
=== markthomas1 is now known as markthomas
lordievaderGood morning09:02
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
=== genii-core is now known as genii
smoserFatal_Sushi: fwiw, git ubuntu is https://ubuntu.com/blog/developing-ubuntu-using-git . a lot of that is probably outdated, but the wonderful thing is that you can get ubuntu source code for a package by:15:04
smoser git clone https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hello15:05
smoser(that obviously for package 'hello').  then it is wonderfully complete. has applied and unapplied branches of all current and historical ubuntu releases.15:06
wrsuserSince the mini.iso/legacy-server/alternate-install ISO's are all now either a) considered legacy or b) discontinued (and none of which will even exist in later versions of Ubuntu)...17:20
wrsuseris jigdo still an option? :D17:21
wrsuserhmm it seems to be for only ISO's that contain source debs17:25
wrsuserand legacy-server... well we know the fate of that 17:25

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