
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== genii is now known as genii-core
=== Hash is now known as OpenSores
=== OpenSores is now known as OpenSource
=== OpenSource is now known as Hash
=== david_ is now known as dorkstar
BluesKaj'Morning all12:12
IrcsomeBot<Halis> Good morning BluesKaj13:28
BluesKaj@Halis. 'morning13:37
=== genii-core is now known as genii
user|89I installed kubuntu 20.04 with the option to require login password after suspending.16:33
user|89I want to change this setting to NOT require login password after suspending.16:33
user|89I can't find anything to do this in the system settings application.16:33
user|89Please advise how to make the setting change.  Thank you.16:33
Dragnslcruser|89- try checking Workspace Behavior -> Screen Locking17:00
=== Iamthehuman12_ is now known as Iamthehuman12
RoeyI made an ISO usb stick with the Kubuntu tool17:14
Roeytried to boot off of it17:14
Roey"No OS found"17:14
Roeyis what I get from BIOS.17:14
Roeythis is a dell laptop; it is set to boot from usb irst17:15
Roey*usb first17:15
user|89the screen locking setting did the trick.  Thanks!17:15
=== anders is now known as _AL_
Roeyanyone here know how to solve this? I want to verify that this USB drive is bootable17:39
RoeyI thought the usb iso insallation tool had finished17:40
Roeyit said it had17:40
Roey(This is the Kubuntu usb-creator tool)17:40
=== E_Eickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer
IrcsomeBot<Tshering1980> Ubuntu as well as Kubuntu ISO's are iso-hybrid images. So you can use the terminal command : sudo cp debian.iso /dev/sdX && sync " for making the bootable usb - source https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/ch04s03.en.html18:28
IrcsomeBot<Tshering1980> Of course the ISO downloaded should be checksum matched and the pendrive should be formatted previously as FAT3218:34
alkisgWhen dd'ing to /dev/sdX, the target format is completely overwritten. It doesn't need to be preformatted; it's erased anyway...18:48
Roeyok. but hte checksum reminder stands18:54
=== genii is now known as genii-core
=== anto is now known as anto_

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