05:23
supremekaiand it is at the OS05:23
supremekaithis is strange as f*ck05:24
supremekaiI tried to change the type of screen display (extended, duplicated, etc.) but when I click the key of the keyboard associated to it05:24
supremekaiit does not work :\05:24
supremekaiI go to displays and I only get the external display05:24
Bashing-omsupremekai: Yeah is very strange - but again, out of my skill set to know what is taking place here.05:24
Bashing-omsupremekai: what shows ' sudo lshw -C display ' ?05:25
supremekaican I just use the xorg? any way to reset the xorg.conf to default?05:28
Bashing-omsupremekai: Ouch ! that says you have Intell graphics - what makes you think Nvidia plays into this ? to see what the kernel see run: lspci -k | grep -iEA5 'vga|3d' - for the hardware.05:29
supremekaiBashing-om, solved!! :D05:47
supremekaiI used xorg and followed this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/159663/how-to-reset-the-xorg-xserver05:47
supremekaiand of course Bashing-om, I followed your lead!! You are the boss 8-)05:48
supremekaiThank you very much!! I appreciate it!05:48
Bashing-omsupremekai: Great ! outaa here then :D be aware following old guides is a hazard as we are a fast moving operating system. Xorg has been depreciated for the longest in favour of DKMS ( dynamic kernel mode setting).05:51
supremekaiThanks for the tip Bashing-om !! :D I will change to nvidia driver tomorrow, but today at least it is working :P05:55
Bashing-omsupremekai: Make sure that the kernel sees the Nvidia hardware ! before installing anything :D05:56
HashIs ubuntu documentation incorrect?06:43
ThinkT510if you are talking about the wiki then it can br06:44
ThinkT510can be out of date06:44
Hashman o2cb says, "# service o2cb online" as example command, but 'service o2cb online isn't a command' since service only takes start/stop/restart etc. etc06:44
Hashneither is o2cb online a param or argument that works06:45
Hashinstall ocfs2-tools and see06:45
Hashlook at man o2c06:45
Hashlook at man o2cb06:45
Hashmany of the ofcs2 commands documneted in the man pages don't actually exist or work on ubuntu at all.06:45
ThinkT510!info ocfs2-tools06:46
ubottuocfs2-tools (1.8.6-6build1, impish): tools for managing OCFS2 cluster filesystems. In component main, is optional. Built by ocfs2-tools. Size 633 kB / 2,312 kB. (Only available for linux-any.)06:46
Hashstoned@server1:~$ service o2cb online06:47
HashUsage: /etc/init.d/o2cb {start|stop|status|restart|try-restart|force-reload}06:47
HashSo what is the manpage talking about?06:47
HashThe manpage is either incorrect or I'm completely missing something.06:47
Hashdid ubuntu do something to ocfs2?06:48
ThinkT510your paste doesn't include the word service06:48
HashYes it does06:49
HashFirst one is without second one is with, to illustrate the issue.06:49
Hashneither with or without 'service' (which is an ubuntu specific service manager thing) do these commands work for those binaries.06:50
ThinkT510the first line says o2cb online06:50
Hash12:47:03 am                  | stoned@server1:~$ service o2cb online06:51
HashWhat does that say?06:51
ThinkT510that says service but your paste https://bpa.st/GY4Q doesn't06:51
HashTwo different examples, two differnet outputs.06:52
Hashman 7 states, # service o2cb online06:52
HashI gave you the output of that, which is: Usage: /etc/init.d/o2cb {start|stop|status|restart|try-restart|force-reload}06:53
HashBut according to the man page, the output should be different.06:53
HashSo I try without 'service' as well (ALSO) which I just told you, and that gives a completely diff outotu, and 'online' isn't a argument to that command.06:53
HashCan you even help me? At all?06:54
ThinkT510the copyright of that manpage is from 2011 so I'm guessing it is woefully out of date06:54
ThinkT510ubuntu uses systemd now06:54
ThinkT510back then it was using upstart06:55
ThinkT510I'd guess you replace the word online with start06:56
HashThat doesn't help with anything.06:57
ThinkT510can you paste the output of 'service 02cb start' please?06:59
Hashocfs2 service won't run and listen on port 7777 so I can't get a cluster up06:59
HashActive: active (exited). ss -tupln does not show any node listening on 777707:00
HashOct 26 06:38:08 server1 o2cb[6656]: Registering O2CB cluster "krypton": OK07:00
HashIt says registered.07:00
Hashsudo o2cb start-heartbeat krypton07:01
Hasho2cb: Cluster 'krypton' not registered07:01
HashThe cluster won't come online so I can't format any file systems for use07:01
ThinkT510hopefully someone more knowledgable than me can help you better07:02
QetzlcoatlHi, all!07:44
QetzlcoatlDoes something like Apple Automator/Shortcuts or Mocrosoft Power Automate Desktop exist for Ubuntu 20.04?07:44
HashQetzlcoatl: #psychedelics07:48
HashI say that because of your nickname.07:48
HashQetzlcoatl: what do those software do?07:49
QetzlcoatlHash: it do some typical thing on desktop on behalf of you07:51
Qetzlcoatlthink of it like bash script but on desktop07:51
Qetzlcoatlit can interact with desktop apps and pipe one app output to another one input just like shell pipes but operating objects not text07:53
mbordereHi, is there an up-to-date guide somewhere on compiling and configuring a kernel for Focal Fossa? I basically just want to change the page size and keep everything else the same in my current config.07:59
Qetzlcoatlsimple example task I can imagine right now - "open gnome terminal, open another tab in it using powershell as shell, cut motd from bash tab of it, start commandlet in powershell tab of it with motd from bash tab as commandlet parameter, wait for expected gui app opened and click OK button in it"08:00
HashYou mean like a desktop scripting thing?08:02
QetzlcoatlHash: Yes!08:03
Hashhttps://github.com/autokey/autokey is port of auto hot key I think08:03
Hashpython3 based desktop automation08:03
HashOh and xdotool08:04
HashThis tool lets you simulate keyboard input and mouse activity, move and resize windows, etc. It does this using X11's XTEST extension and other Xlib functions.08:04
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HashNo idea if any of this helps08:04
QetzlcoatlHash: Thnx! Will play with them.08:05
rveermanmy audio playback capabilities died on me.. for the 2nd time in a week.. it's a kubuntu installation, with a ALC1150 audio chip on the motherboard.. can anyone here help me please?08:32
rveermannevermind! it was the audio wire :D (bit old)08:42
dioxI'm trying to load a Ubuntu server installation from grub using a USB-stick. Any pointers? I've tried `set root=cd0; chainloader /EFI/BOOT/BOOTx64.EFI`. But chainloader just stalls. Not sure how to proceed09:12
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ihuhi, can someone tell me how to get my ca cert added to the keystore? i added it to /usr/share/local/ca-certificates and extra as well as under /usr/share/ca-certificates. the only thing that happens is that a symlink is created under /etc/ssl/certs and that's about it, if i connect to my devices that have certs issued by this ca, they aren't trusted09:21
ihui'm pretty sure i have done everything right. i tried both pem format as well as crt but that doesn't seem to have much of an effect, other than an actual crt is being rejected as it can't be read09:22
vuurdraakhi all o/ - question: does cron.daily only run at the exact specified time as set in crontab (iaw 6:25 am) or will cron run the cron.daily at least one time after you booted the PC the next day even though 6:25 am has passed ?09:25
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pr100vuurdraak: I think cron just goes at the times you specify, but anacron provides the kind of thing you suggest - i.e. catches from when the machine is down09:39
TJ-ihu: you're installing the CA certificate on every client?09:40
vuurdraakpr100, mmm that sounds bad :') so it would never run any scripts that are put in there, i can't find anything online about it09:41
pr100like I say, if you have a machine that's not up 24/7 then anacron porbably does what you want09:42
vuurdraakpr100, it seems there are also scripts in there that Ubuntu created it self, so they would basicly never run09:43
vuurdraaki take a look09:43
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vuurdraakpr100, this is interesting, it seems etc/anacrontab has enteries that run the scripts in cron.daily cron.weekly & cron.monthly , so i am asuming that if you dump a shell script in any of these directories anacron will make them run even if you not run 24h a day09:53
pr100yeah, that's the idea, although I dunno about the specific details09:54
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vuurdraakpr100, i can see with: grep -i anacron /var/log/syslog -> anacron[1125]: Job `cron.daily' terminated -> anacron[1125]: Normal exit (1 job run) , i am assuming it has run the cron.daily jobs, and 1 job means executing the "15cron.dailyrun-parts --report /etc/cron.daily"09:57
vuurdraaki just double check tomorrow if my new added script has run after boot :) thanks for the help09:58
=== pah is now known as pa
=== Erisa41 is now known as Erisa4
[J]oulestrying to connect to ubuntu 18.04.4 using windows 7 mstsc and all it does is show authentication error 0x80004005. No login page just the error from ms remote desktop. Have xrdp installed on ubuntu box. Any ideas why??10:40
[J]oulescan run tightvncserver and login without issue but only with tightvnc viewer and the resultant screen is xfce which I don't want. Just want my normal desktop,.10:42
orangeextractsudo adduser xrdp ssl-cert10:51
orangeextracti did this10:51
orangeextracthey [J]oules this one for you10:52
[J]oulesorangeextract:  yeah i did that before10:52
orangeextracti made it work on ubuntu but it was limited because of xrdp is xfce. i installed debian with xfce now its work good.10:54
[J]oulesthats all i get10:55
[J]oulesnever get the xrdp login page10:56
[J]oulesxrdp is running10:58
[J]oulesroot     27816  0.0  0.0  41656   536 ?        S    06:14   0:00 /usr/sbin/xrdp-sesman10:58
[J]oulesxrdp     27843  0.0  0.0  25264  2264 ?        S    06:14   0:00 /usr/sbin/xrdp10:58
=== pah is now known as pa
alkisg[J]oules: try `xfreerdp localhost`11:40
alkisgvnc is unrelated to the rdp protocol; while xfreerdp will test the rdp connectivity11:40
alkisgOr: xfreerdp /v:server, if you're testing it from another PC11:41
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[J]oulesperhaps another way. using vncviewer tried configuring xstartup with11:44
[J]oulesunset SESSION_MANAGER11:44
[J]oules#unset DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS11:44
[J]oulesexec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc11:44
[J]oulesgnome-session &11:44
[J]oulesbut all it does is produce a grey screen after login11:45
alkisgvnc is a different protocol than rdp; you can't connect the one to the other11:45
alkisgDecide if you want to use rdp or vnc...11:45
[J]oulesalkisg: yeah I know that11:45
[J]oulesregardless of what I try using mstsc.exe it just errors out with 0x8000400511:46
alkisgAnd what is the output of the xfreerdp that I asked for?11:46
[J]oulesxfreerdp from where?11:46
[J]oulesi dont quite follow you11:47
alkisgFrom any linux pc11:47
alkisgEven the same11:47
alkisgxfreerdp is an rdp client11:47
alkisgYou want to test an rdp server11:47
[J]oulesno no, i am using a windows 7 notebook to connect11:47
alkisgAnd the windows rdp client doesn't produce meaningful messages11:47
alkisgSo, by testing from a linux rdp client, you'll be able to debug the issue11:47
alkisgAFTER you've fixed the issue, you'll go back to testing from windows11:47
alkisgSo, what I'm saying is: install xfreerdp, the linux rdp client, and test from that, to see what the problem is11:48
[J]oulessearched in ubuntu for xfreerdp and all that comes up is11:49
alkisg$ dpkg -S /usr/bin/xfreerdp11:49
alkisgfreerdp2-x11: /usr/bin/xfreerdp11:49
alkisgfreerdp2-x11 is the package, xfreerdp is the command11:49
* alkisg waves; back in a couple of hours...11:51
[J]oulessudo apt install freerdp2-x111:52
[J]oules xfreerdp11:52
[J]oulesxfreerdp: Command not found.11:52
[J]oules /usr/bin/xfreerdp11:54
[J]oules[07:53:20:639] [30070:30070] [ERROR][com.freerdp.client.x11] - failed to open display:11:54
[J]oules[07:53:20:639] [30070:30070] [ERROR][com.freerdp.client.x11] - Please check that the $DISPLAY environment variable is properly set.11:54
caveoHi, I'm experiencing some problems with gdm3. Whenever I reboot and type in my password it takes approx 2 mins to show the desktop. Do you want me to show some lines from journalct?11:57
mihaiadrianhi, is there a rss reader that can be configred to push notifications to desktop?12:09
sal9000_Recently my trusty Dell M3800 of 6 years developed a problem. It was following the last Ubuntu software update I did. The wifi randomly drops out and requires reboot. Seems a well-trodden path if you google "failed to wake NIC for hcmd" and "intel 7260", with little in the way of solutions. I am just wondering if it's possible that the update destroyed it, or it was a coincidentally-timed hardware failure. I notice that it still has this problem after12:15
sal9000_several fresh installs, and the problem also occurs on the Win10 partition. Could it be possible that the Ubuntu update installed new bad firmware on the wifi chip? Or is it a physical failure?12:15
EriC^^sal9000_: you could type "tail /var/log/apt/history.log" and have a look at the last update you did to see what packages it updated, maybe nothing related to wifi12:20
sal9000_EriC^^: Unfortunately I have formatted and reinstalled OSs several times since then, so I cannot go back and check this12:21
caveoguys, whenever I reboot and try to login it takes 2 mins to go to the desktop. Yesterday I messed a bit with python2 and gtk in order to install nmap, maybe the two things are related. I also tried to switch from gdm3 to lightdm but nothing changed. Thanks in advance12:34
TJ-caveo: does this reveal any delays? "systemd-analyze --user blame"12:39
caveo2.207s org.gnome.Shell@x11.service12:40
caveo 851ms tracker-miner-fs-3.service12:40
caveo 593ms org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.XSettings.service12:40
caveo 220ms org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Rfkill.service12:40
caveo 177ms xdg-desktop-portal.service12:40
caveo 163ms org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.MediaKeys.service12:40
caveoI already run that command many times and it always showed me less than 8 seconds12:42
caveonow it gives me 2.207s org.gnome.Shell@x11.service12:42
quazimodois there a c4 diagram or similar for snapcraft12:47
quazimodoi'm struggling to understand the architecture12:47
BluesKajHi folks12:54
coz_godd morning12:56
rivwhy can't I get resolvectl on ubuntu?12:59
tarzeauriv: you can? comes with systemd pkg?12:59
rivbut i dont seemt o have it12:59
tarzeauriv: ls -la /usr/bin/resolvectl ; dpkg -l systemd ?13:00
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alkisg<[J]oules> "[07:53:20:639] [30070:30070] [..." <- You need to have a graphics display to run xfreerdp, it can't be done from e.g. ssh13:21
rajbm9which version of ubuntu is better?13:48
rajbm9ubuntu 20 or ubuntu 1813:48
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mybalzitchdefine better13:56
mybalzitchah nvm13:56
haliHello, my system was running well, till I installed some update, I have bad resolution and unknown monitor14:02
haliubuntu 21.1014:03
Ronalds_Mazitis_hey, I'm getting batch file could not be read, when I try to use youtube-dl on text file14:09
Ronalds_Mazitis_snap run youtube-dl -cwoa list.txt14:09
Ronalds_Mazitis_ok snap does not read the directory14:16
=== Starmina_ is now known as Starmina
gebbioneI have left my ubuntu upgrade for too long now. I am trying now but I get sudo do-release-upgrade -d -> Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading. ..... Despite sudo apt-get upgrade -> 0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade.15:10
gebbione18 to 2015:10
TJ-gebbione: did you do "apt update" prior to "apt upgrade" ?15:13
gebbioneyes, i have the suggestion to autoremove something15:13
gebbionei ll try that too but i was not suspecting it was going to be a problem15:13
gebbioneindeed made no difference15:14
TJ-gebbione: is it currently 18.04  (cat /etc/issue)15:21
gebbioneyes LTS15:21
ioriagebbione, uname -r ?15:22
ioriagebbione, grep Prompt /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades15:23
TJ-gebbione: if you are wanting 18.04 to 20.04 you don't need the "-d" switch15:23
gebbioneioria, is your nickname from the Saint Seiya?15:23
ioriawho knows :P15:24
ioriagebbione, but right, you don't need -d15:24
gebbioneTJ-, -d or not the output is the same. I also tried to trigger the Gtk3 and also from upgrade manager but i get nothing15:25
ioriagebbione, grep Prompt /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades    what tells ?15:25
ioriagebbione, do-release-upgrade -d -f DistUpgradeViewGtk315:29
gebbionei tried that and the upgrade manager route15:29
TJ-could the sources.list be empty ?15:29
ioriamaybe it tries to pull 20.04 that , by now, is considered old-release15:30
gebbionesources list -> https://termbin.com/308dq15:31
gebbionei thought 20.04 is still the latest lts ?15:33
ioriagebbione, nope, 20.04.x. is15:33
gebbioneok not sure how different that would be, i was omitting the minor version but indeed how to reproduce that indeed it is the problem?15:34
ioriagebbione, try to disable all the ppas15:34
Guest75I guees15:35
Guest75thats great15:35
gebbioneioria, would i be able to inspect the previous sources list if i upgrade so i can remap them to new ones?15:36
ioriagebbione, you can enable them again, yes15:37
ioriagebbione, i don't remember if it works on 18.04, but try : RELEASE_UPGRADER_ALLOW_THIRD_PARTY=1 update-manager -d15:39
gebbioneafter i click the upgrade button i dont see anything popping up15:41
gebbionei ll try disabling them one by one15:41
gebbionethe ppas15:41
ioriagebbione, yes, no other ideas so far15:41
ioriagebbione, and remove the -d flag15:42
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gebbioneok things changed15:44
gebbionelets see where it goes15:45
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superbootHi all I'm trying to get a nested xsession setup (with either xnest or xephyr), but all I'm getting is a black window at launch. I have ~/.xsession containing gnome-shell &. Hints16:12
=== Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus
omarhey guys, I am using ubuntu 20.04 on a thinkpad x1 carbon. on my external monitor, which supports 1440p, I am only able to set resolutions up to 1080p. I tried adding and setting a new mode via xrandr as described here (https://askubuntu.com/questions/189246/how-set-my-monitor-resolution) but with the last command, I get the error message 'xrandr: Configure crtc 0 failed'.  the answer on this question advices to supply the crtc number to16:23
omar xrandr https://askubuntu.com/questions/136139/xrandr-configure-crtc-0-failed-when-trying-to-change-resolution-on-external-m. when I do this, I get the same error message. what can I do here?16:23
omarI figured out my problem above. the problem was that the laptop didn't support the resolution via hdmi. i connected the display via usb-c and now it runs at the native solution, although only at 55hz.16:49
sarnold55hz? ouch16:50
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=== Syntax- is now known as Syntax
johnjayhow do i run a program from the gui in ubuntu?16:55
johnjayis it like win+r?16:55
Syntaxare you in the CLI or somthing?16:55
Syntaxthere should be a little app menu bunch of squares thing in the bottom left16:56
matsamanjohnjay: ALT+F2? TAB?16:56
johnjaytab does nothing. alt-f2 does. thanks16:57
=== Syntax is now known as Syntax-
johnjaySyntax-: mac and windows both have shortcuts to run a program directly16:59
johnjayi'm fairly sure gnome did as well17:00
gebbioneis anyone here using a configuration manager solutions such as ansible to maintain their local package installations?17:20
leftyfbgebbione: yes. Though you might try #ansible if you need help with ansible17:21
gebbionenot really, i use ansible but if you do i was wondering if you had anything ubuntu specific to run on your desktop like a repo or something where you have added your own modules17:22
gebbionemost of the stuff i do with ansible is for servers17:22
gebbionenever used it for my local machine17:22
emersonhas anyone had connection issues to http://ppa.launchpad.net in the past hour or so?17:45
emersonspecifically http://ppa.launchpad.net/ondrej/php/ubuntu17:46
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tomreynemerson: if you suspect there can be problems with ppa.launchpad.net, see the /topic in #launchpad17:47
oerheksemerson, not here, on what ubuntu version?17:47
TJ-emerson: yes, the wrong X509 certificate is being sent17:47
emersonoerheks: focal17:48
emersontomreyn: will do, thanks17:48
sarnoldemerson: known problems, yeah17:49
emersoni guess answers.launchpad.com timing out answers some of my questions17:50
emersoner, .net17:51
emersonsarnold: *nod*17:53
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sarnoldemerson: I'm hearing it's supposed to be back, give it another try?18:06
emersonsarnold: yeah, looks good now!18:19
sarnoldemerson: woot18:24
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MaoOpchi there19:00
MaoOpccan u tell me, please, how to see " all users " task in task manger ?19:01
Syntax-i think its in the little menu in the top right and prefrances gimme a minute to look19:02
MaoOpcok let me know19:02
Syntax-yup found it leme figure out how to send a file19:03
Syntax-sent you a file thing19:03
Syntax-new to Hex Chat so im gonna just explain it click the 4 lines in the top right corner and click all proccesses19:04
MaoOpci hane " do not disturb "19:05
MaoOpcand " Settings... "19:06
MaoOpcsorry im using lxde19:06
sarnold"send a file" hasn't really been a thing on irc for 25 years19:06
sarnoldif you want to share an image, best to upload it to imgur.com or similar19:06
MaoOpcuse gyazo pls19:06
Syntax-should be window in the top then file transfers19:06
Syntax-one moment uploading to gdrive19:07
MaoOpci used xchat 15years ago sorry19:07
Syntax-tis fine19:08
MaoOpcwait im on an x38619:09
Syntax-32 bit?19:10
summonneri386  x6419:10
MaoOpc8 bit19:10
summonner8 bit is 808619:10
MaoOpcit0s taking a wile19:10
Syntax-accidently hit the dissconnect button19:12
summonnerSorry, 8088, the 8086 is 16 bit.19:12
geniiI'm pretty sure 8086 was 16bit and 8088 was 16 bit with 8bit bus19:12
sarnoldplease be silly in #ubuntu-offtopic :)19:12
* genii grabs his bag of cookies and heads to #ubuntu-offtopic19:13
MaoOpci have 2 servers in this i have lghtdm and in system monitor i see all users task19:17
MaoOpcin onther server i have lxde and i see only task of user logged in19:17
Syntax-what task manager are you using?19:18
MaoOpcgnome system monitor i think Syntax-19:25
Syntax-ah well did you click what i showed you in the picture i sent you?19:26
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MaoOpcno Syntax- i cannot open it19:30
Syntax-well what do you mean open it19:31
Syntax-the image?19:31
Syntax-here is the link to the image its set to public you should just be able to open it in a browser19:32
MaoOpci cannot see that menu Syntax-19:32
Syntax-hmm leme get a bigger image to show you where to click19:32
MaoOpctop right f LIGHTDM ?19:32
Syntax-alright here we go a bigger image19:34
MaoOpci didnt see that 4 lines19:36
MaoOpcdamn me !19:36
MaoOpctysm Syntax- xD19:36
Syntax-yup! happy to help!19:37
MaoOpcSyntax- and what about in task manger ?19:38
Syntax-oh that does look diffrent uh gimme a minute to search19:38
MaoOpcView -> Show other users tasks19:38
MaoOpcfound it ;)19:38
Syntax-yup was just about to say that19:39
MaoOpcok ok very simple19:39
Syntax-thats my other computer19:43
dshelbyim waynewayne from Texas19:58
syntax-hello and welcome!19:58
edlouand i ate chicken for lunch19:58
dshelbyhow good was the chicken?19:59
Exterminadorsorry for my stupidity, but can I use just one ip as a proxy?21:41
matsamantry it and see21:46
=== justHaunt is now known as justache
gebbionewhat client do you use for SFTP?22:47
oerheksfilezilla is the most common ftp client22:47
gebbionei have problems with it, it keeps attempting the use of ssh keys even if i specify to ask passwords, it fails with 6 keys and it aborts22:48
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VMGuy23Doesn't Nautilus have FTP support?22:48
PhaseI can't remember the last time I've needed to ftp/sftp something, but I'd probably just use the CLI program `sftp`22:49
oerheksattempting the use of ssh keys even if i specify to ask passwords .. restart the ssh service on the host?22:50
matsamangebbione: for sftp, I'd use sshfs, rsync, or scp22:56
matsamanfor plain stupid ftp, I'd use lftp22:56
gebbioneoerheks, not sure what benefit it would give. I just would like filezilla not to use keys unless explicitly mapped in the ssh config or configured in the client. I also dont see an ssh service22:56
oerheksno clue there..22:57
gebbionematsman i guess you just use cli, i was hoping for a ux22:58
ravagecli has the best ux for me22:59
Phasegebbione: I guess trying googling for other GUI clients?22:59
gebbionei tried others, some had even more problems of other kinds. thats why i was asking in ubuntu23:00
matsamangebbione: filezilla's not bad, historically23:01
gebbioneindeed, i have no problems with it in other OSs23:01
gebbionenot sure why it is forced to use the ssh keys on linux/ubuntu23:02
matsamanif you use sshfs, for which there should be GUIs, then you can use your GUI file manager also23:02
matsamangebbione: ssh keys?23:02
oerheksssh keys request are server side..23:03
gebbioneyes it goes to all the keys installed in ~/.ssh ... it tries to use them to login and it fails after 6 of them. I have lots of keys... cannot move them all the times just to use filezilla23:03
gebbionematsaman, this is what filezilla does ... https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/G366cBmZqm/23:09
oerheksmaybe your answer too23:12
gebbionenot the error i have, the auth fails in 6 attempts23:17
gebbionesee the logs23:17
gebbionebut ultimately filezilla does not give an option to change this23:17
gebbioneusing export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="" && filezilla works ... such an annoying thing though23:21
oerheksfile a bugreport?23:23
zph1nxIs there any way to set grub boot options like nomodeset in preseed or autoinstall?23:31
gebbionejust tried editing a desktop file, for the launchers. I am trying to customise the call to an executable but if i modify the Exec= line it wont appear in activities anymore23:42

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