
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:32
dufluHi oSoMoN 06:39
oSoMoNhey duflu 06:39
jibelGood morning all07:16
oSoMoNsalut jibel 07:28
dufluHi jibel 07:30
jibelHi duflu 07:41
seb128goood morning desktopers07:42
dufluHi seb128 07:51
dufluça va?07:52
seb128duflu, salut ! ca va oui :-) et toi ?07:53
dufluça va07:53
dufluActually I feel good and can't explain it. No medication involved07:54
didrocksgood morning07:58
seb128lut didrocks, en forme ?07:58
didrockssalut seb128, ça va, et toi ?07:58
seb128jibel, salut, t'as passé un bon long weekend ?07:58
dufluMorning didrocks 08:00
seb128didrocks, ça va, juste que S. a un bon rhume avec fièvre ce qui fait jamais plaisir et pas de crèche...08:01
didrockshey duflu 08:01
didrocksouais, pareil ici, ils sont tous malades sauf moi08:01
jibelSalut seb128, parfait et toi?08:01
jibelsalut didrocks 08:01
didrockssalut jibel 08:01
seb128didrocks, bon courage !08:02
didrocksmerci :)08:02
seb128jibel, le weekend a été bon merci :-) 08:02
jpnurmigood morning08:03
dufluMorning jpnurmi 08:03
jpnurmihey duflu08:05
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seb128hey jpnurmi, how are you?08:10
jpnurmihey seb128, i'm good, thanks! you?08:12
seb128jpnurmi, I'm alright thanks!08:14
didrockshey jpnurmi 08:50
jpnurmihey didrocks08:53
=== doko_ is now known as doko
ricotzhello desktopers! :)10:23
oSoMoNhey ricotz 10:23
dufluHi ricotz 10:24
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
didrocksseb128: pipewire now recommends wireplumber. Mind evaluating and if a MIR is needed, filing it?15:33
seb128didrocks, ack, I've added a card to the backlog for it and assigned myself15:53
didrocksdo you think this will be done before our next MIR meeting?15:54
KGB-0gnome-flashback upstream/latest b7bfb1b Dmitry Shachnev * pushed 49 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3eazz16:49
KGB-0gnome-flashback upstream/latest 8ec751a Alberts Muktupāvels backends/ gf-monitor-config-manager-private.h gf-monitor-config-manager.c gf-monitor-manager.c * monitor-manager: apply built-in monitor orientation to previous configurations * https://deb.li/3kqDR16:49
KGB-0gnome-flashback upstream/latest d702ca1 Alberts Muktupāvels backends/gf-monitor-config-manager.c * monitor-config-manager: ignore orientation if it is not managed * https://deb.li/iW6sv16:50
KGB-0gnome-flashback upstream/latest 4663fe7 Alberts Muktupāvels backends/ gf-monitor-config-manager.c gf-monitor-manager.c gf-monitors-config-private.h gf-monitors-config.c * monitor-manager: add config relationships and use it for orientation events * https://deb.li/pann16:50
KGB-0gnome-flashback upstream/latest b5b31b5 Alberts Muktupāvels backends/gf-monitor-config-manager.c * monitor-config-manager: rename builtin monitor lookup utility function * https://deb.li/3jjf716:50
KGB-0gnome-flashback upstream/latest c80d28c Alberts Muktupāvels backends/gf-monitor-config-manager.c * monitor-config-manager: find builtin configuration even when inactive * https://deb.li/YgtU16:50
KGB-0gnome-flashback tags e1690be Dmitry Shachnev upstream/3.42.0 * Upstream version 3.42.0 * https://deb.li/3BEBF16:50
KGB-2gnome-flashback pristine-tar 50e3318 Dmitry Shachnev gnome-flashback_3.42.0.orig.tar.xz.delta gnome-flashback_3.42.0.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for gnome-flashback_3.42.0.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/3JeHV17:18
ricotzseb128, hi, would you like to take a look at vala 0.54.3-1?18:18
ricotzseb128, regarding poppler, the ppc64el autopkgtests for libreoffice are still not finished, and there will be a 7.2.3~rc1 this week, so a no-change rebuild is not needed18:21
seb128ricotz, ack, hopefully the current rc builds fine with it19:28

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