=== mhcerri4 is now known as mhcerri === cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer [19:34] Hrrm... On Thinkpad E520 (2nd gen core) system, we are noticing in current Ubuntu LTS Kernel 5.4 -- Hotplug of the eSATA hard disk isn't working, but I'm fairly sure it did work, on older systems (maybe pre-k 5.4) [19:34] reboot and disk appears, etc... [19:34] indeed it can be connected by USB2.0 but anyhow! [19:35] I wondering if this sort of thing not surprising. [19:35] I've similarly noticed some with core-2-duo systems (e.g. Inspiron 6400) can no longer detected External VGA monitor resolution, which used to work. [19:35] I guess older hardware less-tested rarer etc