
=== andrewbogott is now known as Guest5510
=== Guest5510 is now known as andrewbogott
blackboxswfalcojr: you mentioned trying to validate rpms built on centos or other rpm-based distros this morning. Have you tried using ./tools/run-container centos/8 -p or ./tools/run-container rocky/815:49
falcojrblackboxsw: yes, I created a rocklylinux/8 one using run-container16:00
gschanuelhello there! I'm really new to using cloud-init. I'm doing some tests with vsphere but I have limited permissions. For example, I cannot use OVA and OVF yet. 20:54
gschanuelSo, i'm booting an Ubuntu Server 21.04 iso and added guestinfo.userdata with a base64 gziped cloud-config yaml. I get a message `waiting for cloud-init...` and after a while the ubuntu install menu is shown20:54
gschanuelIf I understood correctly, the ova sets exactly the install settings (something like an autoformat iso)... 20:57
gschanuelso I guess I could install the iso and manually set the cloud-init configs to search for the guestinfo.userdata afterwards, revert the `manual_cache_clean` and convert this new vm to a template. Is that assumption correct?20:57
gschanuelI basically followed this guide (but with ubuntu 21.04) https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cloud-adoption-framework/manage/hybrid/server/best-practices/vmware-ubuntu-template but before shutting down I ran `cloud-init clean && cloud-init clean -l` and before converting to a template I ran `govc -e guestinfo.userdata="${USERDATA}"` with USERDATA23:16
gschanuelbeing `export USERDATA=$(gzip -c9 <userdata.yaml | { base64 -w0 2>/dev/null || base64; })`23:16
gschanuelwhat may I be missing here?23:16
gschanueluserdata.yaml is this https://gist.github.com/d245643b4c268e05b7f5479537ed91f623:20

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