
=== IchabodCrane is now known as WrathOfAchilles
xnoxfling:  there is linux-oem 5.1414:05
xnoxfling:  dpaste expired?14:06
flingxnox: what is linux-oem?15:01
flingI found the working patch elsewhere15:01
flingthe one for 5.14.something but it works for 5.14.1415:01
xnoxfling:  one of the dozen of kernel flavours we maintain15:21
xnoxfor which there is focal repo, and v5.14 based kernel.15:22
flingxnox: focal is at 5.14.3 right?15:24
flingthe patch is not building, erroring out15:25
juerghfling, which focal kernel?15:26
flingjuergh: the 5.14.3 one15:29
juerghfling, that doesn't tell me what it is. what's the source name? linux-oem-5.14? where did you pull the source from?15:35
juerghfling, focal linux-oem-5.14 is 5.14.14. https://git.launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux-oem/+git/focal15:43
flingidk what linux-oem-5.14 is15:43
flingok, maybe I will try linux-oem later15:44
flingjuergh: thanks :>15:44
flingidk how I missed it15:44
juerghit's an oem kernel so don't expect much support...15:45
xnoxfling:  it's 5.14.0 + lots of ubuntu patches + lots of vendor specific / hw specific patches that may break stock systems + stable updates to 5.14.14 => but overall it should have shiftfs stuff extractable / ported to something that looks like v5.14.1416:06
xnoxmeaning if something is not working with shiftfs it is either fixed in that tree, or we have a regression which we would gladly take a bug report about16:07
TJ-is there still need for shiftfs now idmap is integrated since v5.12 ?16:22
flingTJ-: still needed until lxd implements the support16:27
flingxnox: ok :>16:28
xnoxTJ-:  i think one needs both to use all the things lxd wants to do16:32
xnoxi.e. nested container bind mount points16:32

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