
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
lordievaderGood morning06:33
IrcsomeBot<SanjuNandi> P46610:21
IrcsomeBot<SanjuNandi> IASN10:21
IrcsomeBot<SanjuNandi> LASN10:21
R13oseOn one of my computers, I have no wireless connection.  How do I fix this?12:00
IrcsomeBot<Halis> Need to install drivers12:10
IrcsomeBot<Halis> Sometimes only properiatry drivers are available (re @IrcsomeBot: <R13ose> On one of my computers, I have no wireless connection.  How do I fix this?)12:11
R13oseI thought I had the right drivers as this was working last night here12:14
BluesKajHi folks13:04
=== genii-core is now known as genii
IrcsomeBot<Ullashmishra> why wayland app is in app drawer  kubantu 20.04  i am using xorg and when i log out my user or log in again i am not geting option to switch compositor  this app is pre installd any one know why : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/7dc2b2e4/file_49012.jpg13:50
=== Andrew_ is now known as AndrewYu
R13oseMy issue is still on going14:09
R13oseI don't see any of the wifi connections.  I was able to connect to wifi last night but this morning, I didn't see any and I have reboot and still the same.14:25
R13oseI'm using 21.1014:26
keithzgFinding myself annoyed again at the date format in Dolphin. Shouldn't it be following what I have set in System Settings? It sure isn't...15:18
wolfwolfhello everyone18:47
wolfwolf i m new in this18:47
IrcsomeBot<serhioindahouse> Hello I m firstly found bug on my kubuntu laptop from version 18.  Now I updated to version 21.10 everything works great, except all sensors of temperature that I monitoring,are false and now showing only "0" How to fix this. I'm using simple monitor widget and with other temp widgets all are the same19:09
archetechaarch64 still on plasma 5.22.5   23.2 is out19:49
tomreynserhioindahouse: install    lm-sensors    and run    sudo sensors-detect --auto20:47
=== calwig_ is now known as calwig
=== CoJaBo_ is now known as CoJaBo
=== genii is now known as genii-core

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!