
lotuspsychjegood morning01:54
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=== lotuspsychje__ is now known as lotuspsychje
tomreynregarding creating a windows installer on ubuntu / linux - this may get funny with windows 11, where i assume the windows installer will want to boot with secure boot enabled, and then probably with 'the right' mok.10:02
tomreynall of the woeusb, woeusb-ng and ventoy as well as the manual approaches i've seen discussed on the web seem to rely on grub as a boot loader.10:03
TJ-the whole 'lets put ourselves inbetween firmware and installer' is so fragile10:07
TJ-I thought Windows ISOs nowadays 'just worked' to boot and install?10:07
tomreynwhich layer of firmware do you mean? ;)10:07
tomreyni haven't tried whether you can just dd / cp the iso to a usb10:08
TJ-the motherboard's10:08
tomreynthanks, and sorry, i should have tried harder to point out that this was not a seriuos question.10:09
TJ-"You can use this page to download a disc image (ISO file) that can be used to install or reinstall Windows 10. The image can also be used to create installation media using a USB flash drive or DVD."10:10
tomreyni sadly did need to install windows lately, and ended up creating the installer using a windows vm, and their installer making software their10:10
tomreynyes, yes, you can do so, if you know how to properly write the iso to the usb stick, and if the windows installer will be happy to boot that way10:11
TJ-well, assuming based on ren0v0 asking in #ubuntu, then 'dd' or 'cp' :)10:12
lotuspsychje_i used to make my win iso's with winusb/woeusb but i hear good things on that new ventoy tool10:12
TJ-but what does it do, or need to do, that makes it a choice if the ISO is a standard hybrid bootable image?10:14
TJ-I've just read the woeusb-ng and it doesn't tell me it does anything additional since it says "woeusb: A command-line utility that enables you to create your own bootable Windows installation USB storage device from an existing Windows Installation disc or disk image" - "from an existing installation disc or disk image"10:16
TJ-so what does it add?10:16
lotuspsychje_not sure myself, but tested other tools to burn win iso's they failed a lot10:16
TJ-I'd be interested to know in what way they fail10:17
lotuspsychje_dont know the exact errors they gave me, but they didnt boot like the usb's winusb made10:18
lotuspsychje_i got some usb's laying around if you wanna see their content10:19
tomreynall i know is that both woeusb and woeusb-ng failed for me when i was trying to create a windows 10 installer usb yesterday. woeusb-ng failed to install on my 18.04 lts due to a non-resolvable python dependency (IIRC), and woeusb failed to properly copy the files to the usb (i suspect it created a fat32, not ntfs file system, which would not fit all data).10:19
lotuspsychje_tomreyn: did you try the snap woe-usb or manual download?10:20
tomreynmanual installation10:21
tomreynor actually non-installation, it's just a bash script10:21
TJ-I suspect it is because they insert themselves between the firmware and Windows at boot-time, or do you mean they fail to even write the image correctly?10:21
tomreynfail to write the image correctly10:22
lotuspsychje_tomreyn: this is what i passed to a user last week trying to get woe-usb properly work; https://www.linuxuprising.com/2020/10/how-to-make-bootable-windows-10-usb-on.html10:22
TJ-a lot of those tools seem to be instigated by a lack of knowledge of how the boot process works10:22
lotuspsychje_from what i understand, that woe-usb gui doesnt work and only cli way working10:23
tomreynthanks lotuspsychje_ - i did indeed not specify --target-fileesystem ntfs10:23
tomreyni had not tested the gui10:23
lotuspsychje_there was a working woeusb snap before, then it vanished, now the new one gives issues10:24
lotuspsychje_woe-usb  v3.3.0   ernytech   -      WoeUSB is a tool to create Windows USB stick10:25
tomreyn3.3.0? this seems to be old.10:26
lotuspsychje_thats the only thing we still have for ubuntu :p10:27
tomreyni'll see whether just cp works10:28
lotuspsychje_allright good luck tomreyn 10:28
tomreynthanks. i solved it yesterday for my needs, though10:29
tomreynjust "cp" won't work10:48
tomreynthe iso is either not bootable at all then or it boots but then the installer fails to find relevant drivers, so the installation cannot continue10:49
tomreynthose different results were on different hp laptop models10:49
daftykinspuzzled, you surely know that you don't need a utility at all... just format FAT32 and then extract the Windows ISO contents onto it - when EFI boot is planned11:26
tomreynyou know this works?11:27
daftykinsof course11:27
daftykinsyou typically can't dd Windows ISOs11:28
tomreynfat32 should be too small though, isn't it?11:29
daftykinsmy English UK images are 1 GB leaner than the US ones, the largest file is under 4 GB so works out fine11:30
tomreynthe us english i have contains a 3.6 GB file /sources/install.esd but that's the largest, too11:40
tomreynthis one is mbr partitioned (only), created by 'media creation tool'11:41
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=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
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TJ-in case it is of any use, I've just written a new tool 'df-unmounted' to report file-system usage identically to 'df' - anyone find it may be useful tell me what file-systems you'd need to support21:14
sarnoldooh, what's it do? does it mount and then unmount again? or does it use libmount to do the 'mounting' outside of the main kernel?21:16
TJ-no, it doesn't mount21:18
tomreynwhat does it do, though? if it does the same as df, then what's the purpose of the tool?21:21
tomreynor does it report unallocated space on unmounted file systems without mounting those file systems?21:21
tomreyn(just guessing, based on the name)21:21
sarnoldTJ-: oh my. does that mean you've implemented enough filesystem driver in userspace to figure this out?? :)21:23
TJ-no, it doesn't mount21:29
tomreynfor ext*, i guess you could use dump2fs to determine this, but i guess you did it differently, and not just for one file system?21:30
TJ-it does it for /unmounted/ file-systems without needing to mount, just simple, but identical output to df21:37
TJ-sorry, long way from AP right now and keep losing connection21:37
tomreynthat sounds like it should go into debian for sure21:41
tomreynpersonally, in this utility, i'd like to see ext 2-4, exfat, less so fat32, xfs, maybe ntfs, btrfs and zfs support21:45
TJ-I'll take a look at those others; I only use ext4 and btrfs currently22:41
TJ-and don't use anything not in mainline kernel22:42
tomreynredhat is meaning to make xfs into a properly licensed zfs from what i read.22:52
VMGuy23tomreyn: i got fix-your-connectioned can you let me back into the other channels please23:06
tomreynVMGuy23: please join #ubuntu-ops and discuss which channels those are23:06

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