[02:19] winter time. listens to wind and rain outside. perfect timing [12:28] * penguin42 yaaawwwwwwwnnnns [13:28] * zxmpi goes seeking porridge [14:15] Windows used to handily tell you that daylight savings had applied, no clues these days [14:16] i will have to use the manual clock on my oven as a reference point to know anything has changed xD [14:32] my dumb nokia is my oven clock. it has a set time automatically but only works if data is turned on [14:33] i just tell my psion summer time is over and it sorts everything out [14:34] yay oven said 3:27 so now i know where i stand! [14:35] time to reset oven by https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ [14:35] oh yeah easy peasy [14:35] daylight savings needs to go [14:36] if it's too dark, just use night vision goggles [14:36] now at aldi 89.99 [14:39] available in the produce section, because farmers [14:43] oops, had to set wrist watch