
seb128hey there. could someone tell me if I'm getting confused or if that is a new issue?10:32
seb128I got an email about my ~bluetooth team membership being about to expire10:33
seb128yestday I clicked on the url included, and validated on the webpage, which from past memory I think was enough to renew, but today I'm getting another email10:33
seb128checking the email states10:33
seb128To stay a member of this team you should extend your membership at10:34
seb128the page when opened as the expiration date to next wednesday10:34
seb128I tend to not keep old emails like that but I found one I had forgotten to delete and it pointed to <https://launchpad.net/~seb128/+expiringmembership/<teamname>10:36
seb128ah, trying to open that page it tells me that the team doesn't allow its member to renew, so might be why10:38
seb128it's a bit confusing because I'm admin of that team and I've permission to renew10:39
seb128unping I guess I figured it out myself while write the details, I also changed the team now to allow members to renew10:43
rbasakcjwatson: not urgent: may I have your thoughts on https://bugs.launchpad.net/usd-importer/+bug/1949682 please? Is there any chance Launchpad could grow the feature to make the repository reviewer any person who can upload the package? Of course that's per-series whereas the repository isn't, so that's an impedence mismatch that might need to be glossed over.11:33
cjwatsonrbasak: Seems technically viable (though I'm not sure how long it would take, where it would slot in, etc.).  I've commented on the bug with details11:38
rbasakShould I add a Launchpad task for this?11:42
cjwatsonYes please11:43

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