
RAOFrafaeldtinoco: Both uploads, I assume?00:02
rafaeldtinocoRAOF: yes please00:03
rafaeldtinocoRAOF: tks a lot00:03
=== Montresor is now known as Unit193
=== IchabodCrane is now known as WrathOfAchilles
toabctlbdmurray, hey. I see commits in https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-on-ec2/vmbuilder/jenkins_kvm from 202o from you. is that project used by you somehow? I'm asking because the CPC team would like to move the project to git08:54
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bdmurraytoabctl: No, I just fixed a typo14:37
toabctlbdmurray, ok. thanks15:03
jawn-smithIs someone else covering sil2100's SRU shift today?15:15
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
bdmurrayjawn-smith: I can push some buttons15:41
jawn-smithbdmurray: in this case you pushed the button to upload to the queue, so someone else needs to approve it right?15:43
jawn-smithLP: #192335215:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1923352 in speedtest-cli (Ubuntu Bionic) "speedtest-cli crashed with ValueError in get_config(): invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''" [Undecided, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192335215:43
bdmurrayjawn-smith: ah, that's true15:45
jawn-smithbdmurray: thanks though!15:46
jawn-smithTrying to get more SRU experience. Is any core or SRU dev available to take a look at LP: #1913656 ?15:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1913656 in ghostscript (Ubuntu Focal) "Fix for Ghostscript 9.50 upstream bug needs to be back-ported" [Medium, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191365615:50
jawn-smithtill-kamppeter has stated that the SRU template and patch look good.15:51
jawn-smith(preferably someone who isn't on the foundations team, due to the feedback I received in my first core-dev application)15:55
jawn-smithThere's also LP: #1938442. It has verbal approval from till and we have submitted a patch upstream. The SRU's could use some review though16:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1938442 in hplip (Ubuntu Jammy) "Wrong permissions on ~/.hplip/.gnupg" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193844216:46
jawn-smithIn order for livecd-rootfs to migrate it will need to be tested against the new ubuntu-image in -proposed. This has already been done and passed on amd64 and s390x16:57
jawn-smithIs any core dev available to start this test on arm64 as well? https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=jammy&arch=arm64&package=ubuntu-image&trigger=livecd-rootfs/2.743&trigger=ubuntu-image/2.0%2B22.04ubuntu316:57
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bdmurrayI started that test18:05
jawn-smithbdmurray: thanks!18:05
ubottuddstreet, rafaeldtinoco, rbasak, sil2100, slashd, teward, tsimonq2: DMB ping19:10
=== jpeisach is now known as ItzSwirlz
ItzSwirlzFYI GNOME/related devs using meson in Debian: Debian Bugs #99812421:41
ubottuDebian bug 998124 in meson "meson: gnome module missing install_dir fix for c_template" [Serious, Open] https://bugs.debian.org/99812421:41
ItzSwirlzregression of meson 0.60 ^21:41
=== genii is now known as genii-core

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