
=== Montresor is now known as Unit193
=== IchabodCrane is now known as WrathOfAchilles
c_89Hi, I have installed a custom font MYFONT.TTF but I not found it in `xfce-termianl` when  i setting font preference10:34
gnrpc_89: How did oyu install it?10:51
c_89gnrp with Gucharmap10:55
c_89gnrp setting custom font in xfce4-appearance-settings works, but in xfce-terminal i not found it10:57
iVoidhi everyone!12:57
iVoidUploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/f9154e06c1ae19bd3a8a0528cedb68f6/Screenshot_2021-10-31_21-56-21.png12:57
iVoidI get inconsistent theming when changing the appearance through the "Appearance" menu (look at the different icons for closing the window), does anyone know what could be causing this?12:58
iVoidthanks in advance12:58
=== gimzmoe_ is now known as gimzmoe
KBariVoid try setting themes under Settings Manager > Window Manager13:22
KBarand see if it helps13:22
KBariVoid inconsistency comes from the fact that some themes dont have the theming for xfwm4 specifically13:23
KBaralso, when you change themes, its best to relogin13:24
iVoidKBar thank you, that helped. Though it seems that to get consistent theming I need to change the theme in both places, even the theme exists in both. Also when I install a new theme from https://www.gnome-look.org it only seems to appear on the Window Manager, not on Appearance, which makes it incomplete as it doesn't apply to all windows... do you14:04
iVoidhappen to know how I can make a new installed theme apply everywhere?14:04
KBariVoid themes on gnome-look are meant for GNOME Shell. maybe try xfce-look.org15:32
KBariVoid Generally, gtk 3/4 themes should work15:36
KBarthey will appear under the Appearance tab15:36
KBarand yes, make sure to select the same theme in both Appearance and Window Manager15:39
KBarfor consistency15:39
KBaralso make sure to check this wiki16:25
=== genii-core is now known as genii
xu-help72wHi, I set up a couple new users on a single machine, gave them passwords, yet when they try to log on (even after reboot of the machine),  the login quickly goes through a black screen but then back to login for password - no error message.  21:58
xu-help72wis there another step I need to do?21:59
gnrpxu-help72w: How did you create the new users? Do they have home directories?22:10
xu-help72wi used 'usedadd' then passwd22:16
xu-help72wuseradd - typo22:16
xu-help72wthanks for the pointer, they do not have their own directories - ls on home does not show them.22:19
xu-help72wgot it, I will generate them with mkhomedir_helper 22:20
gnrpxu-help72w: Next time try adduser rather than useradd22:28
gnrpthis is a wrapper around useradd which does e.g. stuff like that22:28
=== genii is now known as genii-core
xu-help72wthanks, will do23:33

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