
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
dngray[m]1is it possible to add a repository in the archlinux cloud-init images?10:55
dngray[m]1or would i just overwrite /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist10:56
dngray[m]1oh this is unlikely to work on archlinux hmm12:17
dngray[m]1stages.py[INFO]: Skipping modules 'ca-certs' because they are not verified on distro 'arch'.  To run anyway, add them to 'unverified_modules' in config.12:47
dngray[m]1oh maybe that's the issue hmm12:47
skywalkerblackboxsw: it's hard to include the logs, cause there's company data i can't share12:53
dngray[m]1skywalker: can you censor them then12:53
skywalkeryou want logs from  packer dngray[m]1 ?12:54
skywalkerblackboxsw / dngray[m]1 12:54
skywalkerthere's no errors in the logs12:54
dngray[m]1personally i wouldn't be supplying logs i haven't thoroughly checked for sensitive information12:54
skywalkeryea, i will try to redact them12:55
dngray[m]1might give some idea what was going on12:55
dngray[m]1even if there's nothing expressly in there.12:55
skywalkerk. anyway, i will do as you guys asked12:55
dngray[m]1okay so forcing ca-certs to run does not work hah12:57
dngray[m]1worth a try i guess12:57
dngray[m]1guess i could cert somewhere and make it run trust anchor --store12:59
minimaldngray[m]1: the ca-certs module was originally written for debian/ubuntu and uses the "update-ca-certificates" script. When I added Alpine support to cloud-init I modified the cc_ca_certs.py nmodule so it is supported on Alpine as it aslo has the update-ca-certificates script. Do arch have this script? If so then you could submit a PR to enable it for Arch13:25
dngray[m]1in arch i think the recommended way is to just use "trust anchor --store certname"13:25
dngray[m]1it's included in the default image13:25
dngray[m]1minimal: will do13:26
dngray[m]1archlinux comes with p11-kit13:26
minimaldngray[m]1: my point is that if you look at the cc_ca_certs.py code you will see if only (currently) supports update CA info via update-ca-certificates13:26
dngray[m]1https://p11-glue.freedesktop.org/ seems to be some distribution independent method13:26
dngray[m]1minimal: yeah, fair enough, well then it should probably support p11-kit too then13:27
dngray[m]1because iirc update-ca-certificates is only on debian distributions13:27
minimaland on alpine, that was my point :-)13:27
minimalbut does p11-kit do what is required? update-ca-certificates is used to read all the various individual *.pem files in /etc/ssl/ to then create a single "bundle" PEM file containing them all concatenated13:32
dngray[m]1yes, p11-kit does, and it is included with archlinux13:32
dngray[m]1when you run "trust anchor --store certname.pem"13:32
dngray[m]1it does a few things13:32
minimalas some software (wget? curl?) only reads bundle files rather than individual PEM files13:32
dngray[m]1ill explain13:32
dngray[m]1it creates a symlink from /etc/ssl/certs/CERT_NAME_CA.pem to ../../ca-certificates/extracted/cadir/CERT_NAME.pem13:32
dngray[m]1that is read from the CN of the certificate13:32
dngray[m]1then it copies a file in /etc/ca-certificates/trust-source/CERT_NAME.p11-kit (which has some state information in it)13:32
dngray[m]1finally the actual PEM file goes in /etc/ca-certificates/extracted/cadir/CA_CERTNAME.pem13:32
dngray[m]1i think it's the method commonly used on archlinux/fedora/redhat distributions13:32
dngray[m]1in some ways archlinux is more like redhat13:32
minimalok, but that's still 1 file per CA? or just a single resultant bundle file containing all CAs?13:32
holmanbdngray: re: adding pacman repos - we don't have a pacman config module right now, but I assume that a PR would probably be welcome. 13:41
holmanbI'm currently making some updates to the apt module regarding key management stuff. If you are looking for ideas you could take a look at that PR13:42
dngray[m]1<holmanb> "dngray: re: adding pacman repos..." <- yeah, it would be nice13:55
dngray[m]1minimal: looks like it was some time ago https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/159969414:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1599694 in cloud-init "RFE:  make ca-certs work on Fedora" [Wishlist, Confirmed]14:29
minimaldngray[m]1: right, so its waiting for someone to submit a PR to add support for that :-)14:30
minimalthat's "add" rather than "replace" as debian, ubuntu, and alpine distros assume update-ca-certificates is the standard/only official way to manipulate their CA cert stores14:32
dngray[m]1yeah maybe lol.14:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1949093 in cloud-init "Pacman config module" [Undecided, New]14:50
dngray[m]1i'm new to cloud-init so can't say i'll be implementing it shortly..14:50
=== haise01 is now known as haise01_
flafHi @all. I'm trying to use cloud-init and network configuration via the syntax "networking config version 2". I have a simple example which doesn't seem to work => https://gist.github.com/flaf/c2402cdbae190a35809f786e8c5044a0 . Is it a bug or have I missed something? Thx for your help.17:49
minimalflaf: I generally use the old style network interface naming myself (i.e. eth0, eth1)17:54
minimalflaf: not the cloud-init docs you referenced says this about "match:" with globs (wildcards): "Note that currently only networkd supports globbing"17:56
flafminimal: I did that before. But now I keep the names of interfaces. And I like the "networking config version 2" syntax with the "match:" key. I would like to make it work.17:57
minimalI've only used match: with mac addresses for physical machines17:57
flafminimal: an example with "match:" here https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/datasources/vmware.html#walkthrough <= exactly the same I have tested.17:59
minimalso are you using networkd? as that part of the docs I quoted says wildcards for "name:" inside "match:" only works with networkd17:59
flafminimal: do you think my example is wrong?17:59
minimalare you using networkd?17:59
minimal "Note that currently only networkd supports globbing"18:00
minimalso "name: ens*" will only work with networkd18:00
minimalI assume this means systemd-networkd18:01
flafminimal: currently I just test in cmdline, so I thought that it was independent of the environment. Am I wrong?18:04
flafminimal: if I replace "name: ens*" by "name: ens192", I have exactly the same problem: the generated config set an interface "id0".18:06
minimalall I can say is to repeat that the docs say what you are trying to do only works with systemd-networkd18:06
minimalif you have debugging enabled then you can "grep -i render /var/log/cloud-init.log" to see which renderer is being used (i.e. 'eni', 'networkd', etc)18:07
minimalthe renderer is what converts a v1 or v2 network YAML config into the appropriate config for the machine (i.e. /etc/network/interfaces if 'eni' is the renderer)18:08
flafminimal: https://gist.github.com/flaf/c2402cdbae190a35809f786e8c5044a0#gistcomment-3943486 <= the test without globbing.18:09
flafminimal: ah ok. Interesting. I will try debugging in log.18:10
flafminimal: sorry, I got to go. I'll be back. thx for your help. Indeed, it's possible that I have misunderstood the doc... I will reread it...18:11
falcojrflaf: so your example will only work if you do "--output-kind networkd" rather than "--output-kind eni"18:47
falcojrthe doc minimal referencing is here: https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/network-config-format-v2.html#common-properties-for-physical-device-types18:48
flaffalcojr: I have tried with --output-kind networkd, but the result is not correct, no? https://gist.github.com/flaf/c2402cdbae190a35809f786e8c5044a0#gistcomment-3943584 . Or I have maybe understood something wrongly?19:17
minimalflaf: what is wrong, it appears to be working as expected based on the YAML you provided19:39
minimalif you do not the interface named 'id0' then change that in the YAML to what you want it to be called19:39
flafminimal: the doc says: "If there are match: rules, then the ID field [id0 in my case] is a purely opaque name which is only being used for references from definitions of compound devices in the config." Or maybe I have not understood the goal of "match:"?20:07
flafminimal: for me id0 is a pure internal ID and the goal is to set dhcp for all interfaces which match with the "match:" rule.20:09
minimalflaf: I use v2 file and rename VLAN interfaces by specifying the ID value to be the name of the resultant interface20:19
minimalI haven't however used wildcards as I'm working with 'eni' (/etc/network/interfaces) which does not support wildcards20:19
flafminimal: of course I can replace "id0" by "ens192" en remove the "match:" rule, it works. But I found the match: rule elegant because sometimes (ok it's rare) when VM are created, the name of the interface can change (ensX).20:20
minimalflaf: indeed but a "ens*" wildcard doesn't handle any potential reordering of interfaces, for that you'd need to specify "mac:" with the MAC address20:22
flafminimal: furthermore I though that cloud-init was independent on the backend (networkd, eni, sysconfig etc.) but on this point maybe I have missunderstood the doc I admit.20:22
minimalyes the network YAML is "independant" but something has to map that to the OS-specific settings and that is the renderer: 'eni', 'netplan', 'networkd', 'sysconfig' etc20:24
flafminimal: https://gist.github.com/flaf/c2402cdbae190a35809f786e8c5044a0#gistcomment-3943669 <= example with match: rule via macaddress and with renderer eni. I have the feeling the "match:" doesn't work well. Am I wrong?20:29
flafIn fact I never mana to make work match: in any case.20:31
minimalas well as "macaddress:" also specify "name: ens192" and try that20:59
minimalthat's what I use for physical machines21:00
flafminimal: ok, it works. In fact, id0 is always used but a udev rule rename the interface to id0 and it's id0 which used in the network configuration.21:30
flafminimal: anyway, thx for your help. Is there a way to have an explicit list of all files that cloud-init has changed during the boot?21:34
flafanother question: in fact the goal of "match:" rule is to match only one interface, correct?21:43
flafAnyway, I have the feeling that match: rule with name doesn't work even with renderer == "networkd" (with or without globbing).21:48
minimalflaf: try it and see if it works, I've never used networkd renderer21:50
minimalthe goal of match is to match one, or more, interfaces to apply settings - so if your machine had 4 ethernet interfaces for example you could use 2 different match rules to one ethernet to static IP and the rest to DHCP21:53
flafOK, I see.21:54

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