[02:49] good morning [07:19] Heya [07:52] good morning === IchabodCrane is now known as WrathOfAchilles [13:22] Going to submit my kernel firmware patch for v5.16 to support the reduced initrd.img work I've been doing. Here's an overview using initramfs-tools with MODULES=most down to MODULES=dep with my PRUNE and FIRMWARE_LOADED on and off https://paste.debian.net/1217585/ [13:23] the patch affects the F=0 F=1 versions - quite a difference === Awoobis is now known as A_Dragon [14:09] TJ-: cool, let us know the bug ID when you do [14:10] next is to get my patches into initramfs-tools in Debian upstream === not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy === aggelos is now known as aggserp4 [18:45] Hi, sons windows computer takes about 6 mins to boot up then 10 mins to get to the desktop he doesn’t want to use it anymore I told him about Linux he said he will try it. Installed Ubuntu the kde which installed kubuntu. Kubuntu seems kinda slow to me. Should I go back to gnome and use gnome and install gnome tweaks to get everything kinda situated? [18:46] what's the specs of the machine? it could be that a fast OS is just not in the cards for this computer [18:47] jcbjoe2021: did you try making sure you have the proper video drivers installed? [18:47] strikes me as having the potential for a faulty HDD, query the SMART table for its' health status [18:53] leftyfb: I just used the default whatever Ubuntu gave me. Is that wrong? [18:54] jcbjoe2021: open software and updates and go to drivers [18:54] Ok leftyfb when I get home [18:55] jcbjoe2021: ok, please only ask for help when you have access to the machine for troubleshooting [19:04] jcbjoe2021: I find kde faster than gnome here [19:04] but there are much smaller / faster desktop environments for ubuntu [19:05] like lubuntu or xubuntu https://ubuntu.com/download/flavours (haven't tried either myself) [19:06] 1) system specs 2) hardware health [19:07] Ok thanks leftyfb [19:08] by default, ubuntu nowadays uses some gnome thing I think [20:24] UWN: Issue707 on the streets: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue707 :D [20:24] woot