
=== IchabodCrane is now known as WrathOfAchilles
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
=== genii-core is now known as genii
rbasakSorry I've been here a while, but was writing an email that took longer than expected!19:10
rbasakIs anyone else around?19:10
tewardwas on a call with local USAO19:26
rbasakNo applications today and only two of us, so shall we skip?19:27
tewardno objections19:27
tewardit lets me go back to my coffee :P19:27
easter_eggrbasak: Can I reapply? Ahaha22:16
easter_eggteward, rbasak: I'm gonna get prepared for the next one22:18
* sarnold found the easter_egg!!22:19
easter_eggyes, you did, I'm back after 238109823 years22:19
sarnoldwb :)22:20
easter_eggsarnold: Which initiates are you up to these days?22:22
easter_eggyou used to be from security team, right? Are you still part of it?22:25
sarnoldeaster_egg: yeah, still there :)22:29
easter_eggAre you recruiting contributors or sidekicks?22:31
* easter_egg shows his business card22:31
sarnoldeaster_egg: hah, absolutely :) there's *loads* of openings https://canonical.com/careers22:34
easter_eggsarnold: And about community contributors?22:34
sarnoldeaster_egg: aha, yeah, that can work too :) universe is community maintained, it could be there's something you use that needs an update that could be sponsored22:38
=== genii is now known as genii-core

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