
=== genii-core is now known as genii
lubot[telegram] <teward001> you're also missing 100% of the standard SRU policy for Ubuntu - open a Launchpad bug requesting the SRU with the template, get approval from the Ubuntu Release Team, etc.17:04
lubot[telegram] <teward001> SRU is *not* Lubuntu Only17:04
lubot[telegram] <Halis> What are you refering to? Was there a deleted message? 😅 (re @teward001: you're also missing 100% of the standard SRU policy for Ubuntu - open a Launchpad bug requesting the SRU with the template, get approval from the Ubuntu Release Team, etc.)17:57
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> No, I gave him a ping about something yesterday. (re @Halis: What are you refering to? Was there a deleted message? 😅)18:02
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Should the existing bug get converted to a SRU or should a new bug get created? (re @teward001: you're also missing 100% of the standard SRU policy for Ubuntu - open a Launchpad bug requesting the SRU with the template, get approval from the Ubuntu Release Team, etc.)18:03
lubot[telegram] <teward001> i don't see the preexisting bug?18:57
lubot[telegram] <teward001> is there an LP bug?18:57
lubot[telegram] <teward001> there it is18:57
lubot[telegram] <aptghetto> There is an existing launchpad bug report with the template described in the SRU wiki. I have also added the debdiffs.18:58
lubot[telegram] <aptghetto> Once the packages are in proposed, I will add the lp tags (re @teward001: you're also missing 100% of the standard SRU policy for Ubuntu - open a Launchpad bug requesting the SRU with the template, get approval from the Ubuntu Release Team, etc.)18:58
lubot[telegram] <teward001> so you're simply asking for a sponsor18:58
lubot[telegram] <teward001> not many of those on the Lubuntu group right now :P18:58
lubot[telegram] <teward001> i can do it but i'm in the middle of some work stuff at FT job18:58
lubot[telegram] <teward001> question: why was sponsors NOT subscribed here?18:59
lubot[telegram] <teward001> (part of the SRU process)18:59
lubot[telegram] <teward001> 'cause without being in sponsors NOBODY is going to pick it up unless they have upload rights and specifically are informed about it like here19:00
lubot[telegram] <teward001> (it won't show up in the sponsoring report)19:00
lubot[telegram] <aptghetto> Because the sponsoring is/was done Lubuntu internally via phab.19:03
lubot[telegram] <teward001> gonna be honest, I think that's a bit of a broken process, because i think only really Walter and Simon truly understood how that works19:13
lubot[telegram] <teward001> @kc2bez I think this falls in your purview?19:13
lubot[telegram] <teward001> since you have to do changes, etc. on the phab side19:13
lubot[telegram] <teward001> and there's dev work there that I just don't touch regarding merging into specific branches and such19:13
lubot[telegram] <teward001> but with Phab starting to go the way of the dodo 'soon' we need a new process.19:14
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> I can handle the phab stuff. I was just hoping you could look over the other stuff to make sure it was on track.19:17
lubot[telegram] <teward001> ok i'll have to review the diffs then19:18
lubot[telegram] <teward001> FT job is keeping me headache levels busy atm19:18
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> I appreciate your help.19:18
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> When you get a chance of course.19:18
lubot[telegram] <aptghetto> No need to hurry and thanks in advance19:20
lubot[telegram] <teward001> @aptghetto revisions required19:23
lubot[telegram] <teward001> we don't alter the package standards version when we're SRUing19:23
lubot[telegram] <teward001> the rest looked ok though19:24
lubot[telegram] <aptghetto> Thanks, will do it tomorrow19:25
=== genii is now known as genii-core

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